PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE by week, but stay alert for changes:
1. September 2nd. Introduction. Meet at JCU Art Studio, Largo dei Fiorentini, 1. Introduction to the course and discussion on materials needed. PPT on “Sketchbook Materials”. Introduction to two opposed languages of drawing, line vs. tonal value and to composition. PPT on “Notes on Composition”. A walk to the Art Supply store to buy all required.
Assignment 1: A drawing of your choice, so as to understand the initial level of each one.
2. Sept 9th. Meet at Piazza del Campidoglio (the piazza of the Capitoline Hill, up the big stairs to the south of Venezia). Lesson: view-finding, thumbnail sketches.
Assignment 2: Two pages of thumb nail sketches.
3. Sept 16th. Meet at Santa Sabina on the Aventino. (From school walk to the other side of the river at Tiber Island, then continue south past S. Maria in Cosmedin; after the main street leading to the Circo Massimo turn left up a little pathway called the Clivio di Rocca Savella leading from the river to the Aventine hill. Past the famous orange grove, you will find the big parking lot of S. Sabina. Wait there.) No bare shoulders or shorts in this or other churches. Lesson devoted to solving problems of perspective.
Assignment 3: Five sketches of perspectives (three one-point perspective and two two-vanishing point perspectives).
4. Sept 23rd Orto Botanico; meet at Guarini entry, and we walk from there. Entry fee 4 euros. "Scribble drawings"; observation of nature. Contrasting description against suggestion. Assignment 4: 8 Fast sketches from nature.
5. Sept 30th. Meet outside the Guarini entrance, and we walk from there to Tiber Island. Problems in cityscape, landscape, water, atmospheric perspective.
Assignment 5: Slower drawing from nature paying attention to atmospheric perspective.
6. Oct 7th. Meet at the entry to S. Peter's Square. Lesson involves depicting a large outdoor urban space.
Assignment 6: Drawing large spaces, such as Piazza Farnese or Piazza Navona.
7. Oct 14th. Meet at Guarini entry; we’ll go up the Gianicolo to Bramante’s Tempietto at S. Pietro in Montorio. Drawing architecture, round forms in perspective, also views over the city.
Assignment 7: Views of Rome.
8. Oct 21st. Meet at Largo dei Fiorentini Art Studio for a group critique. PPTs on “Notes, Drawings and Sketches” (examples of other artists way of using a sketchbook) and on “Notes on Light and Shadow”. We will then be drawing on the bridge of Castel Sant’Angelo close by to the art studio.
Assignment 8: Five drawings from art or architecture with light and shadows, possibly with high contrast of light and dark (even a still life with a spotlight on it).
9. Oct 28th. Meet by the fountain of the Triton in Piazza Barberini. We will be looking at the Baroque by seeing the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa by Bernini and the church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane by Borromini and paying greater attention to light and shadow. Drawing greater complexity.
Assignment 9: Slower drawings that include more information.
10. November 4th Meet by the central fountain in Piazza Navona We will be drawing there and from the fountain of the Turtles in Piazza Mattei. A series of figure drawing exercises with particular attention to the negative spaces in between the solid forms.
Assignment 10: Three figures from the past.
11. Nov 11th. Meet at Trajan's Market on Via Quattro Novembre 94, past Venezia,and Trajan's Column, and up the steps. Drawing lesson on clarifying point of view: looking up and looking down. The best solution is to have previously bought a 5 Euro MIC Card that allows free entrance to all Communal Museums).
Assignment 11: Five Roman views.
12. Nov 18th. Meet in Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere. We will be drawing from everyday life in Rome.
Assignment 13: Continue working from details of Roman life.
13. Nov 25th. Meet at Piazza del Campidoglio, we will be drawing within the Capitoline Museum looking at statues and reliefs from antiquity. Free entry with MIC Card.
Assignment 13: Roman antiquity or art from the past..
14. December 2nd. We will be meeting at JCU Art Studio, Largo dei Fiorentini, 1. End of semester final group critique. Appointments made for individual meetings that take the place of a final exam.
15. Dec 9th ? Individual one-on-one final critiques.