Students will focus on the critical features of Paragraph writing:
- developing effective strategies for information retrieval
- reading using inference and deduction
- using full stops, capital letters and commas accurately in longer sentences
- varying sentence structure
- organising texts in ways other than chronological
- structuring paragraphs effectively
- applying knowledge of spelling rules and conventions.
By building on prior knowledge they will have a :
- a highly interactive approach
- build confidence through supported application
- consolidation of individual learning through revision and reflection
- a deliberately fast pace
- a sense of enjoyment through working together.
Week 1: Introductions and the Sentence-Introductions, Syllabus, Writing Program, Texts, Academic Honesty,, Writing Center, Expectations, The Sentence-Types of Sentences
Week 2: The Sentence-Parallelism, Sentence Problems; Noun Clauses and Adverb Clauses; Critical Reading and Annotation; the Writing Process, Timed Essay Strategies,
Week 3:The Paragraph-Paragraph Structure; Topic sentences, supporting sentences, concluding sentences; Outlining
Week 4: P.E.E
The Paragraph-Unity and Coherence; Simplifying writing; Transition signals; Summary and Paraphrase
Week 5: The Paragraph-Characteristics of a well-designed paragraph; Verb tense shifts; Supporting Details and Quotations;
Week 6: From Paragraph to Essay-Three parts of an essay-Introduction, Body and Conclusion; the Narrative Essay
Class participation rubric
Week 7:The Narrative Essay cont.; the Definition Essay
Week 8: Essay-The Definition Essay cont.; the Cause and Effect Essay; Conferences, and Mid Term Warnings
Week 9: Essay-The Compare and Contrast Essay; Primary Sources and Secondary Sources
Week 10: Research-Conducting Research and Plagiarism; Conference on research proposal and Library Visits
Week 11: Research-MLA Formatting; Works Cited; Parenthetical Citation; Compare and Contrast cont; Introduction to Argument
Week 12: Argument-Elements of Argument; Persuasion; The Thesis Statement
Week 13: Classical Rhetorical Strategies; Defining Rhetoric; Ethos, Pathos and Logos; Cicero's Model of Argument Arrangement, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning; Logical Fallacies
Week 14: Argument and Final Exam Preparation
Class participation rubric