Course Schedule
H section carries one extra assignment
Week 1: Introduction to the study of visual culture
Introduction to the class topic and general overview of the syllabus
A vocabulary for understanding visual culture: modernity, colonialism, slavery, warfare
Week 2: Visuality and the Right to Look
What is visual culture as a field of study? What does ‘visuality’ mean?
How is visual culture related to the study of war, terrorism and violence?
Visuality at work: ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ (Errol Morris, 2008)
Excerpts from:
Mirzoeff, N. (2009) “Introduction: Global Visual Cultures.” In An Introduction to Visual Culture. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge.
Mirzoeff, N. (2016). How to see the world : An introduction to images, from self-portraits to selfies, maps to movies, and more. New York: Basic Books.
Week 3: Looking at images of violence: Abu Ghraib and the ‘aesthetics’ of torture
The ‘invisibility’ of Abu Ghraib
Mirzoeff, N. (2006) “Invisible Empire: Visual Culture, Embodied Spectacle, and Abu Ghraib.” In Radical History Review, vol. 95 (spring), 21-44.
Excerpts from:
Antoon, S. (2019). The book of collateral damage. Yale University Press.
Watching: selected images from Abu Ghraib; videos from the series “Dangerous Games” by Harun Faroucki; art performance “Virtual Jihadi” by Wafaa Bilal'; Ronak Kapadia on Wafaa Bilal; Monira al Qadiri's work.
Week 4: Looking at images of violence: violence on black bodies from Rodney King to George Floyd
Visual interpretations of the violence performed on black bodies
Dorlin, E. (2019). ‘What a body can do’, Radical Philosophy
Butler, J. (1993) ‘Endangered/Endangering: Schematic Racism and White Paranoia’, in Gooding-Williams, R., Reading Rodney King Reading Urban Uprising, New York and London: Routledge.
Watching: a selection of visual media on Rodney King, George Floyd, etc
Week 5: Deracializing the field of vision and reclaiming the 'space of appearance'
Black Lives Matter's 'right to look'
Mirzoeff, N. (2017) The Appearance of Black Lives Matter
Week 6: Class review and midterm
Week 7: Biopolitics and Necropolitics: The ‘right’ to rule over people’s life and death
Who has the power to decide who may live and who must die?
Mbembe, A. (2003) ‘Necropolitics’, in Public Culture 15(1)
Excerpts from:
Mbembe, A. (2017) Critique of Black Reason. Durham and London: Duke University Press
videos from Forensic Architecture and Forensic Oceanography, footage from refugee camps, etc.
Week 8: Regarding the pain of others in the networked age
Regarding the pain of others: distant suffering in the media and the politics of war and humanitarian intervention
Excerpts from: Sontag, Susan. Regarding the pain of others. New York: Picador, 2013.
Chouliaraki, Lilie. “Post-humanitarianism: humanitarian communication beyond a politics of pity.” In International Journal of Cultural Studies, vol 13 issue 2: 2010: 107-126. Chouliaraki, Lilie. “Digital witnessing in conflict zones: the politics of remediation.” In Information, Communication & Science, vol 18 issue 11: 2015: 1362-1377.
Watching: art performances “Domestic Tension” by Wafaa B’ilal & “Rhythm 0” by Marina Abramovich.
Week 9: Digital Witnessing and the Politics of 'Lapse'
Week 10: Unwatchable/Unwitnessable
On digital witnessing and conflicts from Syria to Ukraine
Week 11: Globalizing the aesthetics of terror and torture
Killer images and the performance of violence
ten Brink, Joram and Joshua Oppenheimer (eds). Killer images: documentary film, memory and the performance of violence. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2012.
Austin, J. (2016) ‘Torture and the Material-Semiotic Networks of Violence Across Borders’, International Political Sociology, 10(1): 3–21.
Watching: Joshua Oppenheimer’s “The Act of Killing” (2012).
Week 12: Surveillance cultures post 9/11
Surveillance from pop culture to the performance of terror
Excerpts from:
Zimmer, Catherine. Surveillance cinema. New York and London: New York University Press, 2015.
Payne, M. T. (2016). Playing war : military video games after 9/11. New York University Press.
watching: movies “Saw” (2004).
Week 13: Investigative Aesthetics
Week 14: Wrap up week