1. Tue. Sept. 3 Introduction to the course and to Rome
Meeting place: JCU Campus, Chapel 2 classroom. Meeting time: 1:30 pm
Issues/works: Course requirements and logistics. Rome: mythological and topographical origins; reading the space of the city
Tiber Island; Forum Boarium; Circus Maximus.
Assigned reading: None
Further reading: Details of further reading suggestions and relevant bibliography for the course will be provided at the start of the semester.
2. Tue. Sept. 10 Regal Rome: shaping a city
Meeting place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, by the Arch of Titus (Claridge 2010: fig. 36)
Issues/works: City foundation and development of urban space in the Regal period; relationship between monuments and spatial experience. Palatine Hill (early settlements & hut of Romulus); Forum Romanum (Temple of Vesta, Regia, Comitium).
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 4-9 (history), 39-41, 52-53 (materials & orders), 63-67, 75-77, 83-84, 105-11 (Forum), 132-3 (hut of Romulus), 257-8 (Tiber Island); Coarelli 2007: 1-4, 29-32, 307-310, 323-2, 331-3, 348-350 (history and topographical areas of Rome);
Further reading: Cornell 1995: 48-50, 53-60, 63-70, 80 (Early Rome’s archaeology & literary tradition); Smith 2000: 16-41 (Early and Archaic Rome).
3. Tue. Sept. 17 Regal to early Republican Rome: changes & continuity
Meeting place: Piazza del Campidoglio, statue of M. Aurelius (Claridge 2010: fig 109)
Issues/works: Survival of Regal period monuments; late Archaic / early Republican period monumental architecture; the military triumph. Forum Romanum (Temples of Saturn and Castor); Capitoline Hill (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus); Forum Boarium (Area Sacra at Sant’Omobono); Capitoline Museum (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, Sant’Omobono finds, architectural terracotta decoration) MiC Card needed.
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 259-262, 268-70 (Capitoline, Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus), 282-288 (Sant’Omobono, Forum Boarium); Hopkins 2016, 53-60, 66-84;
Further reading: Winter 2009: 149-150, 189-191, 316-319; Yegül and Favro 2019, 82-95 (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, Sant’Omobono, Forum Boarium).
4. Tue. Sept 24 The Etruscans: history, art, religion
Meeting place: National Etruscan Museum - Villa Giulia
Issues/works: Historical and socio-cultural contextualisation of the Etruscan civilazation; sacred architecture and terracotta decoration; funerary ideology: art & architecture of monuments for the afterlife.
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 394-397 (Villa Giulia); Smith 2014, Intro, ch. 1, 6, 8.
5. Tue. Oct. 1 Mid-to-Late Republican Rome: expansion and competition
Meeting place: Torre del Papito (Largo Argentina)
Issues/works: Republican period expansion; private patronage and public space; the building of a ‘world city’
Temples at Largo Argentina, Theater and Porticus of Pompey, Circus Flaminius, Porticus of Metellus/Octavia, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Theater of Marcellus, Forum Holitorium, Forum Boarium (Area sacra at Sant’Omobono; Round temple; Temple of Portunus); MiC Card needed.
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 9-12 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95 (Forum Romanum), 239-246, 250-56 (Theatre of Pompey, Largo Argentina, Portico Metellus/Octavia), 274-282 (Theater of Marcellus, Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus, Forum Holitorium; Cornell 2000: 42-60 (mid-Republican Rome)
Further reading: Davies 2018: 490-505 (Theatre of Pompey, Forum of Caesar); Moser 2019: 54-80; Russell 2016: 120-26, 145-46 (Portico Metellus), 153-166 (Theatre Pompey); Stamper 2005: 53-54, 84-90 (Portico Metellus, Theatre of Pompey); Tuck 2015: 65 (triumph) & Ch. 4.
6. Tue. Oct. 8 Late Republic to Imperial Rome: re-shaping the ancient city
Meeting Place: Column of Trajan
Issues/works: The transformation of the city center; Public space and political experience; civic history as political tool; relationships between princeps and senate, and princeps and people; consensus politics and stakeholder roles
Forum Romanum (Basilicas Aemilia and Julia, Rostra, Curia, Portico of Gaius and Lucius), Temple of Divus Julius; Forum of Caesar; Forum of Augustus. ParCo Card needed
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 10-15 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95, 100-3 (Forum Romanum), 71-75, 161-9 (Forum of Caesar), 177-80 (Forum of Augustus); Schneider 2008: 270-8 (Augustan Rome); Tuck 2015: 114-118, 125-128.
Further reading: Davies 2018: 490-505 (Theatre of Pompey, Forum of Caesar); Fuchs 2021: 511-18, 526-36, 547-50 (Augustan changes to Forum Caesar); Russell 2020: 14-19 (Forum Augustus, role of Senate); Stamper 2005: 90-104, 109-15, 136-41 (Forum Caesar, Forum Romanum, Forum Augustus); Wallace-Hadrill 1993: 50-58 (Forum Romanum, Forum Augustus); Zanker 1988: 51-53 (Forum)
7. Tue. Oct. 15 Mid-term exam
Meeting Place: JCU Campus. Note: class will meet 45 mins earlier than normal
Exam details will be posted on Moodle
8. Tue. Oct. 22 Augustus: the establishment of a new order
Meeting place: Entrance to the Ara Pacis Augustae, Piazza Augusto Imperatore (Claridge 2010: fig 77).
Issues/works: Creation and development of the principate: relationship between princeps and senate. Campus Martius; Mausoleum of Augustus; Ara Pacis Augustae; Solar meridian; Pantheon and building works of Agrippa
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 12-15, 40-43 (history & materials), 197-216, 232-3 (Campus Martius, Augustan monuments); Russell 2019: 325-27, 340-41 (role of the Senate); Stewart 2008: 108-9, 113-115 (Ara Pacis)
Further reading: Clarke 2003: 19-28 (Ara Pacis, Mausoleum, meridian); Eck 2010: esp 89-95, 105-6 (emperor and elite relationships); Favro 2005: 234-263 (Augustan Rome); Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Augustus’ autobiography); Tuck 2015: ch. 5; Zanker 1988: 72-75, 139-43, 156-9, 172-83 (monuments on the Campus Martius); Philips 2016: 653-55, 667-69 (Pantheon of Agrippa); Stamper 2005: 106-108 (Augustus), 126-129 (Campus Martius).
9. Tue Oct. 29 Nero and the Flavians: innovation, tradition, and memory
Meeting place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, by the Arch of Titus (Claridge 2010: fig 36)
Issues/works: Imperial palaces and role models; urban space and engagement of senate and plebs. Templum Pacis; Flavian amphitheatre (Colosseum); Arch of Titus; Palace of Domitian; equestrian statue of Domitian
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 82-83, 118-9, 121-3 (Forum Romanum), 125-8, 145-56 (Palatine), 171-74 (Temple of Peace, Forum of Nerva), 301-6, 312-9 (Domus Aurea, Colosseum).
Further reading: La Rocca 2017: 197-207 (Colossus, Domus Aurea); Stamper 2005: 151-72 (Flavian building works); Varner 2017: 250-54 (Domus Aurea, Colosseum, Temple of Peace); Zanker 2010: esp 57-61 (porticoes), 66-78, 81-87 (Colosseum / games).
10. Tue. Nov. 5 The Rome of Trajan and Hadrian: a cosmopolitan metropolis
Meeting Place: Column of Trajan (Claridge 2010: fig 60).
Issues/works: Roman world as a globalized ‘koine’; Rome as a cosmopolitan center; the civilizing role of Rome and the concept of non-Romans. Forum and Column and markets of Trajan; Museum of the imperial Fora; Temple of Venus and Rome; MiC Card needed
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 118-21 (Temple of Roma and Venus), 180-96 (Forum and markets of Trajan). Smith 1998: 60-63 (2nd-cent. Portraiture); Stamper 2005: 173-83 (Forum of Trajan), 206-12 (Temple of Venus and Rome);
Further reading: Clarke 2003: 28-41 (Forum and Column of Trajan); Kleiner 1992: 207-12, 238-42 (portraits of Trajan and Hadrian), 212-20 (Forum and Column of Trajan), 283-5 (Hadrianeum reliefs); Smith 1998: 60-63, 90-92 (Hadrian/Antonine portraiture; carving techniques, context); Yegül and Favro 2019: 333-355 (Trajan, Hadrian, and Apollodorus); Zanker 2010: esp 48-60, 75-81, 84-87 (porticoes and public spaces).
Sunday Nov. 10 Approved outline for Research paper must be in hand
11. Tue. Nov. 12 The Empire and the Campus Martius
Meeting Place: Pantheon
Issues/works: Depictions of war and peace; imperial cult and commemoration. Pantheon, Mausoleum of Hadrian, Hadrianeum, Columns of A. Pius and M. Aurelius, Stadium and Odeum of Domitian
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 197-204 (Campus Martius), 216-221 (Columns of A. Pius & M. Aurelius), 223-238 (Hadrianeum, Pantheon, Stadium and Odeum of Domitian); Yegül and Favro 2019: 357-370 (Pantheon);
Further readings: Clarke 2003: 42-53 (Column of M. Aurelius); Davies 2000: 34-48, 158-71 (Mausoleum of Hadrian, columns of A. Pius and M. Aurelius), 79-83 (Pantheon); Kleiner 1992: 283-88 (Hadrianeum, column of A. Pius), 295-301 (column of M. Aurelius); Stamper 2005: 212-14 (Hadrianeum)
Sunday Nov. 17 Research paper due
12. Tue. Nov. 19 The Severans: a dynasty of domini and powerful women
Meeting point: Piazza del Campidoglio (Claridge 2010: fig 109)
Issues/works: Depicting Rome and history, making a ‘new’ Rome; water and popular luxury; popular participation in imperial messages. Arch of Septimius Severus, Arch of the Argentarii, Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla.
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 21-24 (history), 78-79 (Arch of S. Severus), 292-3 (Arch of the Argentarii), 356-365 (Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla)
Further reading: Elsner 2005 (Arch Argentarii); Favro 2011: 334-37, 358-60 (Arch S. Severus); Kleiner 1992: 329-39 (Arch S. Severus, Arch Argentarii, Baths Caracalla); Lusnia 2006 (Arch. S. Severus); Zanker 2010: esp 61-66, 75-81, 84-87 (imperial baths).
13. Tue. Nov. 26 Tetrachs to Constantine: the late Roman Empire
Meeting place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, Via Fori Imperiali / Via Cavour (Claridge 2010: figs. 1, 60)
Issues/works: New frameworks for the role of the emperor; urban space, political relationships, and the history of the city. The late imperial Forum; Arch of Constantine; Basilica of Maxentius; Temple of Venus and Roma
Assigned reading: Claridge 2010: 21-29 (history), 78-79, 85-87, 115-7 (monuments in the Forum), 308-12 (Arch of Constantine).
Kleiner 1992: 444-55 (Arch of Constantine).
Further reading: Clarke 2003: 56-67 (Arch of Constantine); Kleiner 1992: 413-17 (decennial monument), 251-53, 288-95 (reliefs on Arch of Constantine); Marlowe 2006: 223-5, 229-35 (Arch of Constantine); Varner 2014: 48-52 (Maxentius), 64-70 (Arch Constantine).
14. Tue. Dec. 3 Review class
Meeting Place: JCU Campus – Note: class will meet 45 mins earlier than normal
Assigned reading: Pose 3-5 questions, based on your revision study, for which you would like clarification and further detail.
You are very welcome to bring a computer or tablet with you to class as well as all your lecture notes
15. Dec. 9-12 Final exam
Date, time, and location to be announced