Principal Publications from the Reserve Reading List:
Heydenreich and Lotz, Architecture in Italy 1400-1600
R. Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
J. Poeschke, Donatello and his World
J. Poeschke, Michelangelo and his World
R. Krautheimer, Ghiberti
Diane Cole Ahl, The Cambridge Companion to Masaccio
Loren Partridge, The Art of Renaissance Florence 1400-1600
Martin Kemp, Leonardo da Vinci
Howard Hibbard, Michelangelo
Jones and Penny, Raphael
Marcia Hall, Rome
David Rijser, Raphael's Poetics
Loren Partridge, The Sistine Chapel Ceiling
1. Introduction to the course and to the Italian Renaissance (Mon., Sept. 2; Wed., Sept. 4)
2. Brunelleschi and Early Renaissance Architecture (Sept. 9;11)
3. Ghiberti, Donatello and Early Renaissance Sculpture (Sept. 16; 18)
4. Early Renaissance Painting: Masaccio (Wed., Sept. 25) (No Class on Mon., Sept. 23)(Make up in Florence)
5. “ “ “ : Massaccio, Fra Angelico (Sept. 30; Oct. 2)
6. “ “ “ : Filippo Lippi, Uccello (Oct. 7; 9)
7. " " " ; Veneziano, Castagno(Mon., Oct. 14) MID-TERM EXAM (Wed., Oct. 16)
8. Art in S. Maria sopra Minerva (Mon., Oct. 21) (No Class on Wed., Oct. 23) (Made up in Florence)
Florence Day Trip – Fri., Oct. 25
9. Leonardo da Vinci (Oct. 28; 30)
10. Leonardo da Vinci (Nov. 4; 6)
11. Michelangelo (Mon., Nov. 11) (No Class on Wed., Nov. 13) (Make up in Florence)
12. Michelangelo (Nov. 18; 20)
13. Raphael (Nov. 25; 27)
14. Raphael (Dec. 2; 4) [Research Papers Due on Dec. 4]
Final Exam - Date and Time TBA