Week 1
Monday: Introduction
Wednesday: Using verbal and visual sources
Week 2
Monday: History of the idea of Europe
Reading: Nicholas Doumanis (2016) Europe’s Age of Catastrophe in Context, In The Oxford Handbook of European History, 1914-1945 and R. Petri (2018) Meanings of Europe and Meaning in History
Wednesday: Plans about a federal Europe from the interwar period
Reading: Delzell (1960), The European Federalist Movement in Italy: First Phase, 1918-1947 The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 241-250; Villanueva (2005), Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's "Pan-Europa" as the Elusive "Object of Longing"Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 67-80; Müller (2006) Julien Benda’s Anti-Passionate Europe, European Journal of Political Theory 5(2) 125–137
Week 3
Monday: Understanding the EU from different theoretical perspectives
Reading: Textbook Chapter 1
Wednesday: The history of the integration process
Reading: Textbook Chapter 2
Week 4
Monday: EU institutions
Reading: Textbook Chapter 3
Wednesday: EU members states
Reading: Textbook Chapter 4
Wednesday 6PM, Aula Magna (makeup class) for Oct 24
Week 5
Monday: Decision-making and policies
Reading: Textbook Chapter 5 and 7
Wednesday: Democracy in the EU
Reading: Textbook Chapter 6
Week 6
Monday: The EU’s public diplomacy
Visit to the EU multimedia center
Wednesday: EU enlargements
Reading: Textbook Chapter 9 plus K. Wolczuk (2023) Overcoming EU Accession Challenges in Eastern Europe: Avoiding Purgatory
Week 7
Monday: Brexit
Reading: P. Norris (2018) Understanding Brexit: Cultural Resentment versus Economic Grievances,
Wednesday: Review
Week 8
Monday: Midterm
Wednesday: No class (make-up class on September 25)
Week 9
Monday: EU as a global actor
Reading: Textbook Chapter 8 + Crisis Group (2024) A Pivotal Moment for EU Foreign Policy
Wednesday: EU-Russia relations
Readings: A. Foxall (2019) From Evropa to Gayropa: A Critical Geopolitics of the European Union as Seen from Russia, Geopolitics, 24:1 + Raik (2024) EU Policy towards Ukraine: Entering Geopolitical Competition over European Order
Week 10
Monday: Transatlantic relations
Reading: FPC (2024) Transatlantic Relations and the War in Ukraine: The Road to the Summit
Wednesday: Refugees
Reading: European Council on Foreign Relations (2019) All at sea: Europe’s crisis of solidarity on migration plus Elcano Royal Institute (2024) The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: context, challenges and limitations
Week 11
Monday: Identity politics. Mythical narratives
Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part I
Wednesday: Identity politics. Symbols
Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part II
Week 12
Monday: Identity politics. Rituals
Reading: Salgò (2017) Images from Paradise: the European Union’s Visual Communications Strategy, Part III
Wednesday: Oral presentations
Week 13
Monday: OP
Wednesday: OP
Week 14
Monday: OP
Wednesday: review