Details of further reading suggestions as well as a relevant bibliography for the course will be provided at the start of the semester.
Core bibliographic works for the course include:
Bell, S. and Hansen, I.L. (eds) (2008) Role Models in the Roman World.
Borg, B. (ed.) (2015) A Companion to Roman Art.
Clarke, J.R. (2003) Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans.
Claridge, A. (2010) Rome. Oxford Archaeological Guide.
Davies, P. (2000) Death and the Emperor.
Ewald, B.C. and Noreña, C.F. (eds) (2010) The Emperor and Rome.
Fejfer, J. (2008) Roman Portraits in Context.
Flower, H.I. (2004) (ed.) Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic.
Galinsky, K. (1996) Augustan Culture.
Jacobs, P.W. II and Conlin, D.A. (2015) Campus Martius. The Field of Mars in the Life of Ancient Rome.
Kleiner, D.E.E. (1992) Roman Sculpture.
Marder, T:A: and Wilson Jones, M. (eds) (2015) The Pantheon from Antiquity to the Present
Wallace-Hadrill, A. (1993) Augustan Rome.
Zanker, P. (1988) The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus.
Week 1 - Introduction to the course and to Rome
Themes/works: Course requirements & logistics. Rome: mythological & topographical origins. Tiber Island; Forum Boarium; Circus Maximus; Palatine and Capitoline Hills.
Meeting place: JCU, place TBA
Assigned reading: None
Week 2 - Regal and Republican Rome: foundation and expansion
Themes/works: City foundation; survival of Regal period monuments; Republican period expansion; the military triumph. Forum Romanum (Temples of Vesta, Saturn and Castor); Palatine Hill (Romulus); Capitoline Hill (Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus); Forum Boarium (Round temple; Temple of Portunus); Circus Flaminius area
Meeting place: Piazza del Campidoglio, statue of M. Aurelius (Claridge 2010: fig 109).
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 4-9 (history), 39-41, 52-53 (materials & orders), 63-67, 75-77, 83-84, 105-11 (Forum Romanum), 132-3 (hut of Romulus), 259-62, 268-70 (Capitoline, Temple of Jupiter), 285-8 (Forum Boarium), 250-1, 253-6 (Circus Flaminius area); Stamper 2005: 6-10, 38-40, 49-50 (Kings, politics and authority, triumph)
Week 3 - Late Republican Rome: competition, honor, display
Themes/works: Rome and the Hellenistic world; display, competition and influence; patronage and civic space. Theatre of Pompey, Victory temples at Largo Argentina, Forum of Caesar, Forum Romanum
Meeting place: Campo dei Fiori, statue of G. Bruno (Claridge 2010: fig 77)
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 9-12 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95 (Forum Romanum), 71-75, 161-9 (Forum of Caesar), 239-46 (Theatre of Pompey, victory temples); Stamper 2005: 49-50, 84, 90-92 (triumph, Pompey, Caesar).
Week 4 - Caesar and Augustus: private patronage and public space
Themes/works: Patronage, politics, and history; creation of the principate. Forum Romanum (Basilica Aemilia and Julia, Rostra, Curia, Temple of Divus Julius, Temple of Castor, Portico of Gaius and Lucius); Forum of Augustus; Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta
Meeting place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, Via Fori Imperiali/Via Cavour (Claridge 2010: figs 1, 60)
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 10-15 (history), 63-75, 85-87, 92-95, 100-3 (Forum Romanum), 177-80 (Forum of Augustus); Kleiner 1992: 59-60 (intro to Augustus), 63-67 (Prima Porta statue); Schneider 2008: 270-8 (Augustan Rome)
Week 5 - Augustus: new political relationships
Themes/works: The creation of the principate: the princeps as role model; senators as stakeholders in a new order. Campus Martius; Mausoleum of Augustus; Ara Pacis Augustae; Horologium; Pantheon and building works of Agrippa
Meeting place: Entrance to the Ara Pacis Augustae, Piazza Augusto Imperatore (Claridge 2010: fig 77).
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 9-15, 40-43 (history & materials), 197-216, 232-3 (Campus Martius, Augustan monuments); Kleiner 1992: 59-60 (intro to Augustus), 90-99 (Augustus, Ara Pacis Augustae)
Week 5 - Late Republic/Principate: honorific portraiture
Themes/works: Portraiture and cultural identity; portraiture and political ideology; Augustan painted interiors. Republican works: veristic portraiture, statue of general from Tivoli; Imperial works: Augustan and Vespasianic portraiture; statue of Augustus from Via Labicana; Garden painting from Prima Porta; Villa Farnesina paintings
Meeting Place: Entrance to Palazzo Massimo Museum, Piazza dei Cinquecento (near Termini station / Piazza Republica) (Claridge 2010: fig 180).
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 12-18 (History); Kleiner 1992: 7-11, 31-40 (Republican), 59-69, 75-78 (Augustan), 171-9 (Flavian); Schneider 2008: 279-84 (the Augustan image)
Week 6 - Mid-term exam and discussion of Term Paper
Themes: Source evaluation, reference use, bibliographic formatting related to writing the term paper
Meeting place: JCU place to be established
Assigned reading: Details will be posted on Moodle
Week 7 – Nero and the Flavians: the emperor and Rome
Themes/works: Articulating imperial status in Rome; positive and negative role models: father-figures and tyrants; Hellenism and tradition. Domus Aurea; Templum Pacis; Flavian amphitheatre; Arch of Titus; Palace of Domitian; equestrian statue of Domitian; Forum Transistorium [Forum of Nerva]
Meeting Place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, by the Arch of Titus (Claridge 2010: figs 36 [labeled exit])..
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 16-18 (history), 82-83, 118-9, 121-3 (Forum Romanum), 125-8, 145-56 (Palatine), 169-76 (Temple of Peace, Forum of Nerva), 301-6, 312-9 (Domus Aurea, Colosseum)
Week 8 - Trajan and Hadrian: the emperor and the Empire
Themes/works: Articulating the role of emperor: head of empire or co-regent of Jupiter; depictions of war and non-Romans; culture and cosmopolitan outlook. Forum and Column of Trajan; Temple of Venus and Rome; portraiture of Trajan and Hadrian
Meeting Place: Column of Trajan (Claridge 2010: fig 60).
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 118-21 (Temple of Roma and Venus), 180-96 (Forum and markets of Trajan); Kleiner 1992: 207-8, 212-20 (Forum and Column of Trajan), 238-42 (Hadrian)
Week 9 - Hadrian to Commodus: Rome as metropolis
Themes/works: Depictions of war and peace; commemoration and dynastic policies. Pantheon, Mausoleum of Hadrian, Hadrianeum, Columns of A. Pius and M. Aurelius, Stadium and Odeum of Domitian
Meeting Place: Piazza Navona, near southern fountain (Claridge 2010: fig 77).
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 18-21 (history), 197-204 (Campus Martius), 216-21 (Columns of A. Pius & M. Aurelius), 223-38 (Hadrianeum, Pantheon, stadium and odeum of Domitian); Kleiner 1992: 283-88 (Hadrianeum, column of A. Pius), 295-301 (column of M. Aurelius)
Week 10 - The Severans: mapping Rome
Themes/works: Depicting dynasty and history; reconstructing Roman / making a new Rome; water and popular luxury; popular participation in imperial messages. Arch of Septimius Severus, Temple of Vesta, Arch of the Argentarii, Baths of Caracalla, Septizodium
Meeting point: Piazza Campidoglio, statue of M. Aurelius (Claridge 2010: fig 109)
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 21-24 (history), 78-79 (Arch of S. Severus), 292-3 (Arch of the Argentarii), 356-65 (Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla)
Week 11 -
Antonines, Severans and Constantine: ruling a world city
Themes/works: Portraiture and imperial identity; being Roman, acting Greek; values and morals. Portraiture: Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Constantine; Equestrian statue of M. Aurelius; panel reliefs of M. Aurelius; Temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina
Meeting Place: Piazza Campidoglio, statue of M. Aurelius (Claridge 2010: fig 109)
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 18-29 (history), 111-13 (Temple of Antoninus); Kleiner 1992: 267-80 (Antonine portraits), 288-95 (reliefs of M. Aurelius), 319-25 (Severan portraits), 438-41 (Constantine).
Week 12 - Tetrarchs to Constantine: a Roman Rome
Themes/works: Imperial rule and Roman history; art quoting history; triumph and tradition; a new role for the emperor in Rome? The late imperial Forum; Arch of Constantine; Basilica of Maxentius; Temple of Venus and Roma
Meeting Place: Entrance to the Forum Romanum, Via Fori Imperiali/Via Cavour (Claridge 2010: figs 1, 60)
Assigned reading:
Claridge 2010: 21-29 (history), 78-79, 85-87, 115-7 (monuments in the Forum), 308-12 (Arch of Constantine); Kleiner 1992: 444-55 (Arch of Constantine).
Week 14 - Review class
Overview and discussion of course content
Meeting Place: JCU, place to be established
Assigned reading:
Pose 3-5 questions, based on your revision study, for which you would like clarification and further detail.
Week 15 - Final exam
Meeting place: Date, time and place to be announced