(8/25, 2024 - this is a preliminary schedule!)
T Sept 3
1. Introduction.
Course structure and practice, coursework.
K. Greene – T. Moore, Archaeology: An Introduction (5th ed. 2010), chapter 5.
Th Sept 5
2. Bioarchaeology and Osteoarchaeology.
White – Folkens ch. 1. 19; M. Q. Sutton, Bioarchaeology. An Introduction to the Archaeology and Anthropology of the Dead (2021).
T Sept 10
3. Archaeological Context.
Typology of Tombs: Burials and grave monuments below and above ground.
White – Folkens ch. 2; J. M. C. Toynbee, Death and Burial in the Roman World (1996); J. Pierce, M. Millett, M. Struck, Burial, Society, and Context (2001).
Th Sept 12
4. Cremation, Inhumation, and Mummification: Ash urns and sarcophagi. Excavation practice.
White – Folkens ch. 5.
T Sept 17
5. Hominids and Early Humans.
Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo Sapiens
Th Sept 19
6. Carthaginian Tophet.
See Moodle for bibl.: J. H. Schwartz et al. 2010 and 2017; P. Xella 2013; Patricia Smith 2015; Piero Bartoloni 2016 and 2017; B. D’Andrea, Bambini nel ‘limbo’ 2018.
Fri Sept 20 (make up for 11/28) no lesson
T Sept 24
7. a. Human Anatomy and Osteoarchaeology 1
The human body and skeleton.
White – Folkens ch. 4. 6. 19; Merck manuals/MSD manuals online, engl./ital.; Johns Hopkins Medicine, Anatomy of the bone 2021
7. b. Natural mummification
Waterlogged, frozen, and dry environment.
Th Sept 26
8. Human Anatomy and Osteoarchaeology 2
Bones; the human body and skeleton.
White – Folkens ch. 4. 6. 19
T Oct 1
9. a. Egyptian mummies and Inca mummies
9. b. Osteoarchaeology. The study of teeth.
White – Folkens ch. 8; J. D. Irish (ed.), Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 53 (2008).
Th Oct 3
10. Ostia and the Isola Sacra. Isotopes, Diet, and Migration Studies.
and review for midterm test.
White – Folkens p. 411-414; L. Bondioli et al., Isola Sacra necropolis; A. Sperduti, Comunità dei morti e individui scheletrici: dallo studio di popolazioni alla ricostruzione della storia biologica individuale (2011).
T Oct 8
11. Midterm exam
Th Oct 10 no lesson
Friday Oct 11 (TBC) meet at 9:15am at the pyramid on Piazzale Ostiense
12. & 13. Osteoarchaeology at the Museo delle Civiltà.
Visit to the laboratory of the Museo delle Civilta’, Servizio di Bioarcheologia, Rome, EUR. Insight view into a professional laboratory.
White – Folkens ch. 18.
T Oct 15
14. Religion and Ritual. Paper outline due.
Prehistorical origins, the first burials. From Egypt and Mesopotamia to Greece and Rome. Funeral rites and beliefs in the Afterlife. Grave gifts, funerary inscriptions, and ancient texts.
J. Pierce, M. Millett, M. Struck, Burial, Society, and Context (2001); B. E. Borg, Roman Tombs and the Art of Commemoration (2019).
Th Oct 17 no lesson
T Oct 22
15. Ethics.
Human remains in modern religious beliefs.
White – Folkens ch. 3.
Th Oct 24
16. Paleopathology.
Health and life expectance. Endemic diseases.
White – Folkens ch. 17; J. E Buikstra, Ortner's Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains (3rd ed. 2019);
T Oct 29
17. Pandemics. Ancient surgery.
White – Folkens ch. 17; K. Harper, Plagues Upon the Earth (2021).
Th Oct 31
18. Oral Presentations 1.
Case studies in Osteoarchaeology or Paleopathology.
T Nov 5
19. (Oral Presentations 2.) Guest lecture by Tatiana Tondini (TBC).
Th Nov 7
20. Oral Presentations 3.
T Nov. 12
21. Paleopathology.
History of Medicine.
D. Gourevitch, Pour une archéologie de la médecine romaine (2nd ed. 2019); V. Nutton, Ancient Medicine (2nd ed. 2012).
Th Nov. 14 no lesson
Friday Nov 15 (TBC)
22. & 23. Paleopathology in Ostia Antica.
Visit to the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Servizio di Antropologia. Insight view into a professional laboratory.
T Nov 19
24. Ancient authors.
Th Nov 21
25. Environmental Archaeology.
Interaction between humans and landscape, temperature, rainfall.
K. Greene – T. Moore, Archaeology: An Introduction (5th ed. 2010), chapter 4;
T Nov 26
26. Paleoclimatology.
K. Harper, The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire (2017).
Th Nov 28 no lesson (Thanksgiving)
T Dec 3
27. Zooarchaeology.
Animal bones, hunting and domestication, diet. Sacrificial offerings.
D. Gifford-Gonzalez, An Introduction to Zooarchaeology (2018);
Th Dec 5
28. Forensic Archaeology and review for final exam.
M. Cox, Human Osteology: In Archaeology and Forensic Science (2000).
Final Exam
Subject to change are:
- the Friday fieldtrips 12. & 13. Museo delle Civiltà, 22. & 23. Ostia Antica
- the number of oral presentations 18. 19. 20.
- # a guest lecture (TBA): aDNA, cancer in antiquity. Guest lecture by Tatiana Tondini.
Independent/recommended site visits (additional/alternative visits):
MNR Terme di Diocleziano: prehistoric burials; Roman ash altars and sarcophagi, skeleton mosaic.
MNR Palazzo Massimo: girl’s mummy from Grottarossa.
MNR Crypta Balbi: burials in the apsidal hall/latrine.
Antiquarium Forense: Roman Skeletons from the Archaic Necropolis on the Forum Romanum.
Centrale Montemartini: sarcophagi and grave context of Crepereia Tryphaena.
Necropolis of the Isola Sacra, Fiumicino: Roman tombs of the imperial period.
Catacombs (Sant’Agnese, Via Nomentana): early Christian burials and human remains.
Convent and crypt of the Frati Cappuccini, Via Veneto: bones as memorial art.
Accademia d’Egitto: Tutankhamen exhibition.
Archaeology - Overviews
C. Renfrew - P. Bahn, Archaeology. Theories, Methods, Practice (3rd ed. 2000)
K. Greene – T. Moore, Archaeology: An Introduction (5th ed. 2010)
A. M. Pollard - R. A. Armitage - C. A. Makarewicz (eds.), Handbook of Archaeological Sciences (2023)
Bioarchaeology – Human Osteology
J. E. Buikstra – D. H. Ubelaker (eds.), Standards for data collection from human skeletal remains: proceedings of a seminar at the Field Museum of Natural History (1994)
S. Mays, The Archaeology of Human Bones (1998)
C. S. Larsen, Skeletons in Our Closet: Revealing Our Past through Bioarchaeology (2002)
S. Mays - M. Brickley - N. Dodwell, Human bones from archaeological sites. Guidelines for producing assessment documents and analytical reports. BABAO and English Heritage (2002)
M. Brickley J. I. McKinley ed., Guidelines to the Standards for Recording Human Remains, British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology BABAO-and Institute of Field Archaeologists IFA, 7, 2004
T. D. White – P. A. Folkens, The Human Bones Manual (2005)
J. D. Irish (ed.), Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 53 (2008)
D. L. Martin, Bioarchaeology: An Integrated Approach to Working with Human Remains. Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique (2013)
C. S. Larsen, Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 69 (2nd ed. 2015)
J. E Buikstra, Bioarchaeology: The Contextual Analysis of Human Remains (2017)
R. W. Mann, The bone book : a photographic lab manual for identifying and siding human bones (2017)
M. Q. Sutton, Bioarchaeology. An Introduction to the Archaeology and Anthropology of the Dead (2021)
Ministero della Cultura: I resti scheletrici umani: dallo scavo, al laboratorio, al museo (2022) http://www.ic_archeo.beniculturali.it/getFile.php?id=1456
V. Dalal et al., Advancements and Challenges in Ancient DNA Research: Bridging the Global North–South Divide, Genes 2023, 14 (2), 479
Museum of London: Wellcome Osteological Research Database, https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/collections/other-collection-databases-and-libraries/centre-human-bioarchaeology/osteological-database
J. M. C. Toynbee, Death and Burial in the Roman World (1996)
J. Pierce, M. Millett, M. Struck, Burial, Society, and Context (2001)
H. Duday, Lezioni di Archeotanatologia (2006)
E. M. Murphy, Deviant Burial in the Archaeological Record. Studies in Funerary Archaeology, 2008
R. Gowland – C. Knusel, The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains. Studies in Funerary Archaeology (2009)
L. Bondioli et al., Isola Sacra necropolis (see: http://www.ostia-antica.org/dahp/cd2/cementum/projectt.htm)
A. Sperduti, Comunità dei morti e individui scheletrici: dallo studio di popolazioni alla ricostruzione della storia biologica individuale, in V. Nizzo (ed.), Dalla nascita alla morte: Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto (2011)
E. M. J. Schotsmans, N. Márquez-Grant, S. L. Forbes (eds.), Taphonomy of Human Remains: Forensic Analysis of the Dead and the Depositional Environment (2017)
B. E. Borg, Roman Tombs and the Art of Commemoration (2019)
M. Boyajian, Three Books on Ancient Roman Death: Suicide, Infanticide and Burial (2019)
D. Borbonus, Organized Collective Burial in the Port Cities of Roman Italy (2020)
Paleopathology and Ancient Medicine
D. Gourevitch, Les maladies dans l’art antique (1998)
N. H. Metcalf, In what ways can human skeletal remains be used to understand health and disease from the past?, Postgrad Med J. 2007 Apr; 83 (978) 281–284
C. Roberts - K. Manchester, The Archaeology of Disease (3rd ed. 2010)
V. Nutton, Ancient Medicine (2nd ed. 2012)
K. Harper, The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire (2017)
D. Gourevitch, Pour une archéologie de la médecine romaine (2nd ed. 2019)
J. E Buikstra, Ortner's Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains (3rd ed. 2019)
K. Harper, Plagues Upon the Earth (2021)
Kyle Harper, Ancient Pandemics Webinar Series (2020)
T. O'Connor, The Archaeology of Animal Bones (2004)
E. J. Reitz, Zooarchaeology. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology (2008)
N. Russell, Social Zooarchaeology. Humans and Animals in Prehistory (2012)
U. Albarella et al. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology (2017)
D. Gifford-Gonzalez, An Introduction to Zooarchaeology (2018)
Environmental Archaeology
Environmental Archaeology – The Journal of Human Palaeoecology (EA)
L. Thommen, An Environmental History of Ancient Greece and Rome, 2012
W. Scheidel, The Science of Roman History: Biology, Climate, and the Future of the Past, 2018
Forensic Archaeology
K. Reich – M. Bass, Forensic osteology: advances in the identification of human remains (2nd ed. 1998)
M. Cox – S. Mays, Human Osteology: In Archaeology and Forensic Science (2000)
S. Blau – D. H. Ubelaker (ed.), Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology (2nd ed. 2016)
K. S. Moran – C. L. Gold (ed.), Forensic Archaeology. Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2019)