Schedule of Topics
The Coming of a New Century: the Second Industrial Revolution and the Growth of Imperial Rivalries I. G: 3-98.
The Coming of a New Century: the Second Industrial Revolution and the Growth of Imperial Rivalries II. G: 3-98.
The first Global Conflict or a European Civil War? World War I. G: 98-139.
A failed Attempt to Rebuild the World System: Versailles and the post-war Crises. The Search for Social andInternational Stability. G. 144-170; K: 29-54.
The Russian Revolution and the Making of the Soviet Union. G: 170-178; Hosking: 35-118; K: 141-175.
Capitalism and Liberal Democracy Challenged: France and Britain and their Empires between the Wars. G: 184-198; 235 243; K: 276-334.
The Soviet Union from the NEP to Stalin's Terror. G: 299-305; Hosking: 119-226.
Eastern Europe between the Wars. K: 176-211
Mussolini and Italian Fascism. G: 198-208; K 212-242.
The first German democratic system: The Weimar Republic. G: 179-184; 218-223, K: 243-275.
Authoritarianism in Southern Europe: I. Salazar’s Estado Novo in Portugal. II. The Spanish Civil War and Franco. G: 286-292, K: 335-365.
Nazi Germany. G: 243-271, K: 366-394
Appeasement and the Road to World War II. G: 272-286; 292-299; K: 395-425.
Hitler's search for a New Order. A global conflict: WWII. G: 306-342; Hosking: 2661-295.
The Foundations of Post-War Europe. Europe Divided. G. 345-353; Hosking: 296-325.
Western Europe from War to Peace. The end of European Empires? Decolonization and Neocolonialism G: 361-366.
The survival of authoritarianism in post-war Europe: Spain and Portugal.
A Socialist Empire: Stalin’s Soviet Union and the Sovietization of Eastern Europe. G: 367-379; Hosking: 296-325.
Germany Divided and the Cold War. G: 354-361.
The Political Balance in Western Europe: Christian Democracy, Democratic Socialism and the Rise of Communist parties. G: 379-397; 413-416.
Russia after Stalin. The Soviet and Eastern European Economies and societies. G: 397-403; Hosking: 326-362.
The Two Blocs after Stalin’s Death: The Cold War Drags on.
Britain, France, Germany and Italy from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. G: 409-427;437-505. .
The Soviet Union and the popular democracies to the late 1970. G: 427-440; Hosking 362-401.
Democratization in Spain and Portugal. G: 492-494.
Crisis and Stagnation in the Eastern Bloc. The Eastern European Revolutions and the collapse of Communism. G: 506-544; M 367-401; Hosking: 401-50.
Towards a new a New Europe?