HS211 – Fall 2023 - 20th century Europe and the world
Instructor: Dario Biocca ([email protected])
The 20th century has shaped our society and our view of the past. Unspeakable tragedies and remarkable achievements characterized changes which redefined the notions of social progress, national identity and political ideology. The course explores the causes of the outbreak of two world wars, the development of totalitarian utopias and studies the events which occurred during “the short twentieth century”. It also discusses values, principles and beliefs that in the post WWII years led to the building of multinational structures of governance, the advancements made in the realm of science and technology and the deepening of generational gaps. Finally, the course analyzes the transformations which most recently redefined the relations between Europe, the West and the rest of the world.
Note on research paper: students may choose to write two 4-page papers or one 8-page paper. More details in class, please note the deadlines (in red) for completing the work.
Class schedule:
Week 1
Introduction to the course - The New Imperialism
Week 2 (Jan. 22-24)
The First World War
Week 3
The Russian revolution – The USSR
Week 4
The rise of Fascism - Nazi Germany
Week 5
The Second world war (1)
Midterm exam questions posted on Moodle
Week 6
The Holocaust – The Eichmann trial
Deadline for first 4 pages paper
Week 7
The Second World War (2) – Review session
Midterm exam
Week 8
Post WWII Europe - The Berlin crisis
Week 9
The fall of European empires – The cold war
Week 10
Europe and the Middle East – May 68
Week 11
The Vietnam years - The Cyprus crisis
Week 12
The USSR from Stalin to Gorbačëv
Week 13
The EU – From German reunification to Brexit
Final exam questions posted on Moodle
Week 14
The EU and America – War in Iraq and Afghanistan
Review session
Deadline for second 4 page paper
Deadline for 8 page paper