This syllabus is preliminary and may be subject to change
All readings are available on Moodle
Week 1
M Course Intro: Late Antiquity: Peliminary Concepts
ü Hervé Inglebert, “Introduction: Late Antique Conceptions of Late Antiquity”, in The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, ed. by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson
W Late Antiquity: An Age of Change
ü Peter Brown, The Making of Late Antiquity, pp. 81-101 (“From the Heavens to the Desert”)
Week 2
M Ancient Magic, Terminology, and Daemonology
ü Georg Luck, Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, pp. 33-59, 207-220, and 493-518
W The Invention of Paganism
ü Doug Lee, Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity, pp. 1-9, and pp. 116-137
Week 3
M Curses, Mysteries, and Symbolism
Read one of these two essays:
ü Alexander Rumble and Roger Beck, The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire: Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun, pp. 67-87 (“The Mithraic Mysteries as Symbol System: I. Introduction and Comparisons”)
ü Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World, ed. by John G. Gager, pp. 3-29 ("Introduction")
W Superstition, Magic, and Forbidden Beliefs
Read one of the following two essays:
ü John T. McNeill, Medieval Handbooks of Penance, pp. 23-43 (The Penitentials), and pp. 419-421 (An Eight Century List of Superstition)
ü William Klingshirn, "Isidore of Seville's Taxonomy of Magicians and Diviners", Traditio, pp. 59-90
Week 4
M Women and the Gendering of Magic
ü Kimberly Stratton, Naming the Witch, pp. 71-105 (Women, Sex, and Magic in Roman Rhetoric and Ideology)
W Roman Witches
ü Pauline Ripat, "Roman Women, Wise Women, and Witches", Phoenix (2016): 104-128
Week 5
M Divination
ü Luck, Arcana Mundi, pp. 285-287; 308-315; 328-330 (Cicero, text 82); 341-345 (Lucan, text 90); 345-347 (St. Paul, Text 91); 366-368 (Eunapius, Text 101)
W Classical Traditions and Their Legacy
ü Derek Collins, Magic in the Ancient Greek World, pp. 132-165 (Magic in Greek and Roman Law)
Week 6
M Ritual Efficacy in Late Antiquity
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 1
W The Languages of Magic
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 2
ü Stanley J. Tambiah, “The Magical Power of Words”, Man, 2 (1968): 175-208
Week 7
M Late Antique Ascents
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 3 and 4
W Late Antique Cosmologies
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 5
Take-Home Midterm Exam, Due on October 18,11:59PM
Week 8
M Film Screening and Discussion
ü Class Notes
W Jewish Magic: The Book of Secrets or Sefer HaRazim
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 6
Week 9
M Alchemy
ü Naomi Janowitz, Icons of Power, Ch. 7
W Magic Traditions Between Egypt and Rome
ü Attilio Mastrocinque, “Septimius Severus and Egyptian Magical Books”, Bandue 11 (2018-2019): 301-307
ü David Frankfurter, “Native Egyptian Religion in Its Roman Guise”, Numen 43 (1996): 303-315
Week 10
M Alien Sorcerers
ü Ogden (Ed.), Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts, pp. 33-60
W Magic and The Rivals of Jesus
ü Ogden (Ed.), Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts, pp. 61-77
Week 11
M Roman Witches in Literature and Art
ü Elizabeth Ann Pollard, “Witch-Crafting in Roman Literature and Art: New Thoughts on an Old Image”, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 3 (2): 119-155
W Discussing The Witches of Latin Tradition
ü Daniel Ogden (Ed.), Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds, pp. 115-140
Week 12
M Film Screening and Discussion
ü Class notes
W Medical Practices and Magic in Byzantium
ü Gary Vikan, "Art, Medicine, and Magic in Early Byzantium”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 38 (1984), pp. 65-86
Week 13
M Psychoactive Substances
ü Luck, Arcana Mundi, pp. 479-490
W Sorcery from Constantine to the 7th Century
ü Matthew W. Dickie, Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World, pp. 273-281; 287-299; 304-321
Paper: Due on 29 Nov., 11:59PM
Week 14
M Reflections on a "Clash of Cultures"
ü Jaclyn Maxwell, “Paganism and Christianization”, in The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, ed. by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson
W Conclusions and Review for Final Exam
Final Exam