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COURSE NAME: "Intermediate French I"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Spring Semester 2012

EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: TTH 17:30-18:45
PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: Placement or FR 102 (As of Fall 2022: Placement or FR 102 with a grade of C or above)
OFFICE HOURS: T/TH 16:00-17:30

A continuation of FR 102. This course focuses on consolidating the student's ability to use French effectively, emphasis is given to grammar and vocabulary expansion, and to the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
The course is designed to study in-depth the following grammar points: verb tenses in the indicative and subjunctive moods, sequence of tenses, relative pronouns, and the use of prepositions and conjunctions. It concentrates on consolidating specific communicative tasks, including stating opinions and constructing hypotheses, in both speaking and writing. Specialized vocabulary is expanded and appropriate variables in register are introduced in expository writing and conversation.

 Upon completing this course, students will possess the ability to:

*Understand written and spoken French at the intermediate level

*Participate in complex conversations on a variety of topics, using present, past, future,

conditional and subjunctive

*Ask for and obtain information in a variety of settings

*Express opinions, feelings, needs, approval and disapproval

*Comprehend the general meaning and details of intermediate level texts

*Produce brief texts on a variety of topics, using present, past, future, conditional, imperative and subjunctive
Book TitleAuthorPublisherISBN numberLibrary Call NumberCommentsFormatLocal BookstoreOnline Purchase
Sur le vif, 5th EditionHannelore JarauschUniversity of North Carolina10: 0495797855     

Quizzes and Compositions 25%
Midterm exam 20%
Final exam 25%
Oral proficiency 10%
Class Participation and homework 20%


Grading Criteria


A = 94-100           B = 83-86          C = 70-74


A- = 90-93           B- = 80-82         D = 60-69


B+ = 87-89         C+ = 75-79         F = 0-59


A/A- = Excellent command of the language consistent with the level of proficiency. Appropriate command of sentence structure, lexis, register and idiom.


B+ = Very good command of the language consistent with the level of proficiency, showing facility and very few errors. Ability to handle sentence structure naturally, and to demonstrate some awareness of stylistic variation.


B = Good command of the language, consistent with the level of proficiency. Competent manipulation of sentence structure, with some evidence of development and complexity; small occurrence of grammatical errors. Work will be broadly coherent and comprehensible, good manipulation of sentence structure; grammatical and other errors will not impede comprehension.


B- = Satisfactory command of the language, consistent with the level of proficiency. Work will not be coherent but comprehensible; sentence structure will be simple; medium frequency of grammatical and other errors


C+ = Evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of effective communication, consistent with the level of proficiency. Work will be comprehensible; sentence structure will be very simple and grammatical and other errors will be frequent but not as serious to impede comprehension.


C = Some evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of effective communication, consistent with the level of proficiency. Some awareness of sentence structure and high frequency of grammatical and other errors.


D = Little evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of making oneself understood. Little awareness of sentence structure and numerous grammatical and other errors.


F = No evidence of the ability to control the language; failure to make oneself understood. 


Students are expected to come prepared to class and participate in all activities. Active participation is crucial, since the learning process requires considerable practice. Regular attendance is an essential component of class participation. Students are allowed three  unjustified absences. The final grade will be lowered by 2 points for each additional absence.


Make sure your travel plans do not interfere with the class schedule.
As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.





(subject to change at the professor's discretion)


Week 1  (17, 19 janvier)

Présentations et vérification des acquis, révisions, mise au point.

Les études: lieux, gens, activités.


Week 2  (24, 26 janvier)

Présent de l'indicatif, infinitif, impératif.

Nathalie Sarraute: Enfance.

L'étudiant: "J'ai étudié un an à Vancouver".


Week 3  (31 janvier, 2 février)

Les jeunes: le corps, les vêtements, le caractère, les passe-temps.

Les degrés de l'adjectif (comparatif et superlatif). C'est / il.

Lecture et discussion d'articles de magazines.


Week 4  (7, 9 février)

Feb 7 QUIZ 1 (contenu des chapitres 1 et 2).

Les immigrés. Extraits de témoignages et de romans.

Le passé composé, l'imparfait, le plus-que-parfait, l'infinitif passé.

Lecture et discussion.


Week 5  (14, 16 février)

En route! Les déterminants et les pronoms, l'ordre syntaxique de y, en.

Du vélo au Vélib: textes et discussion.

Révisions et entraînement à l'expression orale, écrite.

Week 6  (21, 23 février)

Feb 21 QUIZ 2 (contenu des chapitres 3 et 4).

Les voyages. Prépositions et compléments de lieu. Futur et conditionnel.


Week 7  (28 février, 1 mars)

Passé simple et passé antérieur. Lectures et discussions (extraits de romans et récits).



Week 8  (6, 8 mars)

March 6 MIDTERM (contenu du chapitre 5 et vérification des acquis antérieurs)

Ciné et télé. La négation.

 Week 9  (13, 15 mars)

Entraînement à l'expression écrite et orale à partir de textes de Robida et de Camus.

Les pronoms relatifs.


Week 10  (27, 29 mars)

Traditions. Les personnages, les contes.

Le subjonctif: formation et usage.

Fable de La Fontaine. Conte corse.


Week 11  (3, 5 avril)

April 3 QUIZ 3 (contenu des chapitres 6 et 7).

En famille. Les adverbes, la comparaison.


Week 12  (10, 12 avril)

De Simone de Beauvoir à Marie-Claire: lectures et discussions.

Les pronoms démonstratifs.


Week 13  (17, 19 avril)

Sans frontières. Ecologie et relations internationales.

L'hypothèse, l'argumentation.

Week 14  (24, 26 avril)

Sans frontières. La médecine.

Rappels et révisions.

Apr 28 - May 4 Final Examinations (contenu des chapitres 6 à 9 et vérification des acquis antérieurs).