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COURSE NAME: "Market and Marketing Research"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Fall 2024

INSTRUCTOR: Alina Sorgner
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: MW 4:30 PM 5:45 PM
PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: MKT 301; Recommended: MA 209

This course covers the basic methods and techniques of marketing research. It discusses the tools and techniques for gathering, analyzing, and using data to aid marketing decision-making. The course covers topics such as problem definition, research design formulation, measurement, research instrument development, sampling techniques, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and presentation of research findings. Students learn how to develop a marketing research project, formulate research hypotheses, collect primary and secondary data, develop a database, analyze data, write a report, and present results and recommendations.

Managers have different philosophies when it comes to marketing a product or service. The so-called product orientation (“we make and sell product X”), the sales orientation (“we must set high sales quotas and sell, sell, sell”), and the marketing concept, which is also called customer orientation or market-driven. According to Kotler (2003), “the marketing concept is a business philosophy that holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets.” The key is that this philosophy puts the consumer first, and many business leaders have recognized this as the “right” philosophy.

To develop the “right” marketing strategy (which is another word for planning), companies need to select a segment of the market as the company’s target market and design the proper marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) to meet the wants and needs of the consumers within the target market. However, to make the right decisions, managers must have objective and accurate information. In other words, they need to understand the wants and needs of the consumers, i.e. generate consumer insights. These information, or consumer insights, are generated through marketing research, which “is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem.” (Burns/Veek/Bush 2017)

In this course, students will understand the uses of marketing research and learn how to design the process from defining the problem and establishing research objectives to analyzing and interpreting data and information about the needs, wants, preferences, and behavior of consumers.

In this course students will learn to:

• Define marketing research and the major types of research design
• Recognize the benefits of adopting qualitative vs. quantitative marketing research and primary vs. secondary data
• Design and execute a marketing research project, including defining the problem, establishing research objectives, determining research design and methods of assessing data, designing data collection, and analyzing data
• Write a final marketing research report
• Improve both interpersonal skills and responsibility as a team member by agreeing on individual deadlines, sharing work equally within the group, and cooperating respectfully
• Develop stronger people skills through data collection and interaction with both student and non-student respondents
• Conduct statistical analyses of data with statistical software
• Clearly and unambiguously communicate information, ideas, problems, solutions and conclusions to clients

Book TitleAuthorPublisherISBN numberLibrary Call NumberCommentsFormatLocal BookstoreOnline Purchase
Exploring Marketing ResearchBabin, B. and Zikmund W. Cengage Learning 78-1-305-26380-2     

Class participation 10%
Group presentations 30%
Final exam 20%
Group project report 20%
Midterm exam 20%

AWork of this quality directly addresses the question or problem raised and provides a coherent argument displaying an extensive knowledge of relevant information or content. This type of work demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate concepts and theory and has an element of novelty and originality. There is clear evidence of a significant amount of reading beyond that required for the course. 94 to 100 A; 90 to 93 A-
BThis is highly competent level of performance and directly addresses the question or problem raised.There is a demonstration of some ability to critically evaluatetheory and concepts and relate them to practice. Discussions reflect the student’s own arguments and are not simply a repetition of standard lecture andreference material. The work does not suffer from any major errors or omissions and provides evidence of reading beyond the required assignments. 87 to 89 B+; 84 to 86 B; 80 to 83 B-
CThis is an acceptable level of performance and provides answers that are clear but limited, reflecting the information offered in the lectures and reference readings. 77 to 79 C+; 74 to 76 C; 70-73 C-
DThis level of performances demonstrates that the student lacks a coherent grasp of the material.Important information is omitted and irrelevant points included.In effect, the student has barely done enough to persuade the instructor that s/he should not fail. 67 to 69 D+; 64 to 66 D; 60-63 D-
FThis work fails to show any knowledge or understanding of the issues raised in the question. Most of the material in the answer is irrelevant. 0 to 59 F

This course covers the basic methods and techniques of marketing research. Discusses the tools and techniques for gathering, analyzing, and using information to aid marketing decision- making. Covers topics such as problem definition, research design formulation, measurement, research instrument development, sampling techniques, data collection, data interpretation and analysis, and presentation of research findings. Students choose a marketing research project, formulate research hypotheses, collect primary and secondary data, develop a database, analyze data, write a report, and present results and recommendations.
As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.


Week 1

Introduction to Marketing Research. The marketing research process.

Week 2

Designing research studies. Assessing research tools.

Week 3

Secondary data research.

Week 4-5

Qualitative research tools. Focus group interviews.

Week 5-6

Survey research techniques. Sampling designs.

Week 7-8

Measurement scales and attitude measures. Questionnaire design. Project development workshop.

Weeks 9-11

Basic Data Analytics. Descriptive Statistics. Data Visualization. Hypothesis testing in marketing research. Multivariate data analysis

Weeks 12

Reporting the results of a marketing research study.

Weeks 13-14 Group presentations. Course review.