Week 1: Surveying the gaming landscape
Topics include: industry overview, development roles, publishing and distribution, marketing considerations for independent developers, genres and platforms. This class will also introduce the Unity development environment. We will set up our in-class projects with correct settings and learn how to import internal and external packages for use in our projects.
Assignment: Elevator Pitches for the game you’d like to make, readings from 101 Things I Lear-ned in Architecture School
Week 2: Designing the core game loop
Topics include story and gameplay; character, cameras, combat, and mechanics; systems and progression, and an overview of the game design document.
Assignment: There will be several required videos from the Gamemakers Toolkit and Architect of Games YouTube channels. (And you will be encouraged to binge as many of them as you can!) Start working on your game design document. Install Unity if you haven’t already.
Week 3: Level Design
Topics include overview of level taxonomy, open and closed worlds, quests, defining objectives, hazards and enemies, and a brief introduction to grey boxing with Unity Probuilder.
Weeks 4-7: The asset pipeline
Topics will include an overview of 3D assets and the asset production pipeline; tools and techni-ques of box and sub-d modelling, low- and high-poly techniques (including sculpting) for game development, UV unwrapping, PBR shaders, textures and baking, as well as basic character de-sign and rigging for animation.
Assignment: Begin producing models to replace “grey-box assets”. Prepare a weekly briefing (1-2 minutes) on changes/improvements and issues you encounter.
The game design document will be due at the end of week 7.
Weeks 8-13: The Unity Development Environment and the Playmaker framework
Topics will include: importing/exporting assets, configuring user input, building a third-person character controller, using Mecanim to control animations, using colliders and triggers to create interactions in the game, rigging particle systems for visual effects, realtime/baked lighting stra-tegies, implementing game systems (health, inventory, experience, quest, dialogue, etc.) and user interface/head’s up display elements with visual scripting.
Assignment: Implement controls and game systems that are relevant for your game. Iterate and playtest, tweak and debug continuously.
Week Fourteen: Distribution Considerations
Topics include title screens, load screens, options menus, optimizations, deliverables, presenting your game on a platform (in our case, itch.io), FTP and the Butler client, screenshots, trailers Assignment: Create an itch.io page for distributing your game including description, screen-shots, gameplay trailer, etc. Secure keys for the class.
Final Exam: Games due