Students will study theories and patterns for advancing learning and teaching through bodily mediation and expressive therapies, specifically of dancemovementtherapy, which originally developed in the United States and the United Kingdom and later spread to the rest of Europe. The course will also offer an experiential component in which students will participate in a workshop with "Compagnia della Mia Misura", a non-profit association whose mission is to foster social inclusion through art and dance.
Reserve readings from:
· Chodorow, J. (1991) Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology: The Moving Imagination, Routledge,
London and New York
· Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, USA
· Laban, R. (2011) The Mastery of Movement, Dance Books Ltd., London
· Lowen, A. (1971) The Language of the Body, McMillan, NewYork
· Dancing with Maria, (on Maria Fux) by Ivan Gergolet, 2014
· La città in gioco. A project by Rosa Filardi and Leonardo Gervasi (produced at the therapeutic community I Delfini,
a residential neuropsychiatric service for children and adolescents, Niguarda Ca'Grande Hospital, Milan, 2013)
· Other possible videos, and material on line