Week 1:
A brief introduction to contemporary criticism and on-site visit to an exhibition in Rome - commercial gallery
Week 2:
Continued introduction to contemporary criticism and on-site visit to an exhibition in Rome - public museum
Week 3:
Continued introduction to contemporary criticism and on-site visit to an exhibition in Rome - non-profit arts foundation
Week 4:
Continued introduction to contemporary criticism and on-site visit to an exhibition in Rome - art in the public sphere
While we will be reading excepts from some of the books on this list, they are included here first and foremost for your interest, both because they pertain to the course and because the writers are particuarly engaged in critical writing and thinking.
Barnet, Sylvan. A short guide to writing about art. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. (Frohring Library)
Earnest, Jarrett. What it Means to Write About Art: Interviews with art critics. David Zwirner Books, 2018.
e-flux Journal
Elkins, James. What Happened to Art Criticism? Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003.
Groys, Boris. Art Power. The MIT Press, 2013.
Heartney, Eleanor. Out of the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibility and the Art Critic, 1996 (republished on Artnet).
Hickey, Dave. Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy. Art Issues Press, 1997.
Hickey, Dave. The Invisible Dragon: Essays on Beauty and Other Matters: 30th Anniversary Edition. Art Issues Press, 2023.
hooks, bell. Art on My Mind: Visual Politics. The New Press, 1995.
Laing, Olivia. Funny Weather: Art in an Emergency. W W Norton & Co Inc, 2020.(Frohring Library)
Lippard, Lucy. From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women's Art. Plume, 1976.(Frohring Library)
Lonzi, Carla. Self-portrait. Divided Publishing, 2021 (English translation).(Frohring Library)
McEvilley, Thomas. Doctor Lawyer Indian Chief: “Primitivism in 20th Century Art.” Artforum, 1984 (republished in Artforum).
Nelson, Maggie. On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint. Vintage Publishing, 2021. (Frohring Library)
Nelson, Maggie. The Art of Cruelty: A Reckoning. W.W. Norton & Co, 2011.
Nochlin, Linda. Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists. ARTnews, 1971 (reprinted in ARTnews May 30, 2015).
Rubinstein, Raphael. Where Is the Audience for Art Criticism Now? Art in America, 2019.
Solnit, Rebecca. A Field Guide to Getting Lost. Penguin Books, 2006.
Solnit, Rebecca. Men Explain Things to Me. Haymarket Books, 2014.
Tate, Greg. Cult-Nats Meet Freaky-Deke. The Village Voice, January 10, 2020 (originally published December 9, 1986).
Tate, Greg. Flyboy in the Buttermilk: Essays on Contemporary America.Touchstone; reprint edition 2015 (first published in 1992).
Wallis, Brian. Art After Modernism (Art Criticism and Theory). David R. Godine, 1992.
Wilde, Oscar. The Critic as Artist. David Zwirner Books, 2019 (first published in 1891). (Frohring Library)
Williams, Gilda. How to Write About Contemporary Art. Thames & Hudson, 2014
*Several books will be placed on reserve in the JCU library for your reading and consultation.