Preliminary list of lectures:
1. Introduction to the course and to the Renaissance (Tues, Sept. 5; Thurs, Sept. 7)
2. Duccio and Giotto (Sept. 12; 14) No Make-up Class on Fri., Sept. 15 (Make up on Florence Trip)
3. Giotto (Sept. 19; 21)
4. Trecento Sienese Painters (Sept. 26; 28)
5. Later Trecento Florentine Painting (Oct. 3; 5 )
6. Brunelleschi and Early Renaissance Architecture (Oct. 10; 12)
7. Mid-Term Examination (Tues., Oct. 17) Ghiberti (Thurs., Oct. 19)
8. No Class - Tues., Oct. 24 (Make up on Florence Trip) Donatello (Oct. 26)
Week-end Field Trip to Florence
(Fri.-Sun., Oct. 27-29)
9. No Class - Tues., Oct. 31 (Make-up on Florence trip) Donatello (Thurs., Nov. 2)
10. Masaccio and Early Renaissance Painting (Nov. 7; 9)
11. Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi (Nov. 14, 16)
12. Fil. Lippi (Tues., Nov. 21) Thanksgiving - No Class on Thurs., Nov. 23 (Made up on Florence Trip)
13. Paolo Uccello; Andrea del Castagno; Domenico Veneziano (Nov. 28; 30)
14. Piero della Francesca (De. 5; 7) [Research Papers Due on Thurs., Dec. 7]
Final Exam - Time and Place TBA