Sustainability in enterprise is an ethical responsibility towards future generations. Technologies and strategies for sustainability in an enterprise focus on reducing the emission of Green House gases (GHG) in all segments of the creation of value. ESG (environmental, social governance) criteria, as set by The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) first established in 2001, are the most widely used international accounting tools for quantifying and measuring greenhouse gas emissions.
The course will explore the wide portfolio of technologies available to implement ESG and government (EU, national) criteria with a focus on current trends and future developments, feasibility and costs and impact on the organization. Important concerns of environmental impacts of Energy and Digital technologies ICTs are addressed considering the emissions of GHG (greenhouse gas) impact on climate change and the options for its reduction, is monitoring the sourcing of conflict mineral, resource extraction, impacts on water, design for repair (as opposed to built-in obsolescence), renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, toxic impacts of e-waste, and software design to reduce climate impacts.
Among the technologies investigated: Solar thermal; Photovoltaic; and Concentrated Solar Power; Biofuels and biomasses utilization; Hydrogen (green, blue, gray) production and use; energy efficiency in buildings and transport; digital IOT; “machine-to-machine” (M2M) communication; digital logistics; applied AI; emission accounting and control; re-use of residual materials and by-products (fundamentals of “circular economy”).
A survey of company strategies and impact to the organization will be carried out, covering the three categories of ESG evaluation as defined by the GHG Protocol (“Scopes 1,2,3”), but also national and supranational regulatory frameworks (EU, UN, IPCC protocols analyzing the role and rate of success of the technologies applied. Additionally, case studies will be discussed of how major companies apply these policies and technologies.
The course consists of 4 different parts:
Part 1: introduction to the industrial sustainability regulatory frameworks: national, EU, UN Protocols of to ESG: GHG Protocol, growing importance in many industry sectors. C, current certification criteria.
Part 2: ESG Strategies; Scopes 1,2,3, case studies
Part 3: Energy and emissions technologies: renewable sources, efficiency, digital, logistics, training and awareness, emission accounting and control.
Part 4: ESG reporting: class / group project.