This syllabus is preliminary and may be subject to change
All readings are either available on Moodle or accessible through the links in the syllabus
Week 1
- Intro to course. The Mystery of Mary Magdalene: First Saint and Apostle of the Apostles
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 1-11
ü Bart D. Ehrman, Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend, pp. 179-192
ü St. Augustine, Confessions, Book 2 (2.1.1 - 2.4.9) and Book 11 (11.10.12 - 11.18.23):
Week 2
- Where It All Began: Rome and The Early Popes
Ø Site Visit: Catacombs of St. Sebastian
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 33-52
ü The Life of Constantine, Chapters 27 through 31, pp. 739-742:,_Schaff._Philip,_3_Vol_01_Eusebius_Pamphilius,_EN.pdf
Week 3
- The Martyr, The Pope, and The Ancient God Mithras
ü Philip Rousseau, The Early Christian Centuries, pp. 1-22 ("Giving a Shape to Early Christian History")
ü Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide, ed. by Amanda Claridge pp. 319-324
(“Colosseum Valley and Esquiline Hill: S. Clemente”)
ü People and Places of the Roman Past, ed. by Peter Hatlie, Ch. 8: Pope Clement I of Rome
Week 4
Ø Site Visit: Basilica of St. Clement and Mithraeum, Basilica of St. John Lateran
- Monks, Popes, and the Birth of the Papal State
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 57-70
ü Gregory The Great, Dialogues, Book II, Chapters: 2, 4, 7, 14, 34, 36:
ü Benedict of Norcia, Rule for the Monks, Chapters: 1, 2, 6, 8, 22, 30,
ü Logan F. Donald, A History of the Church in The Middle Ages, pp. 67-83 ("The Franco-Papal Alliance")
Week 5
Ø Partially on site: Jewish Neighborhood; Church of St. Angelo in Pescheria; Church of St. Nicholas
in Prison
- The First Crusade and The Reform Movements
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 71-87
ü Margaret Deanesly, A History of the Medieval Church, Chapters VI, VII, VIII
ü Gregory VII, The Dictates of the Pope:
ü Pope Urban II Call for the Crusade:
ü Foundation Charter of Cluny:
Week 6
- Medieval Monks Between the Cloister and the Battlefield
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 99-117
ü Statutes of the Carthusian Order (Ch. 2; Book 1: ch. 4, 5; Book 4: ch. 34):
ü Bernard of Clairvaux, In Praise of the New Knighthood:
Week 7
- Knights Templar, Early-Christian Basilicas, and Monastic Schools in Rome
Ø Site Visit (Aventine Hill): Basilica of Santa Sabina, Monastery and College of St. Anselm
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 118-127
üMaskarinec, City of Saints, pp. 100-116
- Take-Home Mid-Term Exam: due on 18 October, 11:59PM
Week 8
"Brother Sun, Sister Moon": Francis of Assisi
ü "Saint Francis of Assisi": Film Screening and discussion ("Brother Sun, Sister Moon", by Franco Zeffirelli)
ü Reading the Middle Ages, ed. by Rosenwein, documents 6.24 (Peter Waldo);
6.26 (Francis of Assisi, The Canticle to Brother Sun)
Week 9
- The Church at the Conquest of Society
ü Lindberg, A Brief History of Christianity (selected pp.)
ü The Fourth Lateran Council, Canons: 21, 67, 68, 69, 70:
Week 10
- Saints and Sinners: A Medieval Persecuting Society?
ü Reading the Middle Ages, ed. by Rosenwein, docs: 7.13 (Inquisition: Jacques Fournier, Episcopal Register);
7.14 (Procedures for Isolating Lepers: the Sarum Manual)
ü R.I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society, Ch. 2
Week 11
Ø Site Visit: Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Church of St. Ignatius
Week 12
- Inner Religious Attitudes and the Renaissance Church
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 141-160
ü Deanesly, A History of the Medieval Church, pp. 165-176 (Avignon Popes)
ü Walker Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast, pp. 13-30 (Religious Women)
Week 13
- The Church Between Art and Power: Preachers, Inquisitors, Missionaries
ü Kors and Peters, Witchcraft in Europe, pp. 133-137 (Bernardino of Siena preaches against women sorcerers)
ü Fabrizio Conti, Witchcraft, Superstition, and Observant Franciscan Preachers (selected pp.)
ü Deanesly, A History of the Medieval Church, pp. 231-243 (The Renaissance)
Paper due on 29 November, 11:59PM
Week 14
- Women as Mystics, Saints, and Witches
ü Tamar Herzig, “Witches, Saints, and Heretics: Heinrich Kramer’s Ties with Italian Women Mystics”,
Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 1 (2006): 24-55
ü Noffke, "The Physical in the Mystical Writings of Catherine of Siena"
üThomas Merton, A Course in Christian Mysticism, pp. 161-183
Final Exam