Week 1 - Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne.
MON Introduction - Rip Van Winkle - Washington Irving. My Kinsman Major Molineux - Nathaniel Hawthorne.
WED - Young Goodman Brown - The Ministers Black Veil - Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Week 2 - Edgar Allan Poe
MON - The Fall of the House of Usher
The Theory of Composition
WED - The Tell Tale Heart
The Black Cat
Week 3 - Emerson
MON - Nature
WED - Self Reliance
Week 4 - Thoreau
MON - "Where lived and what I lived for."
WED - "Economy"
Week 5 - Herman Melville
MON - Bartleby - The Scrivener
WED - Moby Dick - Excerpts
Week 6 - Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs
MON - Narrative in the Life of an American Slave 'The Black Man at the White House'
WED - The Gettysburg Address - Lincoln
Week 7 - Walt Whitman
MON - Song of Myself
WED - Facing West From California's Shores
Week 8 - Emily Dickinson
MON - 'My Life had Stood a Loaded Gun' 'The World is not conclusion'.
WED - Library Session
Week 9 - Mark Twain and Booker T Washington
MON The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
WED - Up from Slavery - Booker T Washington
Week 10 - Ambrose Bierce and Charlotte Gilman Perkins
MON - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge - Ambrose Bierce
WED - The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Gilman Perkins
Week 11 - Ernest Hemingway and Sherwood Anderson
MON - Indian Camp - Ernest Hemingway
WED - Death in the Woods - Sherwood Anderson
Week 12 - F.Scott Fitzgerald and Zora Neale Hurston
MON - The Great Gatsby - Excerpt
WED - Their Eyes Were Watching God - Excerpt
Week 13 - Frederick Jackson Turner and Zitkala-Sa
MON - The Turner Thesis
WED - Why I am a Pagan
Week 14 - Sherman Alexie
MON - The Toughest Indian in the World - Sherman Alexie
WED - Review