This schedule is subject to change. Additional supplemental readings will be distributed on a weekly basis. Please check the class Moodle site for updates and current schedule.
- Media, Culture and Society (second edition), Paul Hodkinson (MCS)
- Revolutions in Communication, Bill Kovarik (RIC)
Additional readings TBA (see class website for PDFs)
Week 1-2: Intro
Media Culture and Society: 1
Questioning the Media (read Chapters 1 and 3)
Week 3: Technology and communication
Media Culture and Society: 2
Revolutions in Communication: 1
Questioning the Media: Ch. 4 (“How Media are Born and Develop,” Winston, in the PDF from week 1).
Postman-five-things-we know (PDF)
luddite-manifesto (PDF)
Lessons from the Luddites by Kirkpatrick Sale, From THE NATION, June 5, 1995 URL
Week 4: Media Industries: Printing Revolutions (Writing, print, newspapers, magazines)
Revolutions in Communication: 2-3
Questioning the Media: Ch. 2 (“Forms of Media as Ways of Knowing,” Sreberny-Mohammadi, in PDF from week 1)
“The origins of writing” (Web link)
Week 5-6: Media Industries: Visual Revolution (photography, cinema, advertising, PR, crafted image)
Revolutions in Communication: 4-6
Media Culture and Society: 9
Kellner - Advertising and Consumer Culture (PDF)
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves (PDF)
Week 7: Electronic Revolution (telegraph, radio, TV)
Revolutions in Communication 7-9
Week 8: Midterm
Catch up and review
Weeks 9-10: Political Economy and Public Sphere: Media Industry and Ideology
Media Culture and Society 3, 6, 8
What "Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream," Noam Chomsky (PDF)
"The New Media Giants: Changing Industry Structure," David Croteau & William Hoynes (PDF)
Week 11: Construction of News and public sphere
Media Culture and Society 7, 10
"Media in the US Political Economy," Herman (PDF)
Week 12: Media Content and Media Users: Effects
Media Culture and Society 5
Gandy - Tracking the Audience (PDF)
Ang - The Nature of the Audience (PDF)
Week 13: Media Content and Media Users: Media Texts
Media Culture and Society: 4, 12
Jhally - Image Based Culture (PDF)
Week 14: Race and Ethnicity; Media, Gender and Sexuality
Media Culture and Society 11, 13-14
"Racism and the American Way of Media," Ash Corea (PDF)
Van Zoonen - Gender Representation and the Media (PDF)