COURSE NAME: "Child Development"
Fall 2024
Elaine Luti
EMAIL: [email protected]
TTH 10:00 AM 11:15 AM
Prerequisite: PS 101
before and after class and by appointment, live if allowed, or online
Follows the development of the child through adolescence, with emphasis on the complexity and continuity of psychological development. The course will emphasize the interaction and interdependence of the various systems: biological, genetic, and environmental, as well as the interaction and the interdependence of cognitive and social factors in the various stages of development, from the prenatal period through adolescence. Particular attention will be placed on attachment theory, the development of the self, and possible pathological outcomes of faulty development.
This course will follow development from birth through adolescence, with emphasis on the developing child in his intersubjective contexts, the interrelationship between different aspects of development (cognitive, physical, interpersonal and emotional and social), and childhood as the foundation of the adult personality. Particular attention will be given to infant research and the implications of the findings of intersubjective infant researchers on later emerging characteristics of the child, and on attachment theory through all phases of child development.
The student will learn to read professional writing in child development questioning its theoretical premises, and will think about the implications of the findings of researchers in the area and understand the child in the contexts of his physical and mental development, his intersubjective relationships and his social and cultural environment and the mutual influences of each on each of the others. The emphasis is on understanding rather than on information.
Book Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN number | Library Call Number | Comments | Format | Local Bookstore | Online Purchase |
Child Psychology A Very Short Introduction | goswami | don't remember | 000000000 | | | Ebook | | |
Assignment | Guidelines | Weight |
class presentation on a topic to be determined | Several topics, some involving readings, will be offered, and you should sign up for one. It will be a group project, usually in pairs or three. You will have to describe the reading or the topic, discuss it, present it in class, and hand in the part you did on paper. It can be a rough outline. The goal is not to do a scholarly work but to present it to your classmates, as you would to a friend. If you want to do a project alone, you would have to come up with a topic and get it approved. | 20% |
specific written assignments | two short written homework assignments | 10% each (20% in total) |
midterm | a midterm in class with short essay answers, simillar to the specific written assignments Open book, open written notes on paper, no devices. | 30% |
final exam | final exam in class similar to midterm. This will take place in class time. At the scheduled final exam time there will be the possibility to meet with the prof by appointment and discuss the exam if you didn't feel you did well on it or to discuss other assignments. or anythhg that interests you | 30% |
A Assessment in this course is not about knowledge of facts or even knowledge of the course material itself, since you will have access to it, but is based on understanding that shows that you’ve thought about it, can come up with examples or show its application and implications for the field and perhaps outside of the specific field, or disagreeing with the course material showing you understand it and why you disagree - is the mark of an excellent paper or exam. Very often some of the best work students do comes from a critical analysis of the material and positions taken by the professor. If you agree with the material, then you should be able to show that you’ve thought about it, come up with further examples, considered the implications and thought of possible objections and the answers to them. A paper, forum post or presentation that shows the above qualities will be given an A B To receive a B you’ll show good knowledge of the course material and arguments presented, will have some examples of the material but while some will be original, they will be primarily the examples given in class, and you’ll show some sense of the implications but these, too, will be primarily limited to the implications mentioned in the course. Your arguments will be well presented and thought out, but these won’t go very far beyond the actual material of the course.
C To receive a C you’ll show knowledge of the material insofar as it can be found in the readings and lecture notes, but it will often not be complete, or completed through internet searches, will not show much personal elaboration of the material. Examples and applications of the material will be limited and there will be some concepts that you haven’t clearly understood. D You’ll receive a D when there’s some indication that you didn’t fully read or understand the material or follow the class lectures and discussions. There will be gaps in what you’ve been able to find in the readings and class notes. You won’t have understood some concepts. You will have researched your answers on generic internet sites and not been aware that they contradict some of the course material. F To fail the course with an F it will be apparent that you haven’t read or understood a large part of the material and can’t find it among your notes or readings, that you haven’t done some of the reading or followed in class and have no understanding of the material that is in the paper or essay beyond relaying some facts.
The student is presumed to be a responsible adult who will attend class and get the notes for classes missed. Therefore there will be no official penalties for absences. However it will be extremely difficult to pass the course without attending class and class material will be drawn on for forum posts and projects. In the case of group projects, the responsibility of the student is to the other group members, and participation in the group will be part of the grade. Note that THE CLASS IS IN A LECTURE FORMAT AND PARTICIPATION IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED, THERE ARE NO POWER POINTS but there will be some lecture notes available, though not for all units. So you need to be able to learn from lectures, take notes, and do the readings.
As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic
dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred.
In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment,
may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of
academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student
who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from
the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation
to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap.
Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning
of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.
Syllabus 2023 fall child development ps221
Elaine Luti
Note that the units are not necessarily weeks or class meetings. Some material is very complex and will require more time and some will require less. You will find a detailed calendar, with unit descriptions and approximate dates, on the moodle page of the course.
Theory, subjectivity, objectivity, intersubjectivity, methods
Lecture notes 1
Lecture notes 2
Pregnancy and birth, psychological aspects
Lecture notes 3
Infancy – social and emotional development
Lecture notes 4
Stern- Interpersonal world of infant, emergent self ch 3
Stern – Forms of vitality ch 1
Beebe- Origins of attachment ch 2
Film in class
Infant cognitive development, self, invariants
Stern Interpersonal life of infant ch 5 core self
Beebe Infant research & adult treatment ch 5 early interactive regulation
Goswami Child development ch 1, 2
Infant social and emotional development: attachment
Beebe Mother-infant interaction picture book ch 4
Stern Interpersonal world. Ch 8 Sense of verbal self
Toddler social and emotional devel. Attachment, and its effects through time
2 films
Beebe Origins of Attachment ch 1
Goswami Child Psych ch 4
Early Childhood Social, emotional, cognitive devel.
Goswami Child Psych ch 7, 4
Middle childhood, cognitive development
Goswami child psych ch 5, 6
Middle childhood, emotional development
Karen avoidant society excerpts
Blakemore, Inventing ourselves, ch 1, 3, 4 pg 55-64, ch 5 75-78, ch 7, ch 8 131-2, ch 9
Pathological dev
Mate’ Scattered ch 8, 9, 10.
Miller Gifted Child
Bowlby Separation-anxious attachment and phobias of ch
Stern, Interpersonal world ch 9