Week 1: Introduction
Overview of the course, and a summary of the key topics.
Textbook Chapter 1
Week 2: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Surveying the physics behind the method
Textbook Chapter 2
Week 3: Structural MRI (1)
Describing MRI contrasts designed to elicit different kinds of structural information
Textbook Chapter 3
Week 4: Structural MRI (2): data analysis and applications
Covering key statistics employed to describe sMRI data, and applications of those statistics in neuroscience
Textbook Chapter 3
Week 5: Functional MRI (1)
The hemodynamic signal and its measurement / interpretation
Key issues in the design of fMRI experiments
Textbook Chapter 4
Week 6: Functional MRI (1)
Covering key statistics employed to describe fMRI data, and applications of those statistics in neuroscience
Textbook Chapters 6-7
Week 7: Review and Midterm Exam
Review and midterm
Week 8: Electrophysiological Imaging of the brain
The eletromagnetic field of the brain
Electroencephalography and Magnetencephalography
Textbook chapters 9-10
IntroEEGMEG - Meg Wiki (cam.ac.uk)
Week 9: Single-cell recording
Methods and applications (reading TBC)
Week 10: Electrocorticography (ECoG)
Methods and applications (reading TBC)
Week 11: Analysis of Electrophysiological Brain Data
Basic (textbook chapter 11) and advanced (textbook chapter 12)
Week 12: Neurostimulation (1): methods and analysis
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Textbook chapter 14
Week 13: Neurostimulation (2): applications
Emerging applications of TDCS and TMS
Textbook chapter 14
Week 14: Review
Review in preparation for the final exam