Week 1
Presentations. Let’s know each other
Unit 1. Buenas noticias
Talking about news and social media, writing news
Grammar resources: review of forms and uses of the past tenses in Spanish (pretérito indefinido/pretérito perfecto/ pretérito imperfecto/pretérito pluscuamperfecto
Vocabulary resources: newspapers and social networks, verbs of transmission (manifestar, declarar, etc.), temporal markers
Written assignment: writing news / letter to the editor
Week 2
Cont. Unit 1 Buenas noticias
Grammar resources: uses of the past tenses, derivation of words out of verbs by adding a suffix
Week 3
Cont. Unit 1 Buenas noticias
Grammar resources: the passive voice and impersonal structures
Week 4
Unit 2. ¿Y tu qué opinas?
Expressing opinions, evaluating different options, expressing agreement and disagreement
Grammar resources: the use of the subjunctive mode to express evaluations and opinions (creo que + indicativo / non creo que + subjuntivo, es evidente que, es fantástico que…)
Vocabulary resources: talking about tourism, leisure, describing towns and cities
Written assignment: travel brochure
Thursday September 26 - QUIZ 1
Week 5
Cont. Unit 2
Grammar resources: use of discourse markers (en primer lugar, en segundo lugar, etc.), verbs with preposition
Week 6
Cont. Unit 2
Grammar resources: establishing conditions in a negociation (solo si + indicativo, a condición de que/siempre que... + subjuntivo), comunication resources to participate in a discussion or debate
Week 7
Unit 3. Yo nunca lo haría
Giving advice, expressing wishes and opinions in the present and the past, describing traditions, making hypothesis (first, second and third conditional)
Grammar resources: uses of the conditional tense, giving advice (te recomiendo / aconsejo /sugiero que + subjuntivo), the imperfect tense of the subjunctive mode, the pretérito pluscuamperfecto of the subjunctive mode, sequence of tenses in relative clauses
Vocabulary resources: sports, traditions, dar miedo / pereza/ verguenza….
Written assignment: questionnaire for a survey
Thursday October 17 - MIDTERM EXAM
Week 8
Cont. Unit 3
Grammar resources: making hypothesis (first, second and third conditional)
Week 9
Cont. Unit 3
Grammar resources: expressing ideas, feelings and opinions in the present and the past (sequence of tenses in relative clauses that require the use of the subjunctive mode)
Week 10
Unit 5. Lugares con encanto
Talking about cities and describing their qualities
Grammar resources: use of relative pronouns with prepositions (que, quienes, cuyos...), formal and informal speech
Vocabulary resources: vocabulary to describe cities and arquitectural styles
Written assignment: travel journal
Week 11
Cont. Unit 5
Thursday November 14 - QUIZ 2
Week 12
Unit 6. Se valorará la experiencia
Expressing requirements and conditions
Grammar resources: uses of se in impersonal sentences (se valorará, se tendrá en cuenta, etc.), the infinitivo compuesto (haber estudiado, haber trabajado…), the present perfect of the subjunctive mode
Vocabulary resources: politics and society, education
Written assignment: motivation letter for an international exchange program
Week 13
Cont. Unit 6. Se valorará la experiencia
Grammar resources: the infinitivo compuesto (haber estudiado, haber trabajado…), the present perfect of the subjunctive mode
Week 14
Final review
Final examinations (date to be confirmed)