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COURSE NAME: "Advanced Composition"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Fall 2024

INSTRUCTOR: Christin Campbell
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: MW 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: Placement via JCU English Composition Placement Exam or completion of either EN 103 or EN 105 with a grade of C or above
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment

This course prepares students to read, think, and write critically. Students will develop their ability to read critically and analyze primary and secondary sources, hone their composition skills through in and out of class essays, and will complete the course by writing and revising a fully-documented and well-reasoned research paper, complemented by an annotated bibliography and literature review. EN110 focuses on the argumentative form, encouraging students to position their work within current critical discourses. The course develops the following skills: source selection and interrogation, identification and contextualization of themes, thesis development and defense, digital literacies, use of library resources, and careful citation in MLA style. Students must receive a grade of C or above in this course to fulfill the University’s English Composition requirement and to be eligible to take courses in English literature.
This course explores a range of fundamental writing strategies and key rhetorical moves to strengthen the skills needed to write a well-organized essay and argumentative research paper. The course is organized as a writing laboratory where students can workshop their writing in a structured environment. It begins with the critical reading of sources, summarizing, paraphrasing, accurate quoting, outlining, paragraphing and response writing; it continues with the writing of a research question, the selection of primary and secondary sources, and thesis development. Paper formatting according to the MLA standard, research and the use of library resources will also be covered. In addition to regular in and out-of-class reading and writing assignments, students are required to write a fully documented research paper. Assignments will be submitted through Turnitin.

Students will learn to write a well-organized and error-free argumentative research paper. By the end of the course students will be able to:

            Write sophisticated as well as grammatically and idiomatically correct English prose

             Read to comprehend increasingly complex material
             Read and think critically

              Expand vocabulary through reading and writing
              Develop subject specific terminology through reading and writing

             Write well-organized essays, focusing specifically on argumentative essays
             Write a strong and developed thesis statement with supporting arguments
             Think, read, write critically for an academic audience
              Write a developed outline
              Paraphrase and summarize
             Cite and write using documentation
             Write a fully documented research paper

Research and sourcing (can be covered by a librarian in one or more workshops in the library)
                Be familiar with research and information literacy skills including                      
                        - A reinforcement of searching skills: catalog, database, and web sourcing
                         - Source evaluation
                         - Subject searching
                         - Utilize MLA style for all aspects of a research paper
                         - Understand how to avoid plagiarism, Zotero and the ethical use of AI




Book TitleAuthorPublisherISBN numberLibrary Call NumberCommentsFormatLocal BookstoreOnline Purchase
They Say, I Say 6th editionGraff and BirkensteinNortonISBN978-1-324-07011-5   Hard CopyAlmost Corner Bookstore in Trastevere 

In-class timed writing assignments 30%
Readings, short assignments, quizzes 20%
Final Research Paper2000 words25%
Final PresentationInformal, five-minute pitch where you establish your thesis, your counter arguments and your conclusion. This will count as your final exam.5%
ParticipationCf. carefully my note on what participation consists of below.5%
Midterm exam 15%

AWork of this quality directly addresses the question or problem raised and provides a coherent argument displaying an extensive knowledge of relevant information or content. This type of work demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate concepts and theory and has an element of novelty and originality. There is clear evidence of a significant amount of reading beyond that required for the assignment (90-92 = A-; 93-100 = A).
BThis is highly competent level of performance and directly addresses the question or problem raised.There is a demonstration of some ability to critically evaluatetheory and concepts and relate them to practice. Discussions reflect the student’s own arguments and are not simply a repetition of standard lecture and reference material. The work does not suffer from any major errors or omissions and provides evidence of reading beyond the required assignments (80-82 = B-; 83-86 = B; 87-89 = B+).
CThis is an acceptable level of performance and provides answers that are clear but limited, reflecting the information offered in the lectures and reference readings (70-72 = C-; 73-76 = C; 77-79 = C+).
DThis level of performances demonstrates that the student lacks a coherent grasp of the material.Important information is omitted and irrelevant points included.In effect, the student has barely done enough to persuade the instructor that s/he should not fail (60-62 = D-; 63-66 = D; 67-69 = D+).
FThis work fails to show any knowledge or understanding of the issues raised in the question. Most of the material in the answer is irrelevant or not written in the student's authentic voice.


Absences: You are essential to the success of this course. Since the course is based on a series of in-class writing workshops and activities, regular attendance and class contribution are fundamental. Absences should be rare and reserved for unforeseen circumstances. It is a waste of time to contact the Dean's office – creating more work for them – by requesting an excused absence for a routine medical appointment, funeral, or because you were locked out of your house. Neither should the Associate Dean’s office be involved in correspondence regarding any other type of routine absence. You are allowed 4 no questions-asked absences in this course, after which, on the fifth absence, you will be expected to drop the course. 

Research shows that students' grades go down with frequent absences. If you need to be absent, I trust you have good reason to be. Simply do not come to class that day and contact a colleague regarding what you missed in class, and of course check Moodle, ensuring that whatever assignment is due on that day is handed in the day of the absence just the same.


Midterm and final exam policy: You cannot make-up the midterm exam or final exam without the permission of the Dean’s Office.


Homework: There is homework in nearly every class so if you are absent, you are still responsible for whatever material was covered in class. Do not email the instructor asking what the homework is or what we covered in class: contact a classmate instead and of course, check Moodle. Homework due on the day of the absence is to be turned in via Moodle the day it is due.


Late work: Late work will not be accepted. Read that again if you have to.


Academic Honesty: Passing off work that is not your own as if it were, is theft, and it's sad for the professor to have to chase you for it. Academic dishonesty includes cut and paste plagiarism, improper quoting and paraphrasing, reusing old papers, and the unethical use of AI to write your assignments for you.  But there is good news! The research you will have done ought to be showcased. You will have ensconced yourself in the sources and will have incurred new insights and expanded knowledge. Show off your battle scars by citing sources correctly. Some assignments will make use of AI tools and others will not. Pay attention to instructions. A good rule is that if you have to ask, “Is this okay to do?”, it probably is not. If you are unsure, it can't hurt to ask.


Exams: Scheduled in-class exams may not be made up unless arrangements are made with the professor before the day of the absence.  If a major scheduled grading event (major assignment due, in-class composition exam, presentation) is scheduled for any class period, and you don’t show up and don’t have a university-sanctioned excuse, then you will receive a zero for that activity.  Midterms and finals may not be made up without the intervention of the Dean's office. The final exam period runs until the end of the week after the last day of class. Plan to be here during all of finals week.


Participation: Please also note that the Participation 5% of your final grade will reflect your timeliness, your work ethic, your attentiveness, your grit and perseverance, your inquisitiveness and creativity, and your respect for your colleagues. If you are dwindling in these areas, you will be given an opportunity at the mid-term conference to improve your conduct after which point, should you not improve, you grade will be thusly affected.


Writing Center: I encourage you all to visit the Writing Center as good practice for excellent composition. As such, I may take into consideration your Writing Center attendance in calculating your final grade if: 1) at the end of the semester your grade is on the cusp i.e., a 79.9% and 2) your writing has demonstrably improved as a result of your having put into practice what you have learned at the Writing Center.



As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.



Tentative Schedule

Please note that this schedule will change depending on course progress. There will be in and out of class readings assigned throughout the semester related to the topic that week. Homework will be assigned daily.

Week 1 – Academic Register, Rhetoric, Writer’s Purpose, Intro to AI literacy

  • Class 1 Welcome, Syllabus, Writing Center, Writing Activity with AI
    • Assignment: Study for syllabus quiz, procure book, laptop and all materials
  • Class 2 – Syllabus Quiz, Academic register, Letter writing activity
    • Assignment: Post revised letter to dedicated Moodle assignment.

Week 2The Liberal Arts Education; critical reading and annotating; Perusall

·       Class 1-How to annotate, Perusall; Letter peer review

o   Assignment: Read They Say, I Say (TSIS): Introduction and Chapter 1

o   Annotate Cronon “The Goal of a Liberal Arts Education”.

·       Class 2 – Cronon; TSIS Intro and Ch. 1; Grammar: dangling modifiers and clear antecedents

o   Assignment: Annotate Audrey Lorde “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action” on Perusall.

o   Read (TSIS) Ch. 2 and 3.

o   Complete exercises on dangling modifiers and clear antecedents.

Week 3 – Summarizing and quoting; How to write a response; MLA basic formatting

·       Class 1 –Audrey Lorde annotations on Perusall; Summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting (TSIS) Ch. 2 and 3; Grammar: Punctuating quotations

o   Assignment: Study for quiz TSIS Ch. 1-3

o   Complete exercises on punctuating quotations

·       Class 2 – Quiz TSIS Ch. 2 and 3; How to write a response; Grammar: Passive vs Active voice

o   Assignment: Annotate and respond to Joan Didion essay “On Self Respect”. 1,5 pages and post to Moodle before next class. See response writing rubric.

o   Complete exercises on passive and active voice.

Week 4 ­– Research as inquiry-Library session no. 1; information and digital literacies; MLA in-text citation

·       Class 1 –Peer Workshop responses  to Didion.

o   Assignment: Reflection using Riffbot

o   Grammar exercise: Essential vs non-essential commas

·       Class 2 – Library session no. 1-Information literacy-research using the Library; research using AI.

o   Assignment: Prepare for in-class timed writing no. 1

Week 5 – Ways to respond; finding your academic voice; in-class timed writing no. 1;

·       Class 1 – In-class writing no. 1 (15%)

o   Assignment: Read TSIS Ch. 4 and 5

·       Class 2: Discuss TSIS Ch. 4 and 5: Ways of responding and Distinguishing your voice

o   Assignment: Read TSIS Ch. 6 “Skeptics May Object”: Planting a Naysayer

o   Watch: Baldwin/Buckley debate

Week 6 – Counterpoint, Research as conversation-Buckley and Baldwin Debate

·       Class 1: Discuss TSIS Ch. 6, “Skeptics May Object”: Planting a Naysayer

o   Assignment:  Annotate Baldwin/Buckley debate

o   Naysayer exercise with AI

o   TSIS Ch. 7 “Saying Why It Matters”

·       Class 2: Quiz on TSIS Ch. 7; themes content: how the sources connect

o   Assignment: Annotate Toni Morrison: “James Baldwin Eulogy”

Week 7 – Midterm preparation and midterm exam; Course engagement module

·       Class 1- Midterm exam review; Course engagement module

o   Assignment: Prepare for midterm exam

·       Class 2: Midterm exam (20%)

o   Assignment: Watch Film: Unbearable Lightness of Being (Adaptation of Milan Kundera’s book) and respond to questions in Riffbot

Week 8 – Research question and Annotated Bibliography; Library session no. 2: Zotero

·       Class 1: Writing the research question; Plato’s Allegory of the Cave-Socrates and Glaucon (in -class reading).

o   Assignment: Draft research question(s). Post to Moodle before next class.

o   Annotate Susan Sontag. On Photography. “In Plato’s Cave”

o   Download Zotero and plug in for Word. Bring laptops.

·       Class 2: Annotated bibliography; Your annotations vs. AI annotations Library session no. 2: Zotero

o   Assignment: Begin using Zotero for annotations.

o   Library research for paper begins

o   Annotate Sontag : “On Camp”

Week 9 – Literature review: scavenging through the sources; Kitsch

·       Class 1: Literature review 1

o   Assignment: Prepare for literature review definition of terms

·       Class 2: Sontag; Literature review 2-Definition of terms

o   Assignment: Find external library source on our theme.

o   Lucretius “On the Nature of Things” (selected reading)

o   Complete Checkology module “Evaluating Evidence online”

Week 10 – Source evaluation, Msinformation; Checkology course; In-class timed writing no. 2

·       Class 1: Fact checking and disinformation; source evaluation; Checkology “Misinformation module”

o   Assignment: Prep for in-class writing no. 2 on our theme.

·       Class 2: In-class writing no. 2

o   Assignment: Do first half of Checkology course.

o   Submit Annotated bibliography.

Week 11 – Outline, MLA Works Cited; Zotero; Hook, Thesis, Writing the Introduction;

·       Class 1: Outline; MLA Works Cited; Library session no. 2: Zotero

o   Assignment: Do second half of Checkology course.

·       Class 2: In-class workshop of Literature review due. Hook and thesis

o   Assignment: Read TSIS Ch. 8 “Connecting the Parts”

o   Complete paper outline and submit before next class.

o   Draft literature review-2 pages-submit before class.

Week 12 – Transitions, Body Paragraphs and  Writing Conclusions

·       Class 1: Connecting the parts-Transitions, Body Paragraphs; 

o   Assignment: Read TSIS Ch. 10-Metacommentary

o Workshop Literature reviews

·       Class 2: Techniques for writing conclusions; Quiz on Ch. 10-Metacommentary

o   Assignment: Finish final paper and submit to Moodle.

Week 13 –Editing and revising techniques; Metacommentary

·       Class 1: Editing and revising

·       Class 2: Paper due before class

Week 14 –Prep for final exams; Course evaluations

·       Class 1: Reflection activity

o   Assignment: Prepare for final exam

·       Class 2: Review for final exam

o   Assignment: Study for final exam

Week 15 – Final exams