Week 1 - Course Introduction – Aims, Expectations, Rules, Grading
.Lecture 1: Colour Theory – The Basics and History
.Early exercises with the Colour Wheel
Week 2 – Colour Qualities: Hue, tonality, saturation, relativity...
.Lecture 2: Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky and Johannes Itten
.extracts from:
Johannes Itten, The Art of Colour
Joseph Albers, The Interaction of Colour
Wassily Kandinsky, The Spiritual in Art
.exercises with colour and shape
Reading: James Elkins, "What is Color?", in How to Use Your Eye (New York: Routledge, 2009, 202 ff.)
Week 3 – The life of Colours
.Lecture 3: Colour as Matter
.Colour study: Blues, Yellows, Reds et al (history, names of pigments and properties)
.Reading: James Elkins, "Painting as Alchemy", inWhat Painting Is (New York: Routledge, 1998, 168 ff.)
Week 4 – The Palette
.Colour as Matter: Study of the Palette
.Colour study: Types and Role of Browns
Week 5 - Colours, Mediums and Surfaces
.Study of interactions among colours and colour and surfaces
.Reading: James Elkins, "The studio as Psychosis", in What Painting Is (New York: Routledge, 1998, 168 ff.)
Week 6 - Midterm Project: Monochromatic Painting
.Colour study: Approaches to painting, Paint Applications and Handling, the Brushstroke
.Reading: Bridget Riley, Colour for the Painter
Week 7 – Midterm Test and Review
Week 8 – Colour-mixing
.Midterm Project Feedback
Week 9 – The Psychology and Symbolism of Colour
.Lecture 4: What can colour mean?
.Reading: excerpts from
.Johan W. Goethe, Theory of Colour
.Betty Edwards, "Chapter XII", Color, (New York: Penguin, 2004, 157-168).
.Painting session
Week 10 – Colour Extraction
.Colour studies from photos and paintings
Week 11 – Colour and the Physical World
.Colour studies from life
Week 12 – Studio Session and one-to-one tutorials
.Issue of Individual Readings and Concepts for Finals
Week 13 – Technical Test (Finals)
Week 14 – Imagination Test (Finals)
Week 15 - Final Peer Review