Session | Session Focus | Reading Assignment | Other Assignment | Meeting Place/Exam Dates |
Monday, Sept. 2 | Introductory Class: Review of syllabus, goals and expectations for the course,
evaluation; historical and political background for reading the text: demise of the
Roman Republic, 133 - 27 BCE. Important events, political and literary figures.
| Short Latin Stories 1 - 3 | | |
Wednesday, Sept 4 | Review of SLS, translation of selections
| Prepare SLS 4 - 7 : write out the translation of the Latin selection | | |
Monday, Sept. 9 | Review of Translation. Vocabulary study.
Grammar analysis and review. | Prepare Chapter 3: Write out he translation of the sentences on page 12. | | |
Wednesday, Sept 11 | Vocabulary study. Review translations.
Grammar review. | Write out translation of selection on page 13. | | |
Monday, Sept. 16 | Review of translation. Grammar and vocabulary study. | Translate sentences on page 16 | | |
Wednesday, Sept. 18 | Review translations.
Grammar study. | Write out translation page 18. Be prepared to hand-in the translation | | |
Monday, Sept. 23 | Review of translation, page 18
Vocabulary study. | | Make-up five sentences in Latin using the subjunctive.
Due: Monday, Sept. 24 | |
Wednesday, Sept. 25 | Review of vocabulary and grammar in chapter V | Translate and write-out the sentences on pp. 21, 22 | | |
Friday, Sept. 21 | Review of sentences on pp. 21, 22;
Translate selection on p. 23 | | | |
Monday, Sept. 24 | Review of compositions: five sentences.
Catch-up session | Review grammar of Chapter VI and translate the sentences on page. 26 | | |
Wednesday, Sept. 26 | Review translated sentences.
Begin translation of selection on p. 27 | | | |
Monday, Oct. 1 | Terminate translation of selection on page 27;
Vocabulary study, page 32 | Review grammar of chapter VII; translate and write out sentences on page 30 | | |
Wednesday, Oct. 3 | Review translated senteces; review grammar,
Translate selection on page 31 | Review ablative absolute constructions on page 102 and new grammar, page 33
Translate and write out sentences on page 34 | | |
Monday, Oct. 8 | Review of sentences translated; vocabulary study on page 37 | Prepare to translate selection on page 35 | | |
Wednesday, Oct. 10 | Translation of selection on page 35 | Review grammar on page 38.
Write out translation of sentences on page 39 | Compose 5 sentences in Latin using the gerundive.
Due: Monday, October 15 | |
Monday, Oct. 15 | Review of five sentences
Grammar and vocabulary study, Chapter IX | Review selection on page 40 | | |
Wednesday, Oct. 17 | Review translation of selection on page 40
Grammar and vocabulary study, pages. 42 - 49 | Prepare translation of selection on pp. 45- 47:
Group A: first two paragraphs, Group B third paragraph.
Fourth paragraph - all together
Prepare translation of selection on page 52 | | |
Monday, Oct. 22 | Review of selection on p, 52 | Prepare translation of selection on page 57: Group A, First paragraph
Group B, paragraphs 2 & 3 | | |
Wednesday, Oct 24 | Review of translation on page 57
Grammar and vocabulary study, chapter XV | Translate and write out selection on page 65 | | |
Monday, Oct. 29 | Review of translation. Sight reading of selection on page 68
Grammar and vocabulary study pp. 70, 71, 75 | Translate and write out the sentences: Grp. A: 1 -6; Grp B: 7 - 12 | | |
Wednesday, Oct. 31 | Review of sentences, translation of selection on page 73 - 74 | Introduction to the Bellum Catalinae | | |
Monday, November 5 - Wednesday, December 5 | Reading, translation, analysis and discussion of Sallust, Bellum Catalinae as emblematic of the demise of the Roman Republic.
Additional readings from Cicero, Letters. | | Short, final essay on the Bellum Catalinae and the demise of the Roman Republic | |
To Be announced | Final Exam | Format to be announced | | To Be Announced |