Week I
Class 1: Introduction
Class 2: International Organizations. Verbal and visual representations
Individual research
Week II
Class 3: Why Global Governance?
Reading: Karns (2024) Chapter 1
Class 4: Theoretical perspectives
Reading: Karns (2024) Chapter 2
Week III
Class 5: The foundations of global governance
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 3
Class 6: The United Nations
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 4
Class 7 (Make-up class for Nov 28): The Reform of the UN
Reading: Crisis Group (2024) The UN, An Organisation Close To Breaking Point? & Global Policy Watch (2024) Pact for the Future: Reform of UN Security Council?
Week IV
Class 8: Challenges Facing the United Nations
Reading: CIDOB (2024) The World In 2024: Ten Issues That Will Shape The International Agenda
Class 9 (Sept 25, at 6PM, Aula Magna) make-up class for October 24
Reading: Belmonte (2024) Difficult Heritage: the Afterlives of Fascist-era Art and Architecture, Introduction
Class 10 Regionalism in Europe
Reading: Karns (2024) Chapter 5
Week V
Class 11: EU
Reading: European parliament (2024) Ten issues to watch in 2024
Class 12: NATO
Reading: GMF (2024) Four Challenges for NATO After the Washington Summit
Week VI
Class 13: Regionalism in Asia
Reading: A. Libman (2023) The Rise and Fall of the Eurasian Regionalism
Class 14: Africa
Reading: ISPI (2024) The ECOWAS + ECDPM (2023) Trouble in paradise: The EU-Africa partnership in a geopolitical context
Week VII:
Class 15: Americas
Reading: Brookings (2024) Strengthening USMCA and North America’s economic cooperation + Lubbock 2023 The Reconfiguration of Twenty-first Century Latin American Regionalism, Introduction
Class 16: review
Class 17: Midterm exam
No class (make-up class on September 25)
Week IX
Class 18: Non-state actors
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 6
Class 19: IOs promoting HRs
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 9
Week X
Class 20: IOs promoting development
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 8
Class 21: IOs promoting security
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 11
Week XI
Class 22: IOs preserving the environment
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 10
Class 23: Oral presentations
Week XII
Class 24: OP
Class 25: OP
Class 26: OP
Holiday (make-up on September 20)
Week XIV
Class 27: Challenges in Global governance
Reading: Karns (2024), Chapter 12
Class 28: Review