The Meetings imply One Session. Total Class Time is 20 hours.
Meeting 1:
Introduction to the For Credit Internship requirements; review of White Paper.
Meeting 2:
Students present a five minute oral and visual summary of their internship organization, the expectations of their work, and the major challenges faced by their organization/work unit.
Meeting 3:
Extemporaneous: current events of Risk or Opportunity to your internship organization.
Meeting 4:
Students provide examples of Interviews: overall scope, media used, how to prepare.
Meeting 5:
Students provide examples of Interviews, continued.
Meeting 6:
Challenges encountered in the workplace: external or internal.
Meeting 7:
White Paper visuals--apps, formatting--what can You show each other? Examples from You, and Discussion.
Meeting 8:
Reflection discussion: Challenges facing the organization and leadership response (readings to be determined – case study)
Meeting 10:
Presentation of Interviews
Meeting 11:
Presentation of White Papers
Meeting 12:
Presentation of White Papers
White Papers due the last class day of the Semester. For Fall 2023 this is Dec 6.
FINAL: Students meet to for cooperative evaluation of Journal and White Paper, and self-evaluation.