Session 1 - First day of class: Introduction. Getting inspired by looking at professional photographers’ work. Overview of syllabus, requirements, class expectations, and review of students’ equipment. Grade policy discussion.
Session 2 - The basic principles of photography I: basic camera controls (ISO, aperture, shutter speed) set-ups. Please, review your manual prior to class. Small intro to the history of the great photographers that came before us. Assignment 1 at home: using the camera settings we spoke about take 3 images – one over exposed, one under exposed, one exposed correctly.
Session 3 - The basic principles of photography II. How to see and understand light. What is light within an image. Learn to find it. Learn how to take advantage of all lighting condition while taking photos. The digital workflow I. Data capture, file management, basic corrections in Lightroom: how to create your own photography catalogue (contact sheet). Lighting assignment 1 at home: Take 5 photographs with ONE light source (natural or artificial).
Session 4 - The basic principles of photography III. The basics of composition, framing the subject, geometrical design elements, rule of thirds. Learn from photographers who came before us. Composition exercise at home: Take 5 photographs with different framing and composition.
Session 5 - The digital workflow II. Non-destructive image processing, working with RAW files, histograms, masks, dodging and burning. Learn how to edit and retouch your images for class. Fieldwork assignment all together outside of class.
Session 6 - Group critique of fieldwork assignment images. Students present a selection of photographs to the class. Discussion of student’s work. At home assignment: tell a story in 5-7 sequenced images.
Session 7 - The basic principles of photography IV. What makes a collection of images a photo essay and how do we sequence images to tell a story. In class editing and sequencing of images in a short story form in preparation of Mid-Term Critique.
Session 8 - Mid-Term Critique: Analysis and screening of students’ photos in class. Introduction on how to write captions for your images. At home assignment on captions. Write captions for your images according to the AP style.
Session 9 - The digital workflow III. In class editing, retouching, and resizing of images taken at home the prior weeks and preparing them for the final selection for the daily school newspaper “The Matthew.”Also, start collecting all the data, quotes and research for captions to be delivered alongside your images for both publication on “The Matthew” and the Final. Fieldwork assignment all together outside of class.
Session 10 - The digital workflow IV. Preparing files for printing to have a better look at our edit selections. Laser ink-jet printing in class. Beginning to develop collectively a coherent sequence for the Final Project/Publication on “The Matthew” based on the printed samples.
Session 11 - The basic principles of photography V: Artificial light. Fieldwork assignment all together in the light studio adjacent to class. Lesson in class on what is a LEDE and how do we write one for the opening of our Photo Essay. Write your own LEDE, captions and a first draft of your article.
Session 12 – LEDE, first draft and captions review in class prior to the final project. Questions, concerns about any of the above-mentioned writing components. Work on the final draft for the essay at home.
Session 13 - Review the final essay in class. The basic principles of photography VI. Setting-up your own exhibits: what’s necessary, talk about a curatorial message and presentation of your work to the public. Work on final sequence of captioned images, LEDE and final draft of the article for the FINAL at home.
Session 14 - Field work as a class, observing and photographing in a different neighborhood TBA.
Session 15 -Collective critique: the Final project. Presentation and review of students’ photographic projects, LEDE, captions and final written articles. Critically evaluate the work presented by fellow students. Talk about the future and careers.