Primary Publications from Reserve Reading List:
Marcia Hall, Rome
Howard Hibbard, Michelangelo
James Ackerman, The Architecture of Michelangelo
Joachim Poeschke, Michelangelo and his World
Joachim Poeschke, Donatello and his World
Loren Partridge, The Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Heydenreich and Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1400-1600
C. L. Frommel, Architecture of the Italian Renaissance
C. Stinger, The Renaissance in Rome
Jones and Penny, Raphael
David Rijser, Raphael's Poetics
Gail Geiger, Filippino Lippi's Carafa Chapel
Class Site Visits: (n.b. - subject to change, even at short notice)
1. Introduction to the Course (Tues., Sept. 3)
Meet in Classroom F.G.1 at 9:15 am
2. S. Maria in Aracoeli; the Campidoglio (Sept. 10)
Meet at the Marcus Aurelius equestrian statue on the Campidoglio
3. S. Maria sopra Minerva (Sept. 17)
Meet at 9:30 in front of the church, located behind the Pantheon.
4. Renaissance Sculpture in S. Peter’s Basilica (Sept. 24)
Meet in the assigned classroom TBA
5. Roman Early Renaissance Palaces (Oct. 1)
Meet at the right entrance pier facing the Victor Emmanuel Monument in Piazza Venezia
6. The Sala Paolina and Ren. Architecture in the Borgo (Oct. 8)
Meet in front of Castel S. Angelo
7. Mid-term Examination (Oct. 15)
Meet in the assigned classroom TBA
8. S. Maria del Popolo (Oct. 22)
Meet in the assigned classroom TBA
9. Renaissance Painting in the Vatican Museum (Oct. 29)
Meet in the assigned classroom TBA
10. S. Pietro in Vincoli (Nov. 5)
Meet in front of the “Colosseo” subway station on Via dei Fori Imperiali
11. S. Agostino and the Pantheon Area (Nov. 12)
Meet at the fountain in front of the Pantheon
12. Roman High Renaissance Palaces (Nov. 19)
Meet in the center of Piazza Farnese, in front of the Palace
13. S. Pietro in Montorio (Nov. 26)
Meet in front of the church on the Janiculum hill, above Trastevere
14. Villa Farnesina (Dec. 3)
Meet at the entrance to John Cabot Guarini Campus [Research Papers Due]
Final Exam - Date and Time TBA