First Class
Competencies: Introducing yourself and a friend.
Grammar: Present tense. Alphabet. Pronunciation. Numbers from 0 to 20.
Vocabulary: Idiomatic expressions with Avere or Essere.
UNIT 1 Primi contatti
Competencies: Introducing a person (formal and informal). Greeting people. Asking about pronunciation and spelling. Asking and giving phone number.
Grammar: First conjugation verbs. Preposition di, in.
Vocabulary: Greetings. Classroom objects. Adjectives of nationalities.
Culture: Saluti.
UNIT 1 cont.
UNIT 2 Buon appetito!
Competencies: Ordering in a café and in a restaurant. Asking in a polite way. Asking for the bill. Asking for price.
Grammar: Plural and singular nouns. Interrogatives che cosa?,quanto?. Definite articles. Indefinite articles. Numbers from 20 to 100.
Vocabulary: Food and beverage. Meals.
Culture: Gelato che passione
UNIT 2 cont.
UNIT 3 Io e gli altri
Competencies: Introducing someone. Describing people’s activities. Asking for age and profession. Telling dates.
Grammar: Singular forms of present tense. Prepositions in, a, per. Formal.
Vocabulary: Professions. Days of the week. Workplaces.
Culture: Donne e lavoro in Italia
UNIT 4 Tempo libero
Competencies: Talking about free time. Talking about how often one does something. Talking about people’s interests. Expressing preferences.
Grammar: Plural persons of present tense. Adverbs of frequency. Interrogatives. Present tense of irregular verbs.
Vocabulary: Leisure activities. Parts of the day. Expressions with the verb avere.
Culture: Ristorante, trattoria o…?
Attività 1
UNIT 5 In giro per l’Italia
Competencies: Describing a city. Following and giving directions. Asking and telling time.
Grammar: Present tense of irregular verbs. Prepositions a, in. C’è, ci sono. Adjectives. Noun-adjective agreement.
Vocabulary: Street directions. Shops and stores.
Culture: Quanta Italia c’è in te?
UNIT 6 In albergo
Competencies: Describing one’s favorite hotel. Describing a room. Asking for information on accommodation. Talking about one’s holiday activities. Describing a perfect vacation.
Grammar: Present tense of modal verbs. Preposition a + time. Compound prepositions.
Vocabulary: Time expressions. Home furniture and features. Months and seasons. Holiday activities.
Culture: Mancia e scontrino, che cosa sono
UNIT 6 cont.
UNIT 7 Un finesettimana
Competencies: Describing a perfect weekend. Talking about past actions. Understanding descriptions of past events. Specifying when a past event took place.
Grammar: Past tense passato prossimo .Forms and agreement of past participle. Irregular past participle. Ci vuole, ci vogliono.
Vocabulary: Weather conditions. Time expressions.
Culture: Dove Andiamo in vacanza?
UNIT 7 cont.
UNIT 8 Vita quotidiana
Competencies: Describing one’s work habits. Describing and asking about someone’s daily routine. Congratulating someone on special occasions and holidays. Saying the date.
Grammar: Prepositions da, a. Present tense of reflexive verbs. Possessive adjectives mio, tuo.
Vocabulary: Everyday actions. Congratulations and wishes.
Culture: Cosa regalano gli italiani.
Attività 2