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COURSE NAME: "Intermediate Italian I"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Spring Semester 2012

INSTRUCTOR: Mauceri Trimnell Anna
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: MW 10:00-11:45
PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: Placement, IT 102, or IT 103 (As of Fall 2022: Placement or IT 102 with a grade of C or above)
OFFICE HOURS: by appointment

This course focuses on consolidating the student’s ability to use Italian effectively. Emphasis is given to grammar review and vocabulary expansion.

Italian 201, which is conducted solely in Italian, is designed to review and study in-depth the following grammar points:

pronomi personali diretti, indiretti e combinati, pronomi e aggettivi possessivi, aggettivi comparativi e superlativi, differenza tra imperfetto e passato prossimo, condizionale semplice (Review);

trapassato prossimo, futuro, condizionale passato (o composto), congiuntivo presente e passato, indicativo vs. congiuntivo, imperativo, verbi impersonali, aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti (in-depth). 

Class discussion is an important part of the course and participation is necessary to determine the final grade.




Upon completing this course, students will possess the ability to:

  • Understand written and spoken Italian at the intermediate level
  • Participate in conversations on a variety of topics using present, past, conditional, future and some subjunctive tenses
  • Ask for and obtain information
  • Express opinions, feelings, needs, approval and disapproval
  • Comprehend the general meaning and details of intermediate level texts.
Produce brief texts on a variety of topics using present, past, future, conditional, imperative

Book TitleAuthorPublisherISBN numberLibrary Call NumberCommentsFormatLocal BookstoreOnline Purchase
Percorso Italia B1 B2G. Patota, N. Romanelli De Agostini Scuola978-88-480-4042-6     
Gramm.it for english-speakersGruppo CSC Bonacci Editore 9788875734305     

TestsThe two tests are designed to evaluate the student's knowledge of the grammar, vocabulary covered and their reading comprehension.15%
Midterm examThe midterm exam is designed to evaluate the student's knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary covered up to this point and their reading and listening comprehension.20%
Final exam The final exam is designed to evaluate the student's knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary covered, and their reading and listening comprehension.25%
oral proficiencyIn-class oral activities and presentation. Students are examined singularly and in pairs or small groups. The types of tests are: conversation between the two students or the small groups, monologues, role playing. The multiplicity of situations and the request to express personal opinions increases from the elementary level to the advanced level. Conversations, monologues and role playing are elicited by visual stimuli or questions from the instructor.10%
Written compositionTwo written texts of increasing length, formality and complexity on topics of every day life, personal feelings, impressions, experiences, and opinions of common and social interest.10%
Class Participation and homework Two written texts of increasing length, formality and complexity on topics of every day life, personal feelings, impressions, experiences, and opinions of common and social interest.20%


A/A- = Excellent command of the language consistent with the level of proficiency. Appropriate command of sentence structure, lexis, register and idiom. 

= Very good command of the language consistent with the level of proficiency, showing facility and very few errors. Ability to handle sentence structure naturally, and to demonstrate some awareness of stylistic variation. 

= Good command of the language, consistent with the level of proficiency. Competent manipulation of sentence structure, with some evidence of development and complexity; small occurrence of grammatical errors. Work will be broadly coherent and comprehensible, good manipulation of sentence structure; grammatical and other errors will not impede comprehension.

B- = Satisfactory command of the language, consistent with the level of proficiency. Work will not be coherent but comprehensible; sentence structure will be simple; medium frequency of grammatical and other errors.

C+ = Evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of effective communication, consistent with the level of proficiency. Work will be comprehensible; sentence structure will be very simple and grammatical and other errors will be frequent but not as serious to impede comprehension.

C = Some evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of effective communication, consistent with the level of proficiency. Some awareness of sentence structure and high frequency of grammatical and other errors.

D = Little evidence of the ability to control the language for the purpose of making oneself understood. Little awareness of sentence structure and numerous grammatical and other errors. 
F = No evidence of the ability to control the language; failure to make oneself understood.


A = 94-100                 B = 83-86                   C = 73-76                   D = 63-66

A- = 90-93                  B- = 80-82                  C-= 70-72                   D-= 60-62

B+ = 87-89                 C+ = 77-79                 D+=67-69                   F= 0-59


Students are expected to come prepared to class and participate in all activities. Active participation is crucial, since the learning process requires considerable practice.

Regular attendance is an essential component of class participation. Students are allowed three unjustified absences. The final grade will be lowered by 2 points for each additional absence.

As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.


Week 1     16, 18 Gennaio


Ripasso: Raccontare al passato. Passato prossimo e imperfetto.

Week 2      23, 25 Gennaio

Ripasso: Descrivere. Aggettivi comparativi e superlativi.

Ripasso: La mia vita. Pronomi diretti, indiretti e riflessivi.

Week 3      30 gen, 1, 3 Febbraio

Unità 4 Vita in città

Esprimere sentimenti. Il condizionale presente – usi e coniugazione.

Chiedere e dare consigli.

Pronomi combinati.

Week 4       6, 8 Febbraio

Uso di ne.

Il verbo fare nella forma pronominale

         Test 1  (8 Febbraio)

 Week 5        13, 15 Febbraio

L'imperativo informale (hand-out)

Unità 5 Una mela al giorno

Gerundio presente.

Nomi alterati: i diminutivi

Week 6        20, 22 Febbraio

Unità 5 (cont.) + Unità 7

Congiuntivo presente. (Homework :composizione a casa per lunedì 27)

Week 7       27, 29 Febbraio


                      Midterm Exam  (29 Febbraio)

Week 8      5, 7, 9 Marzo

Unità 6 Il mondo del lavoro

Imperativo informale con I pronomi.

I verbi bisogna, occorre, è necessario.

 I nomi dei mestieri

(Homework: composizione per lunedì 12)

Week 9     12, 14 Marzo

Trapassato prossimo.

 Unità 6 (cont.)

 Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti.

Usi di ci

                  Spring Vacation

Week 10      26, 28 Marzo

Unità 7 Notizie per tutti Futuro semplice.

Periodo ipotetico della realtà.

Scrivere un biglietto per accettare o rifiutare un invito.

Week 11     2, 4 Aprile

Unità 7 (cont.)

Condizionale passato (o composto).

                  Test 2 (2 Aprile)

Week 12     11 Aprile

Unità 8 Cerco casa

Imperativo formale. Infinito per dare un ordine. Congiuntivo passato. Funzioni dell’avverbio insomma.

Week 13  16,18 Aprile

Oral Presentations

Week 14 23 Aprile

Final Review