Week 1: Sept 2 and 4: Introduction—What is Anthropology? The History of the Field. Short Ethnographic Practicum in-class. Ethnography Assignment #1 due Sunday night.
Week 2: Sept 9 and 11: Methods (ethnography, mindfulness, ethics). Guest speaker Rev. Guglielmo Doryu of Centro Zen Anshin. Ethnography Assignment #2 due Sunday night.
Week 3: Sept 16 and 18: Theoretical Frameworks.
Week 4: Sept 23 and 25: Socialization, Symbols and Meaning-Making. Ethnography Assignment #3 due Sunday night.
Week 5: Sept 30 and Oct 2: Anthropology of the Mind. In-class presentations on transcultural comparisons.
Week 6: October 7 and 9: Anthropology of Religion. Ethnography Assignment #4 due Sunday night.
Week 7: October 14 and 16: Anthropology of Religion field trip (Jewish quarter). Midterm exam in-class.
Week 8: October 21 and 23: Anthropology of Food. Ethnography Assignment #5 due Sunday night.
Week 9: October 28 and 30: Anthropology of Gender/Body/ Health/Sex.
Week 10: Nov 4 and 6: Anthropology of Social Division. Field trip to Campo de Fiori. Submit fieldwork topic and method proposal.
Week 11: November 11 and 13: Anthropology of Social Division. Ethnography Assignment #6 due Sunday night. Field trip to Mercato Esquilino.
Week 12: November 18 and 20. NO IN-CLASS MEETINGS. Submit fieldwork topic research summary/update. (visual anthropology/screenings—The Act of Killing and ________ searching for sugarman?
Week 13: November 25 and 27: NO IN-CLASS MEETINGS. (Presentations of in-progress ethnographic fieldwork)
Week 14: Dec 2 and 4. Conclusions and Evaluation. Final Exam in-class.
Week 15: Ethnographic fieldwork project due.