1. Tue. Sept. 3 Introduction to the course and to the study of Rome and its monuments
Class will meet at JCU Campus: location and time will be posted on Moodle. You can use computer and/or tablet to take notes.
Topics: introduction to the course, revision of syllabus and assignments, historical overview.
Coarelli 2007: 1-4, 29-32, 307-10, 323-2, 131-3, 348-50 (history and topographical areas of Rome).
Art History Course Reader: 5, 7-9.
2. Tue. Sept. 10 Mapping the ancient city
Topics: Topography of early Rome, the foundation of city, Forma Urbis Museum.
Claridge 2010:132-3 (hut of Romulus), 257-8 (Tiber Island), 299-300 (Circus Maximus), 34 (marble map).
Art History Course Reader: 7.
Smith 2000: esp. p. 24-28, 31-35 (early Rome).
3. Tue. Sept. 17 Regal and Republican Rome
Topics: Capitoline Museum, Temple of Jupiter, Roman Forum, the Triumph, Forum Holitorium, Forum Boarium.
Claridge 2010: 4-9 (history), 39-41, 52-53 (materials & orders), 63-67, 75-77, 83-84, 105-11 (Forum Romanum), 259-62, 268-70 (Capitoline, Temple of Jupiter), 279-282 (Forum Holitorium), 285-8 (Forum Boarium), 250-1, 253-6 (Circus Flaminius area).
Art History Course Reader10-4, 44-45, 49, 53-54.
4. Tue. Sept. 24 Late Republican Rome: the age of the generals
Topics: Republican temples at Largo Argentina, Theater of Pompey, Porticus Metelli/Octavia, Theater of Marcellus.
Claridge 2010: 9-12 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95 (Forum Romanum), 239-46, 255-56 (Theatre of Pompey, victory temples, Portico Metellus/Octavia); Stamper 2005: 49-50, 84 (triumph, Pompey).
Art History Course Reader: 46, 48, 51-52.
5. Tue. Oct. 1 The Roman Forum: building the image of an empire
Topics: the Roman Forum.
Claridge 2010: 10-15 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95, 100-3 (Forum Romanum).
Art History Course Reader: 12-21.
6. Tue. Oct. 8 Augustus: the construction of a new Roman identity
Topics: Ara Pacis, Augustus’s sundial, Mausoleum of Augustus, the first Pantheon.
Claridge 2010: 9-15, 40-43 (history & materials), 197-216, 232-3 (Campus Martius, Augustan monuments).
Art History Course Reader: 56-61.
7. Tue. Oct. 15 Mid-term exam
Note: class will meet 45 mins earlier than normal at JCU campus
Exam details will be posted on Moodle.
8. Wed Oct. 22 The Julio-Claudins and the Flavians
Topics: Domus Aurea, Colosseum, Arch of Titus, Temple of Peace.
Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 82-83, 118-9, 121-3 (Forum Romanum), 125-8, 145-56 (Palatine), 171-74 (Temple of Peace, Forum of Nerva), 301-6, 312-9 (Domus Aurea, Colosseum).
Art History Course Reader: 24-29, 40.
9. Tue. Oct. 29 The Palatine and the Imperial residences
Topics: House of Augustus, House of Livia, wall paintings, Domus Augustana and Domus Flavia.
Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 118-9, 125-8, 145-56 (Palatine).
Art History Course Reader: 67-68.
Sunday Nov. 3 Approved outline for Research paper must be in hand.
10. Tue. Nov. 5 Monumentality as symbol of power
Topics: The Imperial forums, Trajan’s column, Trajan’s Markets.
Claridge 2010: 159-196 (Imperial Forums).
Art History Course Reader: 36-43.
Sunday Nov. 17 Research paper due
11. Tue. Nov. 12 The Adoptive Empire and the Campus Martius
Topics: Pantheon, Temple of Hadrian, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Mausoleum of Hadrian.
Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 197-204 (Campus Martius), 216-21 (Columns of A. Pius & M. Aurelius), 223-38 (Hadrianeum, Pantheon, stadium and odeum of Domitian).
Art History Course Reader: 62-66.
12. Tue. Nov. 19 The Severans
Topics: Arch of Septimius Severus, Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, Arch of the Argentarii, Caracalla baths.
Claridge 2010: 21-24 (history), 78-79 (Arch of S. Severus), 292-3 (Arch of the Argentarii), 356-65 (Baths of Caracalla).
Art History Course Reader: 55, 69, 71-72, 82.
13. Tue. Nov. 26 The beginning of the end: late Roman Empire
Topics: Arch of Constantine, Basilica of Maxentius, St Clement.
Claridge 2010: 308-312 (Arch of Constantine), 115-117 (Basilica of Maxentius), 319-324 (St. Clement).
Art History Course Reader: 32-35.
14. Tue. Dec. 3 Review class
Note: class will meet 45 mins earlier than normal at JCU campus
Exam details will be posted on Moodle.
Prepare 3 to 5 questions, based on your revision study, for which you would like clarification and further detail.
You can use computer and/or tablet to take notes.
15. Dec. 9-12 Final exam
Date, time, and location to be announced on Moodle.