Tentative Schedule
Please note that this schedule will change depending on course progress. There will be in and out of class readings assigned throughout the semester related to the topic that week. Homework will be assigned daily.
Week 1:
Introduction to Course
Syllabus and Requirements-Goals, Expectations and Text
Grading policy
Response writing
Grammar review, fragments and run ons
Week 2:
Quiz on course policy/syllabus
Critical Reading, Source Criticism, Evaluating Sources
The Characteristics of Summary
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism
Week 3:
In class essay #1
Workshop In class essay #1
Week 4:
Entering the Conversation and the Argument
Ways of Responding: Agreeing and Disagreeing Simultaneously
The Art of Quoting
In class essay # 2
Week 5:
Library session #1 on sourcing and doing research
Introduce final research paper topics
Workshop in class essays #2
Week 6:
Brainstorm disciplines for papers
Discuss assigned reading
Library session #2 on sourcing and doing research
Week 7:
Finish discussion of reading and literary themes.
Parts of the paper: How to write an annotated bibliography.
Week 8:
In class essay #3
Workshop in class essay #3
Conferences and Mid-term Evaluations
Week 9:
Primary vs. Secondary Sources; Bias and Objective Sources
MLA 8th edition discussion-Formatting Basics, Page Layout and Paragraphing, and
Parenthetical Citation-Works Cited
Quiz on MLA
Parts of the paper: How to Write a Thesis discussion
How to draft a research proposal
Annotated bibliography due next week.
Week 10:
Parts of the Paper-How to write an outline
How to write a review of the literature discussion
Annotated bibliography due
Research proposals due next week. Literature review due next week.
Week 11:
Research Proposals due
Academic Writing and Your Own Voice
Review of Literature due
Planting a Naysayer: Addressing your critics
Week 12:
Outline due
Ain’t So, Is Not: Mixing the Academic and the Colloquial
Parts of the Paper: How to write the Introduction, Body and Conclusion
So What, Who Cares: Saying Why it Matters
As a Result: Connecting the Parts
Argument and Logical Fallacies
Rough draft due end of next week.
Week 13:
Rough draft due (Workshop)
Final course evaluations
Week 14:
Final papers due-in class presentations