All readings beyond the textbooks and required texts are links to ebooks and articles available for free via the JCU Frohring Library.
Because each of the mandatory field trips to Pompeii and Ostia Antica counts as two class sessions, 4 of the available 14 class sessions will not be utilized (marked as NO CLASS).
Week 1 9/5 Course introduction; origins, geology and geography, and overview of Roman history
Meeting point: Tiber Island, in front of Church of St. Bartolomeo
Visits: Aventine, Palatine, and Capitoline hills, Velabrum; Tiber River and Tiber Island
Readings: Coarelli 1-9; Aicher §1-3; Claridge 4-38
G. Heiken, R. Funiciello, and D. De Rita, The Seven Hills of Rome. A Geological Tour of the Eternal City. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2007. Ch. 1
D. P. Crouch, Geology and Settlement: Greco-Roman Patterns. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003. Chs. 1, 2, and 7
Week 2 9/12 Regal Rome
Meeting point: Tiber Island, in front of Church of St. Bartolomeo
Visits: Capitoline, Sant’Omobono sacred area, Forum Boarium, Circus Maximus, Roman Forum
Readings: Coarelli 29-47, 131-133, 307-313; Aicher §9-10, 12-21, 58-59, 111-112
C. Smith, “Early and Archaic Rome”
Week 3 9/19 Republican Rome; the triumph & triumphal route
Meeting point: Largo Argentina, next to the tower
Visits: Largo Argentina, Circus Flaminius, Temples of Apollo & Bellona, Tiber Island & bridges, Porticus of Metellus, Forum Holitorium, Roman Forum, Theaters of Pompey and Marcellus
Readings: Coarelli 261-272, 275-285, 313-321, 348-350, 537-540; Aicher §11, 81, 85-87, 98-99, 101-110, 113, 115-117, 119-120; Claridge 39-60; Aldrete Ch. 5
Week 4 9/26 NO CLASS (in lieu of Pompeii trip)
Week 5 10/3 From Republic to Empire – Assignment 1
Meeting point: Piazza del Campidoglio (next to bronze statue at center)
Visits: Roman Forum
Readings: Coarelli 47-99; Aldrete Ch. 4
A. J. Ammerman, “On the Origins of the Forum Romanum,” American Journal of Archaeology 94.4 (1990): 627-645.
Week 6
Th 10/10 NO CLASS (in lieu of Pompeii trip)
F 10/11 Pompeii
Meeting point: Lungotevere Farnesina 6 6:50
Readings: Aldrete Ch. 14
Pompeii Archaeological Park official guidebook in English: pp. 8-9, 16, 20, 25, 27, 30-32, 34-35, 38-39, 56, 59-60, 66, 74-77, 83-88, 91-95, 97-98, 105-106, 110-115, 117
A. Wallace-Hadrill, Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1994. Chs. 1-3
S 10/12 Ostia Antica; review for mid-term exam
Meeting point: Porta S. Paolo train station, in the entrance foyer 8:30
Readings: Coarelli 451-476; Aldrete Chs. 12-13
Internet Group Ostia website:
Guidebook in English
D. J. Mattingly and G. S. Aldrete, “The Feeding of Imperial Rome: The Mechanics of the Food Supply System”
Week 7
M 10/14 Assignment 2 due
Th 10/17 mid-term exam 3:00-4:15
Meeting point: classroom
Week 8 10/24 NO CLASS (in lieu of Ostia Antica trip)
Week 9 10/31 Augustan Campus Martius
Meeting point: Theater of Marcellus
Visits: Theaters of Pompey and Marcellus, Porticus of Octavia, Baths of Agrippa, meridian, Pantheon, Mausoleum of Augustus, Ara Pacis
Readings: Coarelli 285-286, 299-304; Aicher §88, 94-96; Aldrete Ch. 7
S. Walker, “The Moral Museum: Augustus and the City of Rome”
D. Favro, “Making Rome a World City” in K. Galinsky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005.
Week 10 11/7 Capital of Empire
Meeting point: Column of Trajan
Visits: Imperial Forums, Palatine hill, Colosseum valley
Readings: Coarelli 103-128, 133-156, 177-190; Aicher §73-80, 60-65, 66-69; Aldrete Ch. 11
Week 11 11/14 Imperial Campus Martius
Meeting point: Largo Argentina, next to the tower
Visits: Pantheon, Temple of Divine Hadrian, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Stadium of Domitian, Mausoleum of Hadrian/Castel Sant’Angelo
Readings: Coarelli 286-299, 360-362; Aicher §89-93, 97; Aldrete Ch. 10
J. DeLaine, “Building the Eternal City: The Construction Industry of Imperial Rome”
Week 12 11/21 Entertainment and leisure
Meeting point: corner of Viale Aventino and Piazza di Porta Capena (in front of FAO building)
Visits: Baths of Caracalla, Circus Maximus, Colosseum (exterior)
Readings: Coarelli 164-172, 323-331; Aicher §70, 128, 130; Aldrete Chs. 8-9
K. Coleman, “Entertaining Rome”
G. Fagan, “Bathing for Health with Celsus and Pliny the Elder.” Classical Quarterly 56.1 (2006): 190-207.
Week 13
M 11/25 Assignment 3 due
Th 11/28 NO CLASS (Thanksgiving break & in lieu of Ostia Antica trip)
Week 14 12/5 Infrastructure, housing, and cemeteries; review for final exam
Meeting point: Arch of Constantine
Visits: Neronian aqueduct, Servian wall, pyramid of Cestius, Aurelianic wall, Testaccio/Emporium
Readings: Coarelli 11-27, 345-347; Aicher §4-8, 126-127; Claridge 60-61; Aldrete Chs. 3 and 6
H. Dodge, “’Greater Than the Pyramids’: The Water Supply of Ancient Rome”
J. R. Patterson, “Living and Dying in the City of Rome: Houses and Tombs”
December 9-13 Final exam