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COURSE NAME: "Ancient Rome and Its Monuments"
SEMESTER & YEAR: Spring 2024

INSTRUCTOR: Sharon Salvadori
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: T9:15 AM 12:00 PM
PREREQUISITES: On-site; activity fee: €40 or $52


Rome City Series - This on-site course considers the art and architecture of ancient Rome through visits to museums and archaeological sites. The course covers the visual culture and architecture of Rome beginning with the Iron Age and ending with the time of Constantine. A broad variety of issues are raised, including patronage, style and iconography, artistic and architectural techniques, Roman religion, business and entertainment.

Satisfies "the Ancient World" core course requirement for Art History majors

This is an upper level survey course on the topography of the city of Rome from its origins (c. 753 B.C.) to the reign of Constantine (312-337 AD). The definitions and developments of urban space are examined in the context of their political, religious, military and social functions and meanings. Monumental art and architecture are the main “primary sources” for this examination of the built environment and visual culture of Ancient Rome. The class is taught at archeological sites and in museums in Rome. There is a course of fee of 40€ to cover costs.


Ø understanding of key aspects of urban layout and spatial organization in Ancient Rome

Ø understanding of key structural, functional and stylistic aspects of Ancient Roman art and architecture

Ø ability to analyze and interpret the urban topography and development of Ancient Rome and, more specifically, the motives in the creation, use and reception of areas, neighborhoods and monuments in their original (Ancient) political, religious, and social contexts

Ø skills for the critical analysis of urban topography and visual culture generally

Ø familiarity with different methods of art historical analysis and terminology and the ability to deploy them successfully

Ø ability to apply critical thinking and analysis generally

Ø ability to select and organize material to produce a coherent and cogent argument both orally and in writing- and to do so to so respecting deadlines.

Ø ability to exchange ideas and engage in discussion with peers



ParticpationActive participation is expected of all students, but the level or amount of your engagement is graded. Although participation is only 5% of the course grade it could ensure an A rather than an A- as your final grade. Participating means coming to class having read the week’s assignment (listed in the schedule below), prepared to ask and answer questions and to share any pertinent observations. Remember too that the more you engage, the more interesting and fun the class will be not only for you but also for everyone else (me included). 5
Quizzes5 in-class review quizzes will be given in the course of the semester (the dates are inserted in the course schedule.) The quiz with the lowest score will be omitted from the final tally. The remaining 4 quizzes are therefore each worth 5% of the course grade. Each quiz will consist in a series of questions on specific areas, monument types, individual monuments or sets of monuments in Ancient Rome. They are designed to assess your knowledge of essential facts and your ability to critically interpret and asses their historical significance. You may be asked the name of an area or monument, its location, its date, its function, its patronage; you may also be asked to describe it (main physical characteristics, structural and decorative components, materials used, etc); or you may be asked to a question on some aspect of its historical significance (e.g. the possible motivations for designating an area of the city with specific functions or the intended meaning- political, religious, social aesthetic, etc.- of individual monuments). The questions will be based on material that we have already covered in class, but completing the required reading is necessary to pass each and every quiz. Answers to individual questions should always be brief: in some cases one a short phrase will suffice and no answer should require more than three sentences. Depending on the quiz, you will be given anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to answer. 20
PresentationThe oral presentation consists of a 10 minute report to the class on an area, monument, artwork or historical topic. The presentation is intended to develop your skills in independent research, observation, interpretation, evaluation and public speaking. Developing the ability to express yourself orally in a clear, concise and effective manner is as important as the content of the presentation (content without form undermines content itself...) The presentation topics are inserted in the course schedule. You will be asked to sign up during Class 2. The presentation in class must include: • a descriptive account of the monument/artwork • a contextual and interpretative discussion (function, patronage, meanings, associations, impact, etc., as relevant) • a pertinent Ancient source to be read to the class • 2-3 questions raised by the monument, artwork or subject addressed to the class to engage them directly in your topic and so further develop it Your presentation must clearly demonstrate that 1. you have read and understood the required reading listed on your syllabus for your topic 2. you have read and understood at least one additional academic source on your topic; the most obvious (and easiest) option is to choose a relevant publication from the "Suggested Reading" listed on your syllabus; but other pertinent books and periodicals available in the JFRC library, or available through JSTOR, MUSE and other legitimate academic publication data bases may also be used. Please be aware that for Internet sources, the rule of thumb is if it exists in print it is acceptable, if doesn't it isn't. On the day of presentation you must submit: 1. summary (c. 3 pages) of your presentation to be tuned into me. 2. one-page or two-page handout to all members of the class (including me) with an outline of indicating the key points of your presentation. If appropriate, please also provide copies of supporting images from books or the internet (please search ARTSTOR and Vroma.org before using other internet image data bases). if pertinent plans, images etc. are available in course handbook, make sure to at least refer to them by page numbers. 3. A bibliography to be given to all members of the class (including me). It must include: • relevant titles from the required reading on your syllabus • reference to the ancient source quoted during presentation • additional title/s from the suggested reading or your own research the presentation itself combined with 1-3 above is the basis of your grade15
Term PaperLength: 2500-3000 words (c. 8 double-spaced pages), exclusive of footnotes, bibliography, sketches and/or other supporting images Topic: Flavian Rome The paper is intended to develop skills of independent research, ability to evaluate and interpret materials and their inherent interests, and capability for discussing these in a nuanced manner in writing. The paper must combine visual analysis, iconographic and historical research and contextual interpretation. In other words, a formal essay that demonstrates the skills that you have developed and honed during the semester. The paper must also include a complete bibliography of primary and secondary sources used and all references must be fully cited in the paper itself. Outlines or drafts are optional but must be turned in at least 2 weeks prior to the due date; similarly, if you have questions on content and bibliography set up an appointment with me at least 2 weeks prior to the due date. For minor questions on content, bibliography, format, paraphrasing, quoting primary and secondary sources or methods of citation set up an appointment with me at least one week prior to the due date. Please note that but there is no required format for citations; what is required is consistency that is, pick one format and stick to it! **.Additional guidelines, with details on the topic and other specifications, will be posted on MYJCU in the first few weeks of the semester. We will also be reviewing these guidelines in class. 20
Mid-term and Final ExamsThe exams are structured to assess your knowledge of essential facts about areas, neighborhoods, monuments, artworks in Ancient Rome and your ability to critically interpret and asses their historical significance. The mid-term exam focuses on material covered up to class 6. It will take place during class 7 on campus ( classroom TBA) The final is cumulative, although with a greater emphasis on material studied in the 2nd half of the semester. You may expect material from earlier periods to show up especially in comparisons (earlier to later). Both exams consist in: 6 slide identifications 5 minutes each, worth 30% of your exam grade (5% each). Name, typology, date, media, (original) location, function, and patronage must be specified as known or relevant. 4 comparisons 10 minutes each, worth 40% of the exam grade (10% each). One or more images of two sites or monuments will be shown to you. You must identify each one (again name, typology, date, media, (original) location, function, patronage, but also (and most importantly) consider them in relation to one another: i.e. discuss significant similarities and differences (often variously combining meaning, function, patronage, structural or formal components). 1 essay 30 minutes, worth 30% of the exam grade. One week prior to the exams you will be given 2 essay questions accompanied by images of sites and/or monuments. One of the two will be on exam. However, the other topic will undoubtedly show up in the identifications and comparisons, so you must prepare for both. 40%; 20% each

AWork of this quality directly addresses the question or problem raised and provides a coherent argument displaying an extensive knowledge of relevant information or content. This type of work demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate concepts and theory and has an element of novelty and originality. There is clear evidence of a significant amount of reading beyond that required for the course
BThis is highly competent level of performance and directly addresses the question or problem raised.There is a demonstration of some ability to critically evaluatetheory and concepts and relate them to practice. Discussions reflect the student’s own arguments and are not simply a repetition of standard lecture andreference material. The work does not suffer from any major errors or omissions and provides evidence of reading beyond the required assignments.
CThis is an acceptable level of performance and provides answers that are clear but limited, reflecting the information offered in the lectures and reference readings.
DThis level of performances demonstrates that the student lacks a coherent grasp of the material.Important information is omitted and irrelevant points included.In effect, the student has barely done enough to persuade the instructor that s/he should not fail.
FThis work fails to show any knowledge or understanding of the issues raised in the question. Most of the material in the answer is irrelevant.


All scheduled classes are mandatory. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. You are allowed one unjustified absence- no questions asked- but two unjustified absences will result in a failing grade for the course. Justified absences are documented illness and accidents (doctor’s note required). Travel mishaps do not constitute a justified absence. Please also be aware that absences may entail missing quizzes which may not be made up (but see below on the 1 "throw away" quiz) and will inevitably result in extra work to catch up. On-site courses obviously require moving, you must therefore also always be punctual at our initial meeting points (specified in the class schedule). It is your responsibility to find out where the meeting places are.

As stated in the university catalog, any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred. In addition, acts of academic dishonesty, irrespective of the weight of the assignment, may result in the student receiving a failing grade in the course. Instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs. A student who is reported twice for academic dishonesty is subject to summary dismissal from the University. In such a case, the Academic Council will then make a recommendation to the President, who will make the final decision.
John Cabot University does not discriminate on the basis of disability or handicap. Students with approved accommodations must inform their professors at the beginning of the term. Please see the website for the complete policy.


Class 1:  Introduction
Meeting place:

Introduction to course: content, methodology, requirements, logistics, etc; chronological and thematic overview; early Rome between Magna Grecia and Etruria
/  on-site: Rome's foundation: topography and mythology/ Architectural typologies and building materials: Tiber River and Tiber Island, Southern Campus Martius, Forum Boarium, Circus Maximus, Palatine and Capitoline hills
Key sites and monuments:
Tiber River, Tiber Island, Forum Hlitorium, Forum Boarium, Circus Maximus
Other important
sites and monuments: Portus Tiberinus, T Portunus and Ara Maxima Hercules, Capitoline, Palatine and Aventine hills
Required Reading:  Coarelli
(2007): 1-9 (Introduction), 348-50 (Tiber Island), 307-10 (intro. F Holitorium, et al), 315-19 (Portus Tiberinus, T Portunus and Ara Maxima Hercules), 323-27 (Circus Maximus); Claridge (2010): 4-9 (history), 39-45 (building materials), 46-51 (building techniques and exterior finishing), 52-54 (architectural orders). Please note: xeroxing the sections in Claridge on pp. 42-32 and pp. 39-60 is strongly recommended, as they will come in handy throughout course; on bldg. techniques and construction materials see also Coarelli's Appendix
Suggested Reading:  Claridge
(2010): 257-8 (Tiber island), 285-8 (Forum Boarium), 299-300 (Circus Maximus);  Coulston and Dodge in Coulston and Dodge 2000: introduction to archeology and topography of Rome; Elsner (1998), Ch. 2 ("A Visual Culture"); Kleiner (1992): 1-17 (Introduction); Stamper (2005): 6-10 (Introduction and Ch. 1)

Class 2: Monuments and civic identity: Kings to Republic
Meeting place: Palatine Hill entrance on Via di San Gregorio
Key sites and monuments: SW corner of Palatine (aka precinct of Victory) huts and temples, Via Sacra, Regia, T Vesta,  Comitium & Curia Hostilia, T Castor and Pollux, T Saturn
Other important
sites and monuments: Archaic cemetery in R Forum, House Vestal Virgins,  Black Stone, Shrine Venus Cloacina, Spring of Juturna
Required Reading: Coarelli (2007): 130-38 (intro. Palatine, Iron Age huts, western temples), 42-47 (intro R Forum), 91-92 (Archaic cemetery), 81-89 (Via Sacra, Regia, T Vesta, House Vestal Virgins), 50-57 (Shrine Venus Cloacina, Comitium, Curia Hostilia, Black Stone), 65-66 (T Saturn), 74-77 (T Castor and Pollux and Juturna); Stamper (2005): 6-10 (Kings of Rome) and 34-40 (early Republican R Forum)
Suggested Reading:  Claridge
(2010): 4-9 (history), 125-134 (intro Palatine and Precinct of Victory), 62-67 (intro. Roman Forum), 75-77 (Comitium, Black stone), 83-84 (Temple Saturn), 94-95 (Temple Castor), 98-99 (Fountain Juturna), 104-111, (Temple Vesta, House Vestal Virgins, Regia); Cornell in Coulston and Dodge (2000): Rome in the Mid-Republic; Kleiner (2007): Ch. 1 ("From Village to World Capital"); Smith in Coulston and Dodge (2000), esp. 24-35: early and Archaic Rome

*Quiz 1: 
architectural orders / Roman use of architectural orders
Sign up for oral presentations

Class 3: Republican Rome: triumphs & temples, honor and fame
Meeting Place: Capitoline Hill by equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius
Key sites and monuments: T JOM, Area Sacra Largo Argentina, Saepta Julia, Temples F Holitorium, Round T
Other important
sites and monuments: Area Capitolina, T Juno Moneta, Auguraculum,  Circus Flaminius, T Apollo Sosianus and T Bellona, T Portunus
Required Reading: Coarelli (2007): 28-36 (intro. Capitoline, T JOM, Area Capitolina), 40 (T Juno Moneta, Auguraculum), 260-67 (intro C Martius, Circus Flaminius), 270-71 (T Apollo Sosianus and T Bellona), 275-83 (Area Sacra) 289-90 (Saepta Julia), 307-10 (intro. F Holitorium, et al), 313-19 (Temples F Holitorium, T Portunus and Round T); Stamper (2005): Ch. 1 & 2 (T JOM), 44-48 (Area Sacra Largo Argentina), 49-50 (triumph, victory temples), 53-56 (temples southern Campus Martius), 59-68 (temples F Holitorium, T Portunus), 68-81 (Round T, Area Sacra Largo Argentina)
Beard (2007), esp. 42-53, 92-106: triumphal route/culture; Claridge (2010): 7-12 (history), 197-204 (intro. C. Martius), 241-246 (Area Sacra temples), 250-1, 253-6, 275-82 (Circus Flaminius area), 259-262 (intro Capitoline), 268-70 (JOM), 279-282 (Forum H. temples), 285-8 (Forum B area with Round T); Coleman in Coulston and Dodge (2000), pp. 219-227: (entertainment/ theatres); Cornell in Coulston and Dodge (2000): Rome in mid-Republic; Flower (2004): triumphs, funerals, spectacle & politics; Kleiner (2007): Ch. 1 ("From Village to World Capital") and Ch. 4 ("From Marcellus to Caesar"); Patterson (1992): Rome topography Republic to Empire; Shelton (1998): 251-52, 329-31: triumphs & spectacles; Ziokowski (1988): Round T

Temple Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Round Temple

 *Quiz 2: Roman Forum Valley: Kings to Republic

Class 4: Pompey, Caesar and Augustus: monumental power and architecture
Meeting Place: Piazza Farnese fountain on right when facing Palazzo Farnese
Key sites and monuments:  Theater Pompey, F Caesar, F Augustus
Other important
sites and monuments: Campus Martius, Area Sacra, Servian Wall, Subura
Required Reading: Coarelli
(2007): 103-113 (F Caesar, F Augustus), 283-285 (Theater Pompey); Kleiner (1992): 59-61 (intro Augustus and Augustan art) and 99-103 (F Augustus); Stamper 84-90 (Theatre Pompey), 90-102 (intro Caesar and F Caesar), 130-141 (intro Augustus and F of Augustus)
Suggested Reading:  Claridge (2010): 7-15 (history), 161- 69 239-241 (Theater of Pompey); (overview imp. forums, F Caesar), 177-180 (F Augustus); Kellum (1997): esp. 164-7 (F Augustus); DeRose Evans (2009): Sculpture Theatre Pompey; Kleiner (2007): Ch. 4 ("From Marcellus to Caesar") and Ch. 5 (The Augustan Principate); Kuttner (1999): Theatre Pompey; Kuttner (2004): Art in Republican Rome; Patterson (1992): Rome topography Republic to Empire; Walker in Coulston and Dodge 2000: 61-75 (Augustan patronage); Ward Perkins (1981): Ch. 1 ("Augustan Rome"); Zanker (1988), 185-215 (F Augustus)


. Theater and Portico of Pompey
Forum of Julius Caesar
. Forum of Augustus

*Quiz 3: Victory Temples

Class 5:
Honorific portraiture from the Late Republic to Vespasian / Garden Fresco from the villa at Prima Porta
Meeting Place:
Palazzo Massimo entrance (Piazza dei Cinquecento, by Termini)
Key sites and monuments:
Terme Ruler, Veristic Portrait of Isiaac Priest, Tivoli General, Funerary Relief of the Rabirii, Via Labicana Augustus, Hellenistic style female portait head, togate statue, portrait of Octavia, Garden Fresco, portrait of Vespasian
Other important
sites and monuments: hellenistic portraits (type) veristic portraits (type), Julio-Claudian portraits, portrait of Domitian, portrait of Antoninus Pius in heroic nude 
Required Reading:
Kleiner (1992): Ch. 1: 31-47 (Republican Portraiture), Ch. 2, 59-69 (intro to Augustus and Augustan portraiture), 75-89 (Augustan female portraiture and freedmen portraits)
Suggested Reading:
Christ (1997); toga/ togate portraits; Fejfer (2009): Roman portraits, esp. Part I (honorific portraiture), 181-213 (male body types), 262-270 (Republican portraiture), and 331-426 (imperial portraiture); Kellum (1994): garden fresco; Stevenson (1998): honorific nude portrait statues; Smith (1981): Republican Portraits; Strong (1988): Preface to the First Edition and Ch. 1 ("The Beginnings"), Ch. 2 (The Mid and Late Republic), Ch. 4 (Transitions to the Empire and Augustus); Zanker (1988): Introduction, Ch. 1, esp. 5-25, Ch. 2, esp. 33-65, and. Ch. 3 (Late Republican portraits/ Augustan portraits)


The "General of Tivoli"
Garden Fresco from the villa at Prima Porta

Class 6:
The Campus Martius in the Age of Augustus
Meeting Place:
Side of the Ara Pacis Museum by Latin Res Gestae Augustae inscription opposite Mausoleum of Augustus
Key sites and monuments:
Mausoleum of Augustus, Ara Pacis, Horologium, Agrippan Pantheon, Theatre of Marcellus, Portico of Octavia Other important sites and monuments: Aqua Virgo, Baths of Agrippa, Augstan phase Theatre Pompey, T Apollo Sosianus
Required Reading: 
Coarelli (2007): 260-272 (intro C Martius, Theater Marcellus, T Apollo Sosianus, Portico Octavia), 285-286 (Baths of Agrippa), 299-304 (Ara Pacis and Mausoleum); Kleiner (1992): 59-61 (intro to Augustus and Augustan art), 90-99 (Ara Pacis and Mausoleum); Stamper (2005): 105-108 (Augustus), 126-129 (Augustan Campus Martius);
Suggested Reading: Claridge
(2010): 10-15 (history), 197-216 (intro C Martius, Mausoleum A, Ara Pacis, Horologium), 222 (Aqua Virgo), 232- 233 (Agrippan structures), 253-256 (Portico of Octavia), 275-79 (Theatre Marcellus, T Apollo Medicus Sosianus); Coleman in Coulston and Dodge (2000), 219-227 (entertainment/ theatres); Davies (2000): 13-19, 76-78 (horologium) 137-42 (mausoleum); Kleiner and Buxton (2008): Ara Pacis; Holliday (1990): Ara Pacis; Heslin (2007): horologium;  Patterson (1992): Rome topography Republic to Empire; Rose (1990): Ara Pacis; Strong (1988): 80-84 (Ara Pacis); Thomas (1996): Pantheon Agrippa to S Severus; Walker in Coulston and Dodge 2000: 61-75 (Augustan patronage); Ward Perkins (1981): Ch. 1 ("Augustan Rome")Zanker (1988), esp. 72-75, 139-43, 156-9, 172-83 (Augustan C Martius)


. Mausoleum of Augustus
. Augustan Sundial (aka Horologium)

Class 7: Mid-term exam

Class 8:
Dynasty and Power: The Roman Forum from Augustus to the Flavians /The re-shaping of central Rome from Nero to the FlaviansMeeting Place: Roman Forum: Via dei Fori Imperial entrance
Key sites and monuments:
Basilica Fulvia-Aemilia and Basilica Julia, Curia Julia, Porticus Gaius and Lucius, Imperial Rostra, Divus Iulius, Arch of Augustus, Equus Domitiani, T Vespasian and Titus, Arch of Titus
Other important
sites and monuments: Augustan phase T Castor and Pollux, Flavian rebuilding of JOM, Domus Aurea, Colossus of Nero
monuments that feature in the term paper are analyzed in this class
Required Reading:
Coarelli (2007): 42-54 (R Forum overview, Basilica Fulvia-Aemilia, Porticus Gaius and Lucius, Comitium), 57-59 (Curia Julia), 64-5 (Imperial Rostra), 71-75 (Basilica Julia, T Castor and Pollux), 79-81 (Divus Iulius, Arch of Augustus), 66-67 (T Vespasian and Titus), 97-88 (Arch of Titus), 159- 160 (intro Colosseum Valley), 177-186 (intro Esquilne and Domus Aurea); Stamper (2005): 103-104 (Caesarian R Forum), 141-150 (Augustan R Forum), 151-156 (Flavian rebuilding of JOM), 159-161 (T Vespasian & Titus), 168-172 (Arch of Titus); Kleiner (1992): 113-117 (legacy of Augustan art), 167-173 (intro Civil War of 68-69 and Flavian Dynasty), 183-190 (Arch of Titus) Suggested Reading: Albertson (2001): Colossus of Nero; Claridge (2010): 7-18 (history), 62-75 (RF overview, Porticus Gaius & Lucius, Basilica Aemilia, Curia Julia),  82-83, (T Vespasian and Titus), 85-87 (imp. Rostra), 92-5 (Basilica Julia), 100-103 (T Divus Iulius, Arch of Augustus/ Parthian Arch), 121-123 (Arch of Titus), 145-56 (Palatine), 301-305 intro Colosseum Valley and Esquilne Hill, 306-308 (base of the Colossus and Meta Sudans) 326-328 (Domus Aurea); Coarelli (2007): 145-153 (Palatine); Davies 2000: 19-27, 67-71, 142-48 (Arch of Titus); Patterson (1992): Rome topography Republic to Empire; Rose (2005): esp. 28-36 (Parthian Arch); Strong (1988) 122-132 (Domus Aurea, Arch of Titus); Thomas (2004): Equus Domitiani and Domitan patronage R Forum area; Walker in Coulston and Dodge 2000: 61-75 (Augustan patronage); Ward Perkins (1981): Ch. 1 ("Augustan Rome"), 56-61 (Domus Aurea) and 63-84 (Flavians) and Ch 4 ("Materials and Methods: The Roman Architectural Revolution"); Zanker (1988), esp. 79-82, 98-99 (Augustan R Forum, Parthians)

Temple to the Deified Julius Caesar
Arch Augustus/ Parthian Arch

Class 9: The re-shaping of central Rome from Nero to the Flavians, cont./ Trajan's Forum Complex
Meeting Place: Metro stop Colosseo (B line): by Roman sarcophagus recycled as a fountain (to the left as you exit, past newspaper stand)

Key sites and monuments:
Colosseum, T Peace,  F Transistorium, F Trajan
Other important
sites and monuments: Domus Aurea, Forma Urbis, Baths of Titus, Baths of Trajan, Markets of Trajan
*N.B. monuments that feature in the term paper are analyzed in this class

Required Reading
: Coarelli
(2007): 159- 160 (intro Colosseum Valley), 177-186 (intro Esquilne and Domus Aurea), 164-172 (Colosseum, Ludus Magnus), 125-128 (T Peace), 113-115 (F Transistorium), 115-125 (Trajan's F and markets); Kleiner (1992): 179-81 (sculptural display T Peace), 192-194 (F Transistorium), 212-223 (sculpture in Trajan's F); Stamper (2005): 151 (intro Flavians), 156-159 (T Peace), 161-168 (F Transistorium), Ch. 10 (Trajan's F)
Suggested Reading: Anderson (1982): T Peace and F Transistorium; Claridge (2010): 16-21 (history), 171-6 (T Peace, F Transistorium), 180-96 (Forum and markets of Trajan), 301-6 (intro Colosseum Valley, base of Colossus), 312-19 (Colosseum, Ludus Magnus), 326-8 (Domus Aurea); Clarke (2003), 28-41 (Trajan's F); Coleman in Coulston and Dodge (2000), 227-240 (entertainment/ amphitheatres); Davies (1997) and Davies (2000): 127-135 (column of Trajan); Noreña (2003) T of Peace; Packer (2001): Trajan's F (see for plans and reconstructions); Pollard (2009): T Peace; Strong (1988): 141-153 (Trajan's F); Taub (1993): Forma Urbis; Ward Perkins (1981): 63-84 (Flavians), 84-95 (Trajan's patronage in Rome) and Ch 4 ("Materials and Methods: The Roman Architectural Revolution"); Welch (2007), 147-62 (Domus Aurea and Colosseum)

13. Trajan's Column

*Quiz 4: The Roman Forum in the Augustan Period

*Discussion of Term Paper: remember to bring Guidelines*

Class 10: Imperial Fora (at Museum of the Fori imperiali in Trajan's markets)/ The Antonine Campus Martius
Meeting Place:Trajan's Column
Key sites and monuments:
Imperial Fora, Pantheon, Hadrianeum, Column of Marcus Aurelius
Other important
sites and monuments: Mausoleum Hadrian, column of A. Pius

Required Reading: Von Blanckenhagen (1954) "The Imperial Fora" JSAH 13/4, 21-26 [JSTOR- datedbut a gem of succinct clarity]; Coarelli (2007):  286-89 (Pantheon), 291-93 (Hadrianeum), 296-99 (columns M. Aurelius and A. Pius); Kleiner (1992):  283-85 (Hadrianeum), 295-301 (column M. Aurelius); Stamper (2005): Ch. 11 (Pantheon) and 212-14 (Hadrianeum).  N.B.: the Required Reading on the imperial fora is listed in classes #s 4 & 9
Suggested Reading
: Anderson (1982): T Peace and F Transistorium; Claridge (1988): 9-25 (history), 148-53 (F Caesar), 158-161 (F Augustus), 153-157 (T Peace, F Transistorium) 161-172 (Trajan's F and markets) 193-206 (column M. Aurelius, Pantheon & Hadrianeum); Clarke (2003): 28-41 (Trajan's F) and Ch. 2, esp. 42-53 (column M. Aurelius comp. to column Trajan); Davies (1997): column of Trajan; Davies (2000): 127-135 (column of Trajan), 34-48, 79-83 and 158-171 (Mausoleum Hadrian, Pantheon, columns A. Pius and M. Aurelius); Kellum (1997): esp. 164-7 (F Augustus); Noreña (2003) T Peace; Packer (2001): Trajan's F (see for plans and reconstructions); Patterson (1992): Rome topography Republic to Empire; Pirson (1996): column of M. Aurelius; Strong (1988): 141-153 (Trajan's F) and 206-11 (column M. Aurelius); Thomas (1996): Pantheon Agrippa to S Severus; Walker in Coulston and Dodge 2000: 61-75 (Augustan patronage); Ward-Perkins (1981): Ch. 1 ("Augustan Rome"), 63-84 (Flavians), 84-95 (Trajan's patronage in Rome), Ch 4 ("Materials and Methods: The Roman Architectural Revolution) and 111-18 (Pantheon); Zanker (1988): 185-215 (F Augustus) 


Trajan's Markets
Column of Marcus Aurelius

Class 11:
The public re-presentation of the imperial persona and family: 2nd century-4th centuries AD
Meeting Place
: Capitoline Hill by equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius 
Key sites and monuments:
Portraits in Sala degli Imperatori: Trajan  Plotina, Hadrian, Sabina, Antoninus Pius, young Marcus Aurelius, young Faustina Minor, mature Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Julia Domnna, Caracalla, Decius; equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, portrait of Commodus as Hercules, marble colossal portrait of Constantine, Arco di Portogallo reliefs, Roma relief, Marcus Aurelius reliefs (x3), Hadrianeum Province Releifs
Required Reading:  Kleiner (1992): 207-212 (intro to Trajan; portraiture of Trajan and Plotina) 237-42 (intro to Hadrian; portraiture Hadrian and Sabina), 253-56 (Arco di Portogallo Reliefs and Adventus Relief), 267-80 (intro Antonines and Antonine portraiture), 283-85 (intro Antonine State Releifs and Hadrianeum reliefs), 288-95 (Marcus Aurelius Reliefs), 316-29 (intro to Severans and Severan portraiture), 357-384 (intro. to 3rd cent. and 3rd cent. portraiture), 433-444 (Constantinian portraiture) 
Suggested Reading: Fejfer (2009): Roman portraits, esp. Part I (honorific portraiture) and 331-426 (imperial portraiture); Harrison (1967): Constantinian portraiture; Hughes (2009): Province Reliefs Hadrianeum; Smith (1985): imperial portraiture; Smith (1997): early 4th century imperial portraiture; Strong (1988): 159-62 (Trajanic portraiture), 171-82 (Hadrianic portraiture and relief sculpture), 200-01 (Aurelian relief panels), 211-14 (Antonine portraiture), 228 (Severan portraiture), 250-255 and 264-5 (third century portraiture), 264-266 (Tetrarchs), 278-280 (Constantinian portraiture); Wright (1987): Constantinian portraiture 

Province Reliefs (from Hadrianeum) 
17. Portraits of Constantine (focus on colossal marble in museum)

Class 12: Monuments of Severan Rome
Meeting Place:
Capitoline Hill by equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius
Key sites and monuments:
Arch of Septimius Severus, Arch of the Argentari, Septizodium, Baths of Caracalla
Other important
sites and monuments: Palatine Hill, Circus Maximus, Aqua Antoniniana Iovia (new branch of the Aqua marcia - acqueduct) 
Required Reading: Coarelli (2007): 60-63 (Arch S Severus), 320 (Arch of the Argentarii) 155 (Septizodium), 327-331 (Baths of Caracalla); Kleiner (1992): 317-319 (intro Severans), 329-32 (Arch S. Severus), 334-339 (Arch of the Argentarii, Baths of Caracalla)

Suggested Reading: Brilliant
(1967): Arch S Severus; Claridge (1988): 17-27 (history), 75-76 (Arch S Severus), 259-60 (Arch Argentarii), 319-28 (Baths of Caracalla); Clarke (2003): Ch. 2, esp. 53-67 (Arches of S. Severus and Constantine); Elsner (2005): Arch Argentarii; Gorrie (2004): Julia Domna patronage; Hughes (2009): Province Reliefs; Lusnia (2004): Septizodium; Marvin (1983): Sculptures Baths Caracalla; Strong (1988): 218-222 (Severan reliefs)


Arch of Septimius Severus
Arch of the Argentarii

*Quiz 5: Imperial Portraiture 2nd-4th century

Class 12: Monuments and Patrons in the center of Rome: 2nd-4th cents. AD
Meeting Place
: Roman Forum Entrance on Via dei Fori Imperiali

Key sites and monuments:
T  A. Pius and Faustina, T Venus & Roma, Tetrarchic decennalia monument, T Romulus, Basilica Nova, Arch Constantine 
Required Reading: Coarelli
(2007): 98-99 (T Venus & Roma), 92-93 (T A. Pius and Faustina), 59-60 (focus on Tetrarchic decennalia monument), 89-91 (T Romulus),  95-97 (Basilica Maxentius), 160-163 (Arch Constantine); Kleiner (1992): 413-17 (Decennalia monument), 445-55 (Arch Constantine; see also 251-53 and 288-95); Stamper (2005): 206-212 (T Venus and Roma)

Suggested Reading: Claridge
(1988): 17-27 (history), 107-108 (T A. Pius and Faustina), 101-102 (T Vesta), 64- 65 (late antique R Forum), 70-72 (Curia), 88-89 (honorary columns), 109-111 (T Divus Romulus), 115-116 (Basilica Nova), 113-115 (T Venus and Roma), 272-76 (Arch Constantine); Clarke (2003): Ch. 2, esp. 53-67 (Arches of S. Severus and Constantine); Gorrie (2004): Julia Domna patronage; Marlowe (2006): Arch Constantine; Strong (1988): 218-222 (Severan reliefs), 264-266 (Tetrarchs), 276-278 (Arch Constantine); Ward-Perkins (1981): 426-430 (Basilica Nova, T Divus Romulus, Arch Constantine); Wilson Jones (2000): Arch Constantine 


Class 14:
Review session for Final Exam
Meeting Place:
JCU (classroom TBA)

********Final EXAM at JCU**********
date and time and classroom TBA