CLASS 1: Introduction to course
Ø content, thematic and methodological overview
Ø learning aims
Ø intro to syllabus and course schedule: course texts, assignments, etc.
Ø definitions of myth and Classical mythology
CLASS 2: Definitions of myth and Classical mythology, cont. /
Nature of the evidence in Greco-Roman Antiquity: chronological overview, written and visual sources
Required Reading:
• Buxton "Introduction" and Ch. 1 (Context, Sources Meanings)
Suggested Reading:
• Buxton Ch. 7 (Greek Myths After the Greeks)
• Carpenter Ch. 1 (Introduction) and Ch. 2 (A Demonstration of Method)
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2
CLASS 3: Myths of Origins and Creation: cosmogony and theogony
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 42-48 (myths of origin) and pp. 180-193 (landscape of myths)
• Morford and Lenardon Ch. 3
• Study Images: A. Cosmogony and Theogony
CLASS 4: Myths of Origins and Creation: cosmogony and theogony, cont.
Required Reading:
• Buxton, pp. 42-48 (myths of origin) and pp. 180-193 (landscape of myths)
• Morford and Lenardon Ch. 3
• Study Images: A. Cosmogony and Theogony
CLASS 5: Olympian supremacy
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 48-49 (Zeus), p. 53 (Giants), and pp. 66-87 (Olympians and other divinities)
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 3, pp. 66-68 (focus on Ancient images of Giants and Typhon) and Ch. 4: pp. 76-80 (Titans, Typhon, Giants)
• Study Images: B. Battles for Olympian Supremacy
Suggested Reading:
• Carpenter pp. 69-75 (up to Giants)
• Morford and Lenardon Ch. 5 ("The Twelve Olympians: Zeus, Hera and their Children") and Ch. 6 ("The Nature of the Gods")
• Smith, Hellenistic Sculpture: Ch. 9 ("Pergamon and the Great Altar")
CLASS 6: Mortals: creation, re-creation, nature, status and gender
Required Reading:
• Buxton, Ch. 2, pp. 54-65
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK I: The Creation, The Ages of Mankind, The Flood, Deucalion and Pyrra;
• Morford and Lenardon Ch. 4, pp. 80-88 (Prometheus and Pandora)
• Study Images: C. Prometheus and Pandora
Suggested Reading:
• Carpenter Ch. 4, pp. 75-76 (Prometheus and Pandora)
• Morford and Lenardon pp. 93-97 (Flood)
**Quiz 1: Ancient Greek Images of Gods vs Giants
CLASS 7: Mortals: creation, re-creation, nature, status, gender and place, cont.
Required Reading:
• Buxton, Ch. 2, pp. 58-65
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK III: Cadmus; BK IV: The transformation of Cadmus
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, pp. 375-79 (founding of Thebes/Cadmus)
*********Review of Paper Guidelines*********
CLASS 8: Zeus
Required Reading:
• Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
• Morford and Lenardon pp. 88-93 (background to Aeschylus and P.B.) and pp. 115-117 (section on Ganymede)
•Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK I: Io, BK II: Callisto and Jupiter and Europa
•Buxton pp. 94-100 ("Divine Sexualities": focus on Zeus) and pp. 174-177 ("Same Sex Eroticism": focus on Zeus)
• Study Images: D. Zeus
Suggested Reading:
• Carpenter, Ch. 3 and Ch. 4 (focus on images featuring Zeus)
• Morford and Lenardon pp. 110-117 (Zeus)
**Quiz 2: Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
CLASS 9: Hades, Demeter and Persephone
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 72-73 ("Demeter") and pp. 206-213 ("The Underworld")
• Carpenter Ch. 3 and Ch. 4 (focus on images featuring Demeter, Persephone and Hades)
• Homeric Hymn II: To Demeter
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK V: Rape of Proserpine
• Study Images: E. Rape of Persephone
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 14 ("Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries") and Ch. 15 ("Views of the Afterlife: the realm of Hades")
CLASS 10: Aphrodite
Required Reading:
• Buxton p. 78 ("Aphrodite") and pp. 94-96 ("Divine sexuality": focus on goddesses)
• Homeric Hymn V: To Aphrodite
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK X: Venus and Adonis and Atalanta
• Study Images: F. Venus and Adonis
Suggested Reading:
• Carpenter, Ch. 3 and Ch. 4 (focus on images featuring Aphrodite)
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: Bk X: Myrrha
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 9 ("Aphrodite and Eros")
• Koortbojian, M. (1995), Chs. 1-3 (Mythological Sarcophagi /Venus and Adonis)
CLASS 11: Meleager / Artemis
Required Reading:
•Buxton pp. 106-107 ("Meleager, Atlanta and the Kalydonian Boar"; see also cross-reference on p. 86) and pp. 75-77 ("Artemis")
• Carpenter pp. 186-87 (Meleager); Chs. 3 and 4 (focus on images featuring Artemis)
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: Bk II: Callisto; Bk III: Diana and Acteon
• Study Images: G. Meleager and H. Artemis
Suggested Reading:
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: Bk VIII: Meleager and the Calydonian Boar and Althea and Meleager
• Morford and Lenardon, pp. 608-612 ("Meleager") and Ch. 10 (Artemis)
**Quiz 3: Ancient Roman sarcophagi reliefs: Venus and Adonis
CLASS 12: Aphrodite, Artemis, Phaedra and Hippolytos
Required Reading:
• Euripides, Hippolytos
• Buxton pp. 88 ("Hippolytos"; see also cross-references on p. 72 and p. 129)
• Study images: I. Hippolytos and Phaedra
**Quiz 4: Euripides' Hippolytos***
CLASS 13: Apollo and Hermes
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 49-50 (birth of Apollo), pp. 50-53 (childhood of Hermes), pp. 73-75 (Apollo), pp. 77-78 (Hermes), pp. 90-91 ("Competing with the Gods") and pp. 94-101 ("Divine Sexualities"), and pp. 174-177 ("Same Sex Eroticism")
• Lib. reserve/ MY JCU: Ovid, Metamorphoses: Bk I: Apollo and Daphne; Bk II: Mercury and Battus; Bk VI: Niobe and Marsyas; Book X: Hyacinth
• MY JCU: Study images: J. Apollo and Hermes
Suggested Reading:
• Homeric Hymn III: To Delian Apollo and Homeric Hymn IV: To Hermes
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 11 (Apollo) and Ch. 13 ("Hermes")
• Carpenter, Ch. 3 and Ch. 4 (focus on images featuring Apollo and Hermes)
CLASS 14: Dionysos
Required Reading:
• Buxton p. 53 ("Dionysos") and pp. 81-82 ("Dionysos and His Followers")
• Ovid Metamorphoses: BK III: Semele and the Birth of Bacchus
• Study Images: K. Dionysos, Satyrs & Maenads
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 13 ("Dionysus, Pan, Echo and Narcissus)
• Carpenter Ch. 3 and Ch. 4 (focus on images featuring Dionysos)
*********Paper Abstract due*********
CLASS 15: Dionysos, cont.
Required Reading:
• Euripides, Bacchae
Suggested Reading:
• Lib. reserve/ MY JCU: Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 13 ("Dionysus, Pan, Echo and Narcissus)
**Quiz 5: Euripdes' Bacchae
CLASS 16: Athena
Required Reading:
• Buxton p. 79 ("Athene")
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: Bk VI: Arachne
• Study images: L. Athena
Suggested Reading:
• Lib. reserve/ MY JCU: Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 8 (Athena)
• Carpenter, Chs. 3 and 4 (focus on images featuring Athena)
CLASS 17: Heroic Exploits: Perseus
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 102-105 ("Extraordinary Mortals" and "Perseus")
• Carpenter Ch. 5 ("Perseus")
• Study images: M. Perseus and Gorgons
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 21 ("Perseus and the Legends of Argos")
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK IV: Perseus and Andromeda; BK V Perseus Flight into the Palace of Celephus
*Quiz 6: Ancient Greek Images of Medusa
CLASS 18: Heroic Exploits: Herakles
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 114-122 (Herakles)
• MY JCU: Study images: N. Herakles and Centaurs
Suggested Reading:
• Euripides, The Madness of Herakles (aka Herakles)
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 22 ("Herakles")
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK IX: Acheolus and Hercules, Hercules, Nessus and Deianara, The Death and Apotheosis of Hercules, The Birth of Hercule
• Carpenter Ch. 6 (Herakles)
*********PAPER DUE*******
CLASS 19: Tragic Exploits: Herakles, Nessos and Deianeira
Required Reading:
• Sophocles, Trachiniae (aka Women of Trachis)
• Study images: N. Herakles and Centaurs
Suggested Reading:
• Euripides, The Madness of Herakles (aka Herakles)
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 22 ("Herakles")
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK IX: Acheolus and Hercules, Hercules, Nessus and Deianara, The Death and Apotheosis of Hercules, The Birth of Hercules
CLASS 20: Heroic Exploits: Theseus
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 124-129 (Theseus) and pp. 194-199 (Crete)
• Study Images: O. Theseus and Amazons
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 23 ("Theseus")
• Carpenter, Ch. 7 (Theseus)
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK VII Theseus, Minos, Aeceus, the Plague at Aeigina, the Myrmidions
CLASS 21: Tragic Exploits: Oedipus
Required Reading:
• Buxton p. 148 (intro. to Ch. 5) and pp. 162-69 (House of Laios, to which Oedipus belongs)
• Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (aka Oedipus Tyrannos )
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 17 (Oedipus/Theban Saga)
• Carpenter, Ch. 7: pp. 166-168 (Oedipus)
*********Paper Abstract due*********
CLASS 22: Tragic Exploits: Medea
****Quiz 7: Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Reliefs: Medea ****
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 108-113 ("Jason, the Argonauts and Medea)
• Euripides, Medea
• Study Images: P. Medea
Suggested Reading:
• Apollonios, Argonautica
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 24 ("Jason, Medea and the Argonauts")
• Carpenter pp. 183-186 (sections on Jason, Argonauts and Medea)
• Ovid, Metamorphoses: BK VII. Medea and Jason, Medea and Aeson, Medea and Pelias: her Flight:
CLASS 23: Heroic Exploits: The Trojan War
Required Reading:
• Buxton pp. 131-139 (Trojan War) and pp. 200-205 (Troy)
• Study Images: Q. Trojan War I
Suggested Reading:
• Carpenter, Ch. 9 and pp. 17-21 (Trojan War)
• Euripides, Helen
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 19 (Trojan Saga and the Illiad)
CLASS 24: Heroic Exploits: The Trojan War, cont.
Required Reading:
• Homer, Illiad Bks. I-IV
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 19 (Trojan Saga and the Illiad
CLASS 25: Heroic Exploits: The Trojan War, cont.
Required Reading:
• Homer, Illiad Bks. VI, IX, XIV, and XVI
Suggested Reading:
• Lib. reserve/ MY JCU: Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 19 (Trojan Saga and the Illiad)
**Quiz 8: The Illiad (Books I-IV, VI, IX, XIV, and XVI)
CLASS 26: Heroic Exploits: The Trojan War, cont.
Required Reading:
• Homer, Illiad Bks. XVIII, IXX, XXII and XXIV
Suggested Reading:
• Morford and Lenardon, Ch. 19 (Trojan Saga and the Illiad)
CLASS 27: Heroic Exploits: The Trojan War, cont./ The Aftermath of the War (overview)
Required Reading:
• Buxton, pp. 136-139 (Fall of Troy/ Trojan Horse)
• Study images: R. Trojan War II
Suggested Reading:
• Buxton, pp. 139-145 (Odysseus/ Odyssey), pp. 151-53 (Agamemnon & Menelaos)
• Carpenter Ch. 9 and pp. 17-21 (Trojan War) and Ch. 10 (The Aftermath of the War)
************************PAPER DUE**********************
CLASS 28: Loose ends/ Review for Final Exam
***********************FINAL EXAM***********************
day, time and classroom TBA