Session Focus
Reading Assignment
Other Assignment
Meeting Place/Exam Dates
Week 1
Introduction to the course: what is Theory? Structuralist Theory
Routledge Companion, Chap. 1 and Definition of "sign" p. 296.
Propp, V. "Morphology of the Folktale." In Routledge Theory Reader.
Week 2
Structuralism and Semiotics
Routledge Companion, chap. 2 "Structuralism and Semiotics." Saussure "Linguistic Value" in Routledge Theory Reader.
Forum on Structuralism / Quiz on Structuralism
Week 3
Marxist Theory
Routledge Companion, chap. 4 "Marxism." Marx, "Preface to Critique of Political Economy" in Routledge Theory Reader.
Forum: Comment on Marx's Preface.
Week 4
Later Marxism: Frankfurt School/Gramsci/Althusser
Gramsci, "Observations on Folklore"; Althusser, "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatus" in Routledge Theory Reader
Quiz on Marxism. Watch "A Pervert's Guide to Ideology," dir. Sophie Fiennes, 2013
Week 5
Psychoanalytic Theory. Presentations Group A.
Routledge Companion, chap. 7, "Psychoanalytic Criticism." Freud, "Group Psychology" in Routledge Theory Reader
Forum on Bettelheim's interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood.
Week 6
Psychoanalytic Theory continued: Jung & Lacan
First Home Paper due
Week 7
Feminist Theory: Feminist Waves
Routledge Companion, chap. 9, "Feminism." Wollstonecraft, "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." Woolf, "A Room of One's Own."
Week 8
Feminist Theory Continued. Presentation Group B
Carter, "The Company of Wolves." Duffy, "Little Red Cap." Dahl, "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf." Garner, "Red Riding Hood."
Forum on "The Company of Wolves."
Week 9
Gender Theory: Foucault / Butler/ Haraway
Butler, "Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire" in Routledge Theory Reader Lorde, "Age, Race, Class, and Sex."
Watch Adichie's Ted Talk "We Should All be Feminists," and Beyoncè's video "Flawless." Forum: discuss Adichie's Ted Talk.
Week 10
Race and Postcoloniality
Routedge Companion, chap. 11, "Race and Postcoloniality." Said, "Orientalism."
Quiz on postcolonial Theory.
Week 11
Postcolonial Theory continued: Presentations Group C
Said, "Orientalism." Perrault, "Bluebeard."
Forum on Orientalism.
Week 12
Routledge Companion, chap. 5, "Postructuralism." Barthes, "The Death of the Author."
Second Home Paper Due
Week 13
Routledge Companion, chap. 11, "Postmodernism." Foucault, "Panopticism."
Quiz on Postructuralism & Postmodernism Forum on Foucault's "Panopticism."
Revision & Exam preparation