Module 1: Historical Roots of Psychodynamic Psychology
- Week 1-2: Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychology
- Overview of Freud's foundational theories, models of the mind, and key concepts.
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: the basic psychoanalytic model; Freud; The structural approach; Modifications to the Structural approach.
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: Drive and beyond Freuds Psychoanalytic concepts
"Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought" by Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black: Sigmund Freud and the classical Psychoanalytic Tradition
"Revisiting Freud's Concept of the Unconscious" by Mark Solms. An examination of Freud's conceptualization of the unconscious in light of contemporary neuroscience.
"The Ego and the Id Revisited: Freud and Damasio on the Body and the Self" by Yannis Grammatopoulos. A comparison of Freud's structural model with Antonio Damasio's neuroscientific findings on self and consciousness.
- Week 3-4: Development of Psychoanalytic Theories
- Exploration of major contributions by Klein, the post-Kleinian and the evolution of object relations theory.
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: The Klein-Bion Model
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: Object Relations Theory
"Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought" by Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black: Melanie Klein and Contemporary Kleinian Theory
Object Relations, Kleinian, and Bion's Contributions
"Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory" by John S. Auerbach. Provides an overview of object relations theory and its significance in psychoanalysis.
"Bion's Concept of Container and Contained" by David Bell. Explores Wilfred Bion's theory and its clinical applications, particularly in understanding and managing psychotic states.
- Week 5 Winnicott, the role of play and creativity. The importance of the environment.
- Study of Bion's theories, including the container-contained model and group dynamics.
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: The independent school of british psychoanalysis
"Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought" by Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black: The British Object Relations School: Fairbairn and Winnicott
"The Use of an Object and Relating Through Identifications" by Thomas H. Ogden. Discusses D.W. Winnicott's contributions and their relevance to contemporary psychoanalytic practice.
- Week 6: Relational and Intersubjective Approaches
- Exploration of modern relational and intersubjective approaches within psychoanalysis.
Readings: Sullivan and interpersonal psychoanalysis
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: The interpersonal-relational approach; From Sullivan to Mitchell; Introduction to Psychoanalytic Approaches Based in developmental Research.
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: The theory of Self Psychology; Relational and intersubjective Theories.
"Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought" by Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black:
"Intersubjectivity and the Analytic Third: Implications for Psychoanalytic Theory and Technique" by Jessica Benjamin. Examines the role of intersubjectivity in psychoanalytic therapy, proposing a model of working with the 'analytic third.'
Module 2: Contemporary Applications
- Week 7: Attachment Theory and Infant Research
- Examination of Bowlby's attachment theory and its clinical applications.
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: Bowlby attachment theory model; Fonagy and Target’s Model of Mentalization.
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: Attachment Theory; Neurobiology attachment and trauma.
"Attachment, Exploration, and Separation: Illustrated by the Behavior of One-Year-Olds in a Strange Situation" by Mary D.S. Ainsworth
"Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis: Further Differentiation Within Insecure Attachment Patterns" by Peter Fonagy and Mary Target. Discusses the nuances within insecure attachment styles and their implications for psychoanalytic theory and practice.
- Week 8: Psychodynamics in Groups and Institutions
The Unconscious at work. A Tavistock Approach to Making Sense of Organizational Life by Anton Obhlzer and Vega Z. Roberts: Some Uncoscious Aspects of Organizational Life; the Uncoscious at work in Groups and Teams.
- Exploration of system-psychodynamic theory, social defenses, and leadership dynamics.
"The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in the Human Services" by Anton Obholzer and Vega Zagier Roberts
- Week 9: Clinical Applications of Psychodynamic Theories
- Overview of psychodynamic therapies, evidence base, and diverse applications.
“Psychoanalytic Theories: Perspectives from Developmental Psychopathology" by Peter Fonagy & Mary Target: On the Practice of Psychoanalytic Theories
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: The Bridge from Theory to Practice
"Transference and Countertransference: A Contemporary Overview" by Glen O. Gabbard.
- Week 10: Psychodynamics in Art, Politics, and Society
- Application of psychodynamic theories in understanding societal issues and artistic expression.
- Segal, H.** (1991). *Dream, Phantasy and Art*. Chapter: "Psychoanalysis and the Aesthetic Experience." New York: Routledge.
- Rustin, M.** (2001). "The Good Society and the Inner World: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Culture." *Psychoanalytic Studies*, 3(2), 213-226.
- Leader, D.** (2016). "Art and Psychoanalysis." *The International Journal of Psychoanalysis*, 97(5), 1391-1408.
Module 3: Critiques and Integrated Perspectives
- Week 11: Feminism in Psychoanalysis
- Theories of the implicit ideas around femininity and their critiques.
"Psychoanalysis and Feminism: A Radical Reassessment of Freudian Psychoanalysis" by Juliet Mitchell.
"Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family" by Nancy Chodorow. A critical analysis of the familial structures and gender roles from a psychoanalytic perspective
- Week 12: Gender, Race, and Culture in Psychodynamic Theories
- Discussion on how gender, race, and culture have been addressed or omitted in psycho-dynamic theories.
"Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory in Contemporary Contexts" by Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz: Psychodynamic Theories and Gender; Psychodynamic Contributions to Understanding Racism.
Race, Culture, and Psychoanalysis: Fundamental Aspects and Clinical Implications" by Celia Brickman.
Week 13: Scientific Critiques of Psychodynamic Approaches
- Analysis of criticisms regarding falsifiability, empirical evidence, and methodological limitations.
"The Effectiveness of Psychodynamic Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" by Falk Leichsenring, Sven Rabung, and Eric Leibing.
"The Problem of Evidence in Psychoanalysis: A Comparative Framework and Review of Contemporary Approaches" by Mark Solms and Oliver Turnbull.
Module 4: Synthesis and Integration
- Week 14: Integration, clarifications and Feedback
- Students discuss their analysis of psychodynamic concepts with a focus on critiques and contemporary relevance.