The course uses contemporary theoretical approaches in order to examine both race and gender as social constructions. The role and function of cinema and television texts (and visual media in general) in contesting and circulating those constructions will be the central concern of the course. Focusing on analyzing cinema and television texts for their construction of meaning, the course investigates the complex ideological operations at stake in the operations, maintenance and resistance to meanings constructed around race and gender.
Cinema and television texts –including such forms as talk shows, music videos, soap operas, television sitcoms, dramatic series, advertising, genre films and experimental/avantgarde cinema --will be analyzed from a variety of critical perspectives. Issues of power related to gender and race, of privilege and discrimination, of cultural capital and modes of reading and spectatorship will be integrated through readings, screenings and discussions. The economic and cultural implications of the mass media as institutions, as sites of production, as actual texts and of the diverse forms of consumption will also be analyzed.
Course Organization:
The course will be run as a seminar. Students are highly encouraged to cultivate their own perspective on the points raised in the assigned readings, those they encounter as part of their own research and interest and those raised by others during class discussion. There will be regular screenings during class time. Students are responsible for the materials missed due to unexcused absences.
Course Readings:
The readings are critical to your understanding of the material. I have tried to select readings that will introduce you to important theoretical concepts and also provide concrete examples from the mass media. In some cases, the readings will provide valuable background for issues we will discuss further in class. At other times, the readings will supplement what we discuss in class by addressing issues and concepts that we do not have time to cover in class sessions. I will try to regularly propose as series of key questions to keep in mind as you do the readings and I will introduce these as we move through the semester. Please complete the readings BEFORE coming to class.