Unit 1 Introduction. Methodology. Terminology. The Italian Peninsula. The Italian State. The Italian Nation.
(Sep. 2, 4) (assigned readings)
Unit 2 Eras of Historical and Cultural Development. Territory, Economy, and Society. The People and the Nation.
(Sep. 9, 11) (Mignone, pp. 1-29; Mammone, pp. 1-16; assigned readings)
Unit 3 State and Nation. The Southern Question. The Roman Question. The Fascist era. The Concordat. WWII.
(Sep. 16, 18) (Mammone, pp. 114-127; assigned readings)
Unit 4 “Civil War”. The Monarchy/Republic Referendum. The Constitution. The Republic. Democracy Italian Style.
(Sep. 23, 25) (Mignone, pp. 61-84; Mammone, pp. 19-33; assigned readings)
Unit 5 The Church and the Vatican. The Italian South. Mafias. Freemasonry. Political Terrorism.
(Sep. 30, Oct. 2) (Mignone, pp. 85-106; Mammone, pp. 171-197; assigned readings)
Unit 6 Italian Minorities. Identities. Ethnicities. The “Gypsies”. The Prison System. The Judicial System.
(Oct. 7, 9*) (Mignone, pp. 107-122; Mammone, pp. 143-157; assigned readings)
Unit 7 Reconstruction. The Economic Recovery. Agriculture. Industrialization and State Industries.
(Oct. 14, 16) (Mignone, pp. 123-156; Foot, pp. 1-16; assigned readings)
Unit 8 Italy in the Boom Years. The economic miracle. Changeof culture and sicuety. The Labor Market.
(Oct. 21, 23) (Mignone, pp. 158-164; Mammone, pp. 201-212; Foot, pp. 17-50; assigned readings)
Unit 9 Library Session. Political Culture, Social Transformation
(Oct. 28, 30*) (Mignone, pp. 164-184; Foot, pp. 50-80; assigned readings)
* Library Session.
Unit 10 From Boom to Collapse and Beyond. Social Transformation. Migration. Identities.
(Nov. 4, 6) (Mignone, pp. 180-230; Mammone, pp. 158-170, 229-242; Foot, pp. 81-269; assigned readings)
Unit 11 The Second Republic. Democratizing the Education System. University System. Barons. Radical reforms.
(Nov. 11, 13) (Mignone, pp. 231-262; Mammone, pp. 34-48; Foot, pp. 270-348; assigned readings)
Unit 12 Italy in the Twenty-First Century. Secularization of State and Society. The Catholic Church. Religion.
(Nov. 18, 20) (Mignone, pp. 263-292; Mammone, p. 73-84; Foot, pp. 349-380; assigned readings)
Unit 13 Italy Today. Family: Tradition and Change. Women’s Movement and Gender Relations. New Legislation.
(Nov. 25, 27) (Mignone, pp. 293-341; Mammone, p. 243-252; Foot, pp. 381-419; assigned readings)
Unit 14 Current Realities of Italy. The European Union. Globalization. Conclusion.
(Dec. 2, 4*) (Mammone, pp. 213-228; assigned readings)
(Dec. 9 – Dec. 13, t.b.s.*)
Films/Audiovisual Materials Sessions:
1. (date t.b.s.) “on Mafia”
2. (date t.b.s.) “on Minorities”
3. (date t.b.s.) “on Corruption”
The syllabus schedule may undergo reasonable changes about guest speakers, field trips, make-ups, discussions, events, and other contingencies.