Introduction to course
Ø content and methodological overview / written and visual sources / chronological overview
Ø learning aims
Ø syllabus: course schedule, course texts, assignments, etc.
Introduction to narrative and pictorial narrative
Required Reading:
Kemp, W. (2003), "Narrative" in Nelson, R. S, and Shiff, R. eds. Critical Terms for Art History 2nd ed. E.R.
Suggested Reading:
Giuliani, L. (2013), "Images and Texts Compared A Diagnosis of Contrasts" Ch. 1 in ibid. Image and Myth: A History of Pictorial Narration in Greek Art E.R.
Harris, A.F. (2017), "The Iconography of Narrative" in Hourihane, C. ed. The Routledge Companion to Medieval Iconography Res. N5975 .R68 2017
Lewis, S. (2019), "Narrative, Narratology, and Meaning" in Rudolph, C. ed. A Companion to Medieval Art E.R.
Mitchell, W.J.T. (2003), "Word and Image" in Nelson, R. S, and Shiff, R. eds. Critical Terms for Art History 2nd ed. E.R.
Vicelia, M. (2017), "Religious Iconography" in Hourihane, C. ed. The Routledge Companion to Medieval Iconography Res. N5975 .R68 2017
Introduction to narrative and pictorial narrative, cont.
Required Reading: See Previous class
Suggested Reading: See Previous Class
****Review of Paper Guidelines****
Introduction to narrative and pictorial narrative, cont.
Required Reading:
Moseley, C. (2014), "Speaking pictures: medieval religious art and its viewers" in Prickett, S. ed. The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, pp. 175–194 E.R.
Suggested Reading: See Previous Class
Early Christian Pictorial Narrative: introduction
Required Reading:
Jensen, M. (2015) “Compiling Narratives: The Visual Strategies of Early Christian Visual Art” JECS 23/1, 1-26 Project M
Suggested Reading:
Bisconti, F. (2002), "The Decoration of Roman Catacombs" in Fiocchi Nicolai et al.The Christian catacombs of Rome: history, decoration, inscriptions. Res DG807.4 .F56 2009
Elsner, J. (1998), "Art and Religion" - Ch. 8 in ibid. Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph Res. N5760.E484
Elsner, J. (2014) “The Psychology of Rhetoric and the Transformation of Visual Culture from non-Christian to Christian Sarcophagi in the Roman World” in ibid. and Meyer, M. eds Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture, 316-349.
Finney, P.C. (1994), "Christianity Before 200: Invisibility and Adaptation" - Ch. 5 in ibid. The Invisible God. The Earliest Christians on Art E.R.
Francis, J. A. (2010) “Biblical not Scriptural: Perspectives on Early Christian Art from Contemporary Classical Scholarship,” SP 44 (2010)
Jensen, M. (2000) "The Character of Early Christian Iconography. Issues and Problems of Interpretation" and "Pictorial Typologies and Visual Exegesis" -Chs. 1 and 3 in ibid. Understanding Early Christian Art on order
Jensen, M. (2014) "The Gospel of John in Early Christian art" in Prickett, S. ed. The Edinburgh companion to the bible and the arts, 131–148 E.R.
Nees, L. (2002), "The Roman Language of Art," "Earliest Christian Art," and "Conversion" - Chs. 1-3 in ibid. Early Medieval Art Res. N5970 .N44 2002
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
Stokstad, M. (2004), "An Introduction to Medieval Art" and "The Early Christian Period" - Chs. 1 and 2 in ibid. Medieval Art. Res N5970.S75
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
Narratives featuring Christ in Late Antique funerary art: miracle stories
Required Reading:
Mathews (1999), "The Magician" Ch. 3 in ibid. The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
New Testament: Cure of the Leper: Mt 8:1-4, Mk 1:40-45 and Lk 5: 12-15; Cure of the Man with palsy (aka cure of the paralytic): Mt 9: 2-8, Mk 2: 1-12, Lk 5: 17-26, and Jn 5: 5-15; Cure of the woman with the issue of blood: Mt 9: 20-22, Mk 5: 25-34, and Lk 8: 43-48; Cure of the Blind man: Mk 8:22-26; Raising of Lazarus: Jn 11
Suggested Reading:
Elsner, J. (1995) “The Truth within these Empty Figures: the Genesis of Christian Visual Exegesis” in ibid. Art and the Roman Viewer: the transformation of art from the pagan world to Christianity, 249-287 Res N5760.E48
Elsner, J. (1998), "Art and Death" - Ch. 6 in ibid. Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph Res. N5760.E484
Elsner, J. (2014) “The Psychology of Rhetoric and the Transformation of Visual Culture from non-Christian to Christian Sarcophagi in the Roman World” in ibid. and Meyer, M. eds Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture, 316-349.
Jensen, M. (2000) "Portraits of the Incarnate God" Ch. 4 in ibid. Understanding Early Christian Art " on order
Jensen, M. (2014) "The Gospel of John in Early Christian art" in Prickett, S. ed. The Edinburgh companion to the bible and the arts, 131–148 E.R.
Mathews (1999), "The Emperor Mystique," Ch. 1 in ibid. The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
Narratives featuring Christ in Late Antique funerary art:
the Entry in to Jerusalem
Required Reading:
Mathews (1999), "The Chariot and the Donkey" Ch. 2 in ibid. The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
New Testament: Entry into Jerusalem: Mt 21:1–5; Mk 11: 1-3; Lk 19: 28-40; Jn 12: 12-18
Suggested Reading: See previous class
Scripture "Christianized" in Late Antique funerary art: introduction
Required Reading:
Jensen, M. (2000) "Pictorial Typologies and Visual Exegesis" Ch. 3 in ibid. Understanding Early Christian Art " on order
Suggested Reading:
Elsner, J. (1995) “The Truth within these Empty Figures: the Genesis of Christian Visual Exegesis” in ibid. Art and the Roman Viewer: the transformation of art from the pagan world to Christianity, 249-287 Res N5760.E48
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
**Quiz 1: Narratives featuring Christ in Late Antique funerary art **
Scripture "Christianized" in Late Antique funerary art, cont.
Adam and Eve, the Crossing of the Red Sea, and Jonah
Required Reading:
**Re-read relevant parts (on Jonah and the Crossing of the Red Sea) in Chs. 2 and 3 in Mathews (1999), The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
Elsner, J. (2012) “’Pharaoh’s Army got Drownded’ Some Reflections on Jewish and Roman Geneologies in Early Christian Art” in Kessler, H. L. and Nirenberg, D. eds. Judaism and Christian Art: Aesthetic Anxieties from the Catacombs to Colonialism. E.R.
Scripture: Adam and Eve Creation and Fall: Gn. 1: 26-28; Gn. 2: 7-24; and Gn 3; the Crossing of the Red Sea: Ex 14; Jonah: Jnh;
New Testament: Jonah: Lk: 11: 29-32
Suggested Reading:
Balch, D. (2008) "From Endymion in Roman Domus to Jonah in Christian Catacombs: From Houses of the Living to Houses for the Dead. Iconography and Religion in Transition" in Brink, L., O.P. and Green, D. Commemorating the Dead. Texts and Artifacts in Context. Studies of Roman, Jewish and Christian Burials, 243-270 E.R.
Salvadori, S. (2009) "Sin and Redemption, Sexuality and Gender. Adam and Eve in the Funerary Art of Late Antique Rome" in Alchermes, J. D. and Thomas, T.K. eds. Anaomata Eoptika. Studies in Honor of Thomas F. Mathews, 271-282
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
Scripture "Christianized" in Late Antique funerary art, cont.
the Three Men in the Fiery Furnace, Daniel in the Lion's Den,
and Susanna and the Elders
Required Reading:
**Re-read relevant parts (the Three men and Daniel in the Lion's Den) in Chs. 2 and 3 in Mathews (1999), The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
Smith, K.A. (1993) "Inventing Marital Chastity: The Iconography of Susanna and the Elders in Early Christian Art" The Oxford Art Journal 1, 3-23 JStor
Scripture: The three men in the fiery furnace: Dn: 3; Daniel in the Lion's Den: Dn 6; Susanna and the Elders: Dn 13
Suggested Reading:
Jensen, R.M. (2016) "The Three Hebrew Youths and the Problem of the Emperor's Portrait" in Leibner, U. and Hezser, C. eds. Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context E.R.
Sheckler, E. A. and Leith, W.L. (2010) “The Crucifixion Conundrum and the Santa Sabina Doors” The Harvard Theological Review 103/ 1, 67-88 JStor
Spier, J. (2007), Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art on order
Tkacz, B.C. (1999) “Susanna as a Type of Christ” Studies in Iconography 20: 101-155 JStor
Scripture "Christianized" in monumental narrative programs
5th and 6th centuries
Rome: Santa Maria Maggiore and Santa Sabina
Ravenna: San Vitale
narratives: Cain and Abel, Abraham visited by Angels, Sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham and Melchisedech, Moses: calling /burning bush, miracle of the rock, Red Sea crossing; Aaron and the rod
Required Reading:
Miles, M. R. (1993) “Santa Maria Maggiore’s Fifth-Century Mosaics: Triumphal Christianity and the Jews” Harvard Theological Review 86/2: 155-175 Jstor
Scripture: Cain and Abel: Gn 4: 1-16; Abraham visited by Angels / Feast of Abraham: Gn 18: 1-15; Sacrifice of Isaac: Gn 22; Abraham and Melchisedech: Gn 14: 18-20; Moses and Aaron: Ex....
Suggested Reading:
Neumann de Vegvar, C.N. (2007), "Gendered Spaces. The Placement of Imagery in Santa Maria Maggiore" in Ó Carragáin, É. and de Vegvar, C. N. eds. Roma Felix: Formation and Reflections on Medieval Rome, 97-111 Res DG 811 .R55
Mathews (1999), "Larger than Life" - Ch. 4 in The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
Parlby, G. (2014), "Images of Conflict: the Art of anti-Judaism in fifth-century Rome" in Prickett, S. ed. The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, 149–160 E.R.
Sheckler, E. A. and Leith, W.L. (2010) “The Crucifixion Conundrum and the Santa Sabina Doors” The Harvard Theological Review 103/ 1, 67-88 JStor
Spain, S. (1979) “The Promised Blessing: The Iconography of the Mosaics of Santa Maria Maggiore” Art Bulletin 61/4: 518-540 JStor
Stokstad, M. (2004), "The Early Byzantine Period" Ch. 3 in ibid. Medieval Art. Res N5970.S75
**Quiz 2: Images of Scripture in early Christian funerary art**
The New Testament in monumental narrative programs
5th and 6th centuries
Rome: Santa Maria Maggiore and Santa Sabina
Ravenna: Orthodox and Arian baptisteries and Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
Infancy of Christ and John the Baptist / Baptism of Christ
Required Reading:
Foletti, I. (2017), "The Doors of Santa Sabina: Between Stational Liturgy and Initiation" in Foletti, I. and Gianandrea M. eds. The Fifth Century in Rome. Art Liturgy, Patronage, 121-138 Academia. edu / DG 209 .F 65 2017
New Testament: infancy of Christ and John the Baptist / Baptism of Christ: Mt 1-3, Mk 1: 1-15 Lk 1-2, Jn 1: 1-37
Suggested Reading:
Corrington, G.P. (1989) "The Milk of Salvation: Redemption by the Mother in Late Antiquity and Early Christianity" Harvard Theological Review 82/4: 393-420 JStor
Loerke, W.C. (1981), "Observations on the Representation of the Doxa in the Mosaics of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome and St. Catherine's, Sinai" Gesta XX/1: 15-22 JStor
Mathews (1999), "Larger than Life," "Christ the Chamelon" and "Convergence" Chs. 4- 6 in The Clash of Gods. A reinterpretation of Early Christian Art E.R.
Nees, L. (2002), "Endings and Beginnings" - Ch. 5 in ibid. Early Medieval Art Res. N5970 .N44 2002
Parlby, G. (2014), "Images of Conflict: the Art of anti-Judaism in fifth-century Rome" in Prickett, S. ed. The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, 149–160 E.R.
Sheckler, E. A. and Leith, W.L. (2010) “The Crucifixion Conundrum and the Santa Sabina Doors” The Harvard Theological Review 103/ 1, 67-88 JStor
Stephen J. Shoemaker, S. J. (2005), “Jesus’ Gnostic Mom: Mary of Nazareth and the Gnostic Mary Traditions,” in Good, D. ed. Mariam, the Magdalen, and the Mother
Spain, S. (1979) “The Promised Blessing: The Iconography of the Mosaics of Santa Maria Maggiore” Art Bulletin 61/4: 518-540 JStor
Monumental narrative programs
5th and 6th centuries
Required Reading: See Class 11 and 12
Suggested Reading: See Class 11 and 12
**Quiz 3: Pictorial narratives at Santa Maria Maggiore**
**Review for mid-term exam**
Mid-Term Exam
The Passion Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
on portable objects, 4th-6th centuries
Required Reading:
Thunø, E. (2018)," Relics and the Cult of Relics in Late Antiquity" in Jensen, R. M. and Ellison, M.D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Art, 150-168 Academia. edu
New Testament: Passion: Mt 26:15-27:66; Mk 14:12-15:47, Lk 22:7-23: 56, Jn 13:1-19:42, Resurrection and Ascension: Mk 16; Mt 28; Lk 16; Jn 20-21 and Acts 1
Suggested Reading:
Elsner, J. (2011) “Image and rhetoric in early Christian sarcophagi: reflections on Jesus' trial” in ibid. and Huskinson, J. eds. Life, death and representation some new work on Roman sarcophagi. E.R.
Kateuz, A. (2015), “Ascension of Christ or Ascension of Mary? Reconsidering a Popular Early Iconography” JECS 23/2: 273-303 Project M
Nees, L. (2002), "Endings and Beginnings" - Ch. 5 in ibid. Early Medieval Art Res. N5970 .N44 2002
Thunø, E. (2002), Image and relic: mediating the sacred in early medieval Rome NK 6408 .T48 2002
The Passion Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
on portable objects, 4th-6th centuries, cont.
Required Reading: See Previous Class
Suggested Reading: See Previous Class
Scripture and the New Testament in Early Medieval Art,
Introduction to the 8th and 8th and 9th centuries
Required Reading:
Stokstad, M. (2004), "Early Medieval Art" and "Carolingian Art" Chs. 4 and 5 in ibid. Medieval Art. Res N5970.S75
Suggested Reading:
Ataoguz, K. (2013), “The Apostolic Ideal at the Monastery of Saint John in Müstair, Switzerland.” Gesta 52/ 2 91–112.
Beckwith, J. (1964), "The Revival of the Imperial Tradition" - Ch. 1 in ibid Early Medieval Art
Costambeys, M. Innes, M. and MacLean, S. (2011), The Carolingian World
Geary, P. J. (1988) Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World
Lasko, Peter. Ars Sacra, 800-1200. 2nd ed. Pelican History of Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994: Chapter 1
Kornbluth, G. (1992), "The Susanna Crystal of Lothar II: Chastity, the Church and Royal Justice" Gesta XXXI/1: 25-39
Neumann de Vegvar, C.N. (2008), "Reading the Franks Casket: Context and Audiences" in Blanton, V. and Scheck eds. Intertexts: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture Presented to Paul E. Szarmach, 141-59 on order
Schapiro, M. (1944), "The Religious Meaning of the Ruthwell Cross" repr. in ibid. (1979), Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art. Res N7832 .S26
Webster, L. (1999), "The Iconographic Program of the Franks Casket" in Hawkes, J. and Mills, S. eds. Northumbria's Golden Age, 227-46
**Quiz 4: The Iconography Passion and Resurrection, 4th-6th century**
Word and Image in the Court of Charlemagne
Required Reading:
Diebold, W. (2019), “‘Not Pictures but Writing Was Sent for the Understanding of Our Faith:’ Word and Image in the Soissons Gospels,” in Die Handschriften Der Hofschule Kaiser Karls Des Große (Trier: Verlag fur Geschichte und Kultur, 2019): 17–36 Academia. edu
Suggested Reading:
Diebold, W. (1992), "Verbal, Visual and Cultural Literacy in Medieval Art: Word and Image in the Psalter of Charles the Bald" Word and Image 8/2 89-99
Contreni, J. J. (2014), “Learning for God: Education in the Carolingian Age.” The Journal of Medieval Latin 24, 89–129.
Nordenfalk, C. (1988), "Carolingian Illumination " in ibid. Early Medieval Book Illumination Res ND2920 .N68
See also Previous class
Scripture and the New Testament at the Millennium,
Art in the 10th and 11th centuries: Introduction
Required Reading:
Stokstad, M. (2004), "Art at the Millennium. The Imperial Tradition Continues" Ch. 7 in ibid. Medieval Art. Res N5970.S75
Suggested Reading:
Beckwith, J. (1964), "The Consolidation of the Imperial Tradition" - Ch. 2 in ibid Early Medieval Art
"Re-presenting" Psalms in Monastic Contexts
Required Reading:
Openshaw, K. M. (1993) "Weapons in a Daily Battle: Images of the Conquest of Evil in the Early Medieval Psalter" AB LXXXV/ 1, 17-38 E.R.
Scripture: Ps- Selected excerpts TBA
Suggested Reading:
Nordenfalk, C. (1988), "Anglo-Saxon Illumination in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries" in ibid. Early Medieval Book Illumination Res ND2920 .N68
Schapiro, M. (1943), "The Image of the Disappearing Christ. The Ascension in English Art Around the Year 100" repr. in ibid. (1979), Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art. Res N7832 .S26
Re-presenting the Apocalypse:
"Visionary" Narrative in Beatus Manuscripts
Required Reading:
Werckmeister, O.K. (1993), "Art of the Frontier: Mozarabic Monasticism" in Metropolitan Museum of Art (1993) The Art of Medieval Spain, A.D. 500-1200, 120-132 and cat. entries # 78-82 Res N7103.A78
New Testament: Rev - Selected Excerpts TBA
Suggested Reading:
Böse, K. (2019), "In Between, Center and Periphery. The Art of Illumination in the Early Iberian Peninsula" in Kitzinger, B. and O'Driscoll, J. eds. After the Carolingians. Re- defining Manuscript Illumination in the 10th and 11th Centuries, 213-244 E.R.
Doods, J.D. (1993), "Islam, Christianity, and the Problem of Religious Art" in Metropolitan Museum of Art (1993) The Art of Medieval Spain, A.D. 500-1200 , 28-37 Res N7103.A78
Nordenfalk, C. (1988), "Mozarabic Illumination " in ibid. Early Medieval Book Illumination Res ND2920 .N68
Reilly, B. F. (1993), "Medieval Spain" in The Art of Medieval Spain, A.D. 500-1200, 120-132 Res N7103.A78
Schapiro, M. (1963), "The Beatus Apocalypse of Gerona" repr. in ibid. (1979), Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art. Res N7832 .S26
Williams, J.W. (1993), "Christian Spain and the Art of its Neighbors" in Metropolitan Museum of Art (1993) The Art of Medieval Spain, A.D. 500-1200 , 12-25 Res N7103.A78
Asserting episcopal authority in Ottonian Germany: Eve and Mary
Required Reading:
Cohen, A.S. and Derbes, A. (2001) “Bernward and Eve at Hildesheim,” Gesta 41.1: 19-38 E.R.
Suggested Reading:
Nordenfalk, C. (1988), "Ottonian Illumination" in ibid. Early Medieval Book Illumination Res ND2920 .N68
**Quiz 5: the Apocalypse in Beatus Manuscripts**
Scripture and the New Testament in Romanesque Art
late 11th-early 13th century: Introduction
Required Reading:
Stokstad, M. (2004), "Romanesque Art" Ch. 8 in ibid. Medieval Art. Res N5970.S75
Suggested Reading: TBA
Narrative programs in Monumental Sculpture
on the Pilgrimage Routes to Santiago de Campostella
Required Reading:
Forsyth, I. (2002), "Narrative at Moissac: Schapiro's Legacy" Gesta 41/2, 71-93 E.R.
New Testament: Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man: Lk 16: 19-31
Suggested Reading: TBA
Narrative Images in the Romanesque Monastic Cloister
Required Reading:
Seidel, L. (1988), "Medieval Monastic Carving and Monastic Mentalité" in The Medieval Monastery xerox
New Testament: Salome: Mt 14: 6-11; Mk 6: 21-28
Suggested Reading:
Seidel, L. (1984), "Salome and the Canons" Women's Studies, 11, 29-66
**Quiz 6: the narrative portals at St. Pierre, Moissac**
Noah's Drunkeness: a Narrative of Obscene Sight
Required Reading:
Caviness, M. (2012) “A Son’s Gaze on Noah: Case or Cause of Viriliphobia?” in Lindquist, S. ed. The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art, 1-44 E.R.
Scripture: Noah' Drunkeness: Gn 9: 20-27
Loose Ends / Review for Final