Week 1
- Overview of the course. Motivations, expectations and objectives
What is intercultural communication?
- History, approaches, self-awareness and ethical imperatives of intercultural communication.
Readings: Ch.2 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Week 2
- What is culture?
- What is communication?
Readings: Ch.3 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Week 3
- Communication and power
Auto-ethnography exercise - part.1
- Communication and context.
Auto-ethnography exercise - part.2
Readings: Ch. 3 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Week 4
- Historical frames shaping intercultural communication.
From History to Stories: Family and Nation
- From History to Histories: Gender/Sexual and Colonial/Racial History
Readings: Ch. 4 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Week 5
- Identity and Intercultural communication:
Membership, expression and multiplicity of identities.
Readings: Ch. 5 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
- Constructing the Other identity:
Perceptions, stereotypes and ascpritions
Readings: Said, Edward W. Orientalism. Introduction (pages 1-30), 1st Vintage books ed., Vintage Books, 1979.
Week 6
- Identity and Intercultural communication in Cinema Part. 1
Watching : Pride by Matthew Warchus, 2014
- Intercultural communication and Cinema Part. 2
Watching: Where do we go now by Nadine Labaki (2011)
Week 7
- Language and communication styles
Readings: Ch. 6 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks, Ch.1
- Translation and interpretations
Readings: Moïse, Ghebremariam Tesfau, Notes toward an Italian decolonial Translation
Week 8
- Nonverbal codes
Readings: Ch. 7 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Abu-Lughod, Lila. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.” American Anthropologist, vol. 104, no. 3, 2002, pp. 783–90.
- Cultural Spaces
Exercise: Mapping cultural spaces
Readings: Hall, E.T. & Hall, M.R. Key concepts: Underlying structures of culture. In J.N. Martin, T.K. Nakayama & L.A. Flores (Eds.) Readings in intercultural communication: Experiences and contexts. (pp. 165-171). USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Week 9
- Migration and (inter)cultural transitions
Readings: Ch. 8 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Watching: Crossing the colorline by Sabrina Onana, 2022
- The female experience of liminality: Women living on the borders
Readings: Anzaldua, G. (1999). Borderlands/La frontera: The new mestiza (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Aunt Lute Press.
Ehrenreich, B., & Hochschild, A. R. (2003). Introduction. In B. Ehrenreich & A. R. Hochschild (Eds.), Global woman: Nannies, maids, and sex workers
Week 10
- What is Popular culture
Readings: Ch. 9 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Hall, S. (1980). Encoding/decoding. In S. Hall, D. Hobson, A. Lowe, & P. Willis (Eds.), Culture, media, language. London: Hutchinson.
- The influence of Representations in popular culture
Readings: Hall, Stewart. Hall, Stuart, Representation & The Media”Lecture Transcript, Media Education Foundation, 1997.
Week 11
- Dialectics of intercultural relationship: benefits and challenges
Readings: Ch. 10 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Chen, L. (2002). Communication in intercultural relationships. In W. B. Gudykunst & B. Mody (Eds.), Handbook of international and intercultural communication
(pp. 241–258). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Intercultural relationships in pedagogical contexts
Readings : Ndack Mbaye, Marie Moïse, Empower(ed). Highschool toolkit for challenging discrimination, Acra
Week 12
- Cultures in conflict: research approaches
Readings: Ch. 11 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts
- Managing intercultural conflicts
Group simulation
Readings: D. Augsburger, Conflict Mediation Across Cultures (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992), pp. 206–208.
Week 13
- Intercultural conflicts in Cinema
Watching: The Old Oak by Ken Loach (2023)
- Analyzing intercultural conflicts.
Readings: Edward Said, "The Clash of Ignorance", The Nation, October 4, 2001
Week 14
- Becoming Intercultural communicators: Individual and contextual competence
- Intercultural communication knowledge applied
Readings: Ch. 11 from Intercultural Communication in Contexts