Note: This schedule is subject to change. Please see the class Moodle for the most updated schedule.
Module 1: Defining Values, Vision, and Story
Week 1: Overview
"If You Win the Popular Imagination, You Change the Game: Why We Need New Stories on Climate," Rebecca Solnet (pp. 23-36, PDF)
Background (optional)
"Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math," Bill McKibben
Comic: Global heating explained
New Yorker: Climate Change A-Z
Week 2: Telling a new story/vision statements
"Ecowriting: A Fieldguide," Gavin Lamb (pp. 35-56, PDF)
Eisenstein Introduction
Background (optional)
Corbett Ch. 2 “Fossil Fuel Culture”
"Peak Oil Fantasy," Charles C. Mann
Background reading (not required):
"A Short History of Oil Cultures: Or, the Marriage of Catastrophe and Exuberance," Frederick Buell
Week 3: Fossil fuel culture/values/developing writing habits
The Uncertainty Handbook (PDF)
Reading (optional)
"How to fight climate despair" (short article), Anna North (Vox)
Background reading: Climate change: Young people very worried - survey (BBC)
Corbett Ch. 3 “Individuals as Social Actors” & 4 “Emotions and Climate Science”
Module 2: Blogging and Online Strategic Communication
Week 4: University on Fire (Values cont.)/ climate blogging
Assignment due: Moral vision statement
"Introduction" (Stibbe): Link to ebook
The Right Words Are Crucial to Solving Climate Change (New Yorker)
Reading (optional)
Corbett Ch. 5 “Breaking the Silence”
Week 5: Blogging
Assignment due: Fossil Fuel Biography
Reading (optional):
Corbett Ch. 6 “Justice and Faith”
Week 6: Blogging
Reading (optional):
Corbett Ch. 7 “New Relationship with Eairth”
Week 7: Blogging
Edit posts in class; plan next round of posts; screen The Story of Stuff
Module 3: Visual media
Week 8: Visual cultures of the climate movement
Climate Visuals: Seven principles for visual climate change communication (PDF)
Reading (optional): Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 3, “Symbolic Constructions of the environment”
Week 9: Memes
Peruse the Good Energy website and read the climate cheat sheet
Reading (optional): Pezzullo & Cox, Ch 4, “The Environment in/of Visual and Popular Culture”
Week 10: PSAs
Finish blog posts
Reading (optional): Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 9 “Advocacy campaigns & Messaging”
Week 11: PSAs
Assignment: Class blog completed
Reading (Optional): Pezzullo & Cox: Ch 10 “Digital Media and Environmental Activism”;
Module 4: Digital Storytelling
Week 12: Digital storyboarding, scripts
Reading (opitonal): Corbett Ch. 8 “Telling a New Story”
Week 13: Digital storytelling
Reading: Review website (Moodle), read digital storytelling guide
Week 14: Digital storytelling
Activity: Finish projects