PART 1 - Visual Activism: Theories and Genealogies
Defining visual activism
Week 1 - Introduction to visual culture, protest aesthetic, countervisuality;
Visibility and invisibility in social and political movements.
Week 2 – Social movements and visual media: what is the role of visual activism?
Week 3 – Genealogies of visual activism: case studies from the XXth century
Week 4 – Visual activism and digital culture
The conversation around digital activism, introduced here for the first time, re-imerges in all of the following lectures and seminars. As part of the course students are also invited (and required) to participate in the public program Digital Delights and Disturbances organized by Media and Communications Department.
Themes, directions and tactics
Week 5 - What, where and how of visual activism;
Subvertizing and culture jamming: from redefining public space to social media activism.
Week 6 – Visual activism and decolonial perspectives: practices of ‘visibilization’ in physical and digital spaces. Removal, restitution, recontextualization.
Week 7 – Environmental activism in the digital age
Week 8 – Visual activism and contemporary feminisms
Week 9 – Queer resistance and LGBTQIA+ visual activism
Week 10 – Presentation of the case studies selected and analyzed by students.
PART 2 - Visual Activism: Strategies and Practices
Week 11 – On site exploration, guided by Rome-based activists, of dfferent examples of visual activism in public spaces: posters, murals, writing and graffiti in the neighboorhoods of Rome.
Week 12 – Toolkit: from universal to site-specific and context-oriented:
a round table and a group activity, guided by visual activists, aimed at the creation of a personalized toolkit of practices and strategies of visual activism.
Week 13 – A workshop guided by a Rome-based photographer and activist: using the materials gathered throughout the semester for their visual diaries students will collectively create a zine that will address the main topics of the course.
Week 14 – Presentation of the final group projects.