Class Session
Content of the Session
Readings and/or Résumés
Assignments & Exercises
N.B. There will be frequent quizzes. These will be announced beforehand.
Introduction to the Course: Rationale, Procedures, Protocals Evaluation
W. Curran, "Only Connect"
Games of Venus, Introduction pp. 1 -50, due week 2.2
Methodologies and Caveats: anachronism, heuristic approaches, definition of terms: eros, agape,philia, eromenos, erastes , hetaira
Neumann "The Great Mother"
Archetypes of the feminine
Résumé 1
Handout: Neumann
Images of the feminine: the faithful wife, the siren, the seductress, the witch
Homer, “Odyssey”:
(In-class selections)
Sappho corpus.
Due: 3.6
2. 4
The wise prostitute: “Gilgamesh” discussion.
(In-class readings and discussion)
Résumé 2
3. 5
Introduction to Greek lyric: feminist
and homosexual voices; Eroticism and paideia
Theogonis, Ibycus,
Archilochus, Anacreon,
Callimachus. Due: 4.7
3. 6
Sappho corpus discussion
Criteria and Guidelines for midterm paper.
Plato: “Symposium” ""Aristophanes speech"
Due: 6. 10
4. 7
Theogonis, Ibycus, Callimachus et al discussion
4. 8
Zeus progenitor: sex among the gods
Selections from the
Iliad. Visuals: Slides from art
Midterm paper topics due. Guidelines and Criteria will be provided.
5. 9
Eroticism and sexuality in philosophy
and rhetoric: Gorgias and Plato
Gorgias, “Enconium to Helen”
Plato: “Phaedrus”
Part 1
Due: 7. 13
6. 10
Plato, “Symposium” discussion
6. 11
Plato, “Symposium” (con’t): Women
and Wisdom: Diotima
Aristophanes, “Lysastrata”. Due: 9. 16
7. 12
Eroticism in classical Greek art
7. 13
Presentations: Guidelines and criteria will be provided.
8. 14
Euripides, “Alcestis”, “Medea” Due: 10. 17
8. 15
9. 16
Discussion, Aristophanes, “Lysistrata”: Women on Strike
Short, oral reports on papers
Midterm papers due.
10. 17
Discussion of Eurpides: “Alcestis”, “Medea”
Plutarch, “On Marriage” Due: 11.20
10. 18
New social perspectives: Hellenism
Criteria and Guidelines for final paper
11 19
And now the Romans….the new face of women; a new sexual code.
Patriarchal codes
The XXII Tables
Livy: the “Lupa”, Lucretia, the Rape of the Sabines, Verginia.
11. 20
Marriage and sexuality in Roman law
Selected laws and inscriptions
Selections from Catullus, Horace, Propertius, Vergil and Juvenal
12. 21.
Latin erotic poetry: Catullus and Propertius Reason and passions
Final paper topics due
12. 22
Latin erotic poetry: Horace and Vergil
(Ecologue 2), “Aeneid” Book IV
Tertullian, Jerome,
“Letter 22”, Gregory of Nyssa, “On Virginity”, Augustine, “On Marriage”,” On Virginity” Due: 13.26
12- 23
Latin erotic poetry: Ovid, “Art of Love”
13. 24
Latin erotic poetry: Juvenal: Misoginy
13. 25
Christian perspectives: Denial as Holiness, Institutional control of sexuality. Influence of Manichism
Paul, selections from
13. 26
Discussion of Tertullian and Jerome
13. 27
Discussion of Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine
13 28
Review and Overview
13. 29
Final exam
Final Papers due. Short, oral reviews of papers.