Sept 2 - 1) Introduction. Archaeological practice, theories, and methods.
syllabus; introduction books; Greene ch. 1; Claridge, Rome 197-249.
in classroom Horti 1 (TBC) then walk (Largo Argentina temples)
Sept 9 - 2) History of research. From Renaissance to the 20th century. Collections, antiquarians, excavators.
Greene ch. 1; Claridge, Rome 259-273. 460-468.
meet on Capitoline Hill (Piazza Campidoglio)
Sept 16 - 3) Archaeological survey techniques. Discovery and pre-excavation.
Greene ch. 2
In classroom
Sept 23 - 4) Visit to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.
Claridge, Rome 62-159.
Meet at the Arch of Constantine
Sept 30 - 5) Theory and practice of excavation
Greene ch. 3
pick oral presentation topic
in classroom/on BBQ terrace
Oct 7 - 6) Visit to the Villa of the Auditorium. Excavation, economy, Greek pottery.
K. Greene, Roman Pottery; Claridge, Rome 444-446.
Meet at Metro A/tram 2 Flaminio
Oct 14 - 7) Midterm Test
in classroom
Oct 21 - 8) Chronology and dating methods. Dendrochronology, Carbon 14, and related methods.
Greene ch. 4; Claridge, Rome 494-496.
in classroom
Oct 28 - 9) Visit to the Gipsoteca/Museum of Classical Art. Greek sculpture and stylistic dating.
D. E. E. Kleiner; N. H. Ramage-A. Ramage, Roman Art 24-27; R. R. R. Smith, Hellenistic Sculpture (1991) 14-18; D. Strong, Roman Art 36. 58-63.
paper outline due
Meet at metro A Castro Pretorio
Nov 4 - 10) Oral presentations.
oral pres.
in classroom
Nov 11 - 11) Metro C/San Giovanni excavations: Presentation to the public. (or: oral presentations 2)
Readings TBA; Claridge, Rome 373-383.
Meet at TBA
Nov 18 - 12) Visit to the Via dei Fori Imperiali. Conservation, restoration. National archaeology.
Claridge, Rome 161-196. 312-319.
Meet at the Arch of Constantine
Nov 25 - 13) Roman burials: Sepolcreto Ostiense/Necropoli San Paolo (TBC; or St Agnes, catacombs and lapidarium; or Numismatics: Coinage, Epigraphy: Inscriptions).
Readings TBA
Meeting point TBA
Dec 2 - 14) Archaeological heritage. Art crime: Tomb raiders and the illicit art market. Review for final exam.
Greene p. 14ff. ch. 5. 6;
paper due
in classroom
Dec TBA - 15) Final Exam
in classroom TBA
Book Title - Author
Rome. Archaeological Guide (2010) A. Claridge
Rome and Environs (2007) F. Coarelli
Archaeology. Theories, Methods, Practice (3rd ed. 2000) C. Renfrew - P. Bahn
Reader in Archaeological Theory (1998) D. S. Whitley
Burial, Society, and Context (2001) J. Pierce, M. Millett, M. Struck
Understanding Archaeological Excavation (1986) P. Barker
The Archaeological Process (1999) I. Hodder
Archaeological Theory. An Introduction (1999) M. Johnson
Book Title - Author
Archaeology. A Very Short Introduction (2012) P. Bahn
In the Beginning. An Introduction to Archaeology (2005) B. M. Fagan, C. R. De Corse
The Archaeology of Roman Economy (1986) K. Greene
Roman Pottery (1992) K. Greene
Ancient Rome. The Archaeology of the Ancient City (2000) J. Coulston, H. Dodge
An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology (1996) N. Thompson de Grummond
A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (1992) L. Richardson
The Ancient Mediterranean Environment between Science and History (2013) W. V. Harris (ed.)