HS345 F24 Class schedule:
Week 1
Introduction to the course - The legacy of WWII
Week 2
Europe divided – The German question
Week 3
De-colonization – France, Vietnam and Algeria
India’s independence
Week 4
The dark days – The fall of Eastern European democracies
Week 5
The Cold war and the nuclear threat
Exam questions posted on Moodle
Week 6
The USSR from Stalin to Chruscev – The space race
Week 7
Review session – Midterm exam
Week 8
May 68: The cultural revolution – Europe and the world
Week 9
Terrorism: The cases of Ulster, Spain, Italy and Germany – The Good Friday agreements
Deadline for first 4 page paper
Week 10
From the building of the Common market to the EU – Change and resistance
Week 11
The oil crisis – Europe and the Middle East
Week 12
The fall of the Soviet Union – The German unification
Week 13
The EU and the broadening of European borders – The Yugoslavia crisis
Week 14
Immigration and the European identity – The terrorist threat
Final exam questions posted on Moodle
Week 15
War and Peace: The EU, Russia and the attack on Ucraine
Review session -
Deadline for second 4 page paper
Deadline for 8 page paper